Invited Speakers
Here is a list of the invited talks:
Marcello Bonsangue
The algebra of regular expressions for polynomial T-coalgebras
Johan van Benthem
Modal logic and fixed-points: some new perspectives
Dietmar Berwanger
Fixed points in the quest for consistency
Giovanna D'Agostino
Uniform interpolation in modal logics
Dexter Kozen
On the Coalgebraic Theory of Kleene Algebra with Tests
Giacomo Lenzi
On the expressive power of the modal mu-calculus over transitive graphs
Damian Niwinski
The expressive power of fixed-point alternation
Thomas Studer
Syntactic cut-elimination for common knowledge
Albert Visser (Utrecht)
Löb's logic meets the mu-calculus
Igor Walukiewicz
Alternation hierarchies
Thomas Wilke
Modal and Temporal Logics for Cryptographic Protocols