4. Overview of models and model equations

4.4 Quantum world

The pre-university physics (vwo) examination program contains the domain Quantum World.1 This world is built on two fundamental models: the photon model of light and the quantum model of particles

  1. Photon model of light
    An atom has a size of about 10-1 nm. For wavelengths on this very small scale, electromagnetic radiation appears to behave in many respects as a collection of discrete particles. This was explained by Albert Einstein in 1905 by assuming that light consists of energy packages called 'photons', with energy proportional to the frequency \(f\) of light: $$E_{\rm f}=h\cdot f $$ The Planck constant \( h = 6{,}6 \cdot 10^{- 34} \rm{Js}\), named after the German physicist Max Planck, is the fundamental constant within the quantum world. In SI units the Planck constant has a very small value, but in the atomic world where all dimensions are very small, this constant dominates the physical phenomena.
  2. Quantum model of particles
    Within an atom, the electrons are bound to the nucleus by electrical attraction. Virtually all observable properties of atoms and molecules can be explained from the assumption that electrons in this restricted space behave like standing waves. The fundamental relationship that links a wavelength to a particle property was given in 1924 by Louis de Broglie: $$\lambda_{\rm B} = \frac{h}{{m \cdot v}}$$ Mass and velocity are in the denominator of this formula for the particle in question. The wavelength so defined is called the 'de Broglie wavelength'.

These two models form the basis of quantum mechanics2 as developed around 1925 by a number of physicists, in the first place by Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, and Max Born. Quantum mechanics appears to give very accurate results that math those found in numerous experiments and applications.

Working with quantum mechanical theory requires imagination and a lot of mathematical ingenuity. Nevertheless, the essence of the atomic structure can be clearly understood from simplified representations and models.3,4 Below we give an overview of a number of models in the subdomain Quantum World in the physics syllabus on Quantum World and Relativity1 with corresponding files for the Coach 7 modelling environment.5

  1. The wave that describes a quantum particle is called the 'wave function'. In the case of a quantum particle in a box, it is tacitly assumed that this wave function is given by a sine function \(\psi (x) = A \cdot \sin (k \cdot x)\) with amplitude \(A\) and wavenumber \(k=2\pi / \lambda\).
    The calculation of the second derivative of this wave function gives the wave equation: \[\frac{{{d^2}\psi (x)}}{{d{x^2}}} = - {k^2} \cdot \psi (x)\] Substitution of the de Broglie relationship \(k= (2 \pi /h) m \cdot v \) leads to the Schrödinger equation (1-dimensional, stationary, i.e. time-independent) as presented on the right-hand side. Here, the total energy \(E\) is defined as the sum of the kinetic energy and potential energy \(V(x)\) of the quantum particle.
    In the example below, a solution is calculated for a free quantum particle, i.e. \(V(x)=0\). There is a formal agreement with the model equations for the spring-mass model of harmonic motion 4.2.1 via the substitution \( u \to \psi\) and \(t \to x\text{.}\) The coordinate \(x\) normalised in the model equations via the de Broglie wavelength \(\lambda_{\rm B}\) and the energy is normalised with respect to the kinetic energy \(E_{\rm k}\) of the quantum particle.

    Formulas in Binas:

    $$\frac{{{d^2}\psi (x)}}{{d{x^2}}} + \frac{{8{\pi ^2} \cdot m}}{{{h^2}}}\left( {E - V(x)} \right) \cdot \psi (x)=0 $$ $$\begin{array}{l} E = \frac{1}{2} m \cdot {v^2} + V(x)\\ \lambda_{\rm B} = h / m \cdot v \end{array} $$

    Difference equations:

    $$\begin{array}{l} \psi '' = - \gamma \cdot \left( {E - V} \right) \cdot \psi \\ \Delta \psi ' = \psi '' \cdot \Delta x\\ \Delta \psi = \psi ' \cdot \Delta x \end{array}$$


    $$\begin{array}{l} \psi '': = d^2 \psi / dx^2 = d\psi '/dx\\ \psi ': = d\psi / dx\\ \gamma : = 2 m /\hbar^2 \\ \hbar : = h/ 2 \pi \end{array}$$

    Dimensionless variables:

    $$\begin{array}{l} x \to \lambda_{\rm B} \cdot x \quad \lambda_{\rm B}=\sqrt{2mE_k}/h \\ \psi'' \to \lambda_{\rm B}^{-2} \cdot \psi''\\ E \to E/E_{\rm k}\quad E_{\rm k}=(m\cdot v^2)/2\\ \gamma \to \lambda_{\rm B}^2 \cdot E_{\rm k}\cdot \gamma= (2\pi)^2 \end{array}$$

    Text-based model

    \(\begin{array}{l} \psi '' = - \gamma \cdot E \cdot \psi \\ \psi ' = \psi ' + \psi '' \cdot dx\\ \psi = \psi + \psi ' \cdot dx \\x=x+dx \end{array}\)

    Graphical model
