Curriculum Vitae of Arnoud Visser
Faculty of Science UvA

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Arnoud Visser
Senior Lecturer
Informatics Institute
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31-20-525 7532
Married, three children


Arnoud Visser studied physics at the University of Leiden, where he performed investigations in the field of non-linear optics. At the University of Amsterdam since 1991, he participated in several research projects for the Computer Science department.

Inside the projects, he worked on topics like:

  • robot calibration
  • robot control architecture
  • action planning
  • exception handling
  • object recognition
  • virtual sensors
  • traffic simulation
  • communication simulation
  • localization and mapping
  • exploration

His focus of the research is to investigate the situated interaction of cooperative intelligent agents in real world environments. To tackle the multi-agent decision problem in realistic settings, approximation models and algorithms have to be developed to keep the search for the solution tractable. The representation of the world and the observations of changes in the world play a key role in finding a robust solution. To benchmark this investigations Arnoud Visser is an active member of the RoboCup community, as chairman of the Dutch Regional Committee.


PhD in Computer Science (2007), University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science.
-- "Measurement-Driven Simulation of Complex Engineering Systems"
Master in Experimental Physics (1987), Leiden University, Faculty of Science.
-- "Photochemical hole-burning in organic solids at low temperature".

Professional Appointments

2013-present, Senior Lecturer Informatics Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam.
2009-2013, Assistant Professor Informatics Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam.
1991-2009, Lecturer/Researcher/Program manager Informatics Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam.
1987-1991, Research assistant Leiden Institute of Physics, Faculty of Science, Leiden University.


1th Prize at the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League Infrastructure competition at the RoboCup 2018, Montreal, June 16-22, 2018.
IEEE RAS Most Active Technical Committee Award, at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Bristol, May, 2018.
Best Demo Award at the
28th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 11, 2016.
1th Prize at the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League Infrastructure competition at the RoboCup 2014, Joao Pessoa, Brazil, July 21-24, 2014.
Best Practical in Human Robot Interaction award at the RoCKIn 2014 Camp, Rome, January 26-30, 2014.
Autonomous Control prize at the Iran Open Unmanned Aerial Vehicle competition, Tehran, April 5-7, 2013.
3rd Prize in the RoboCup Standard Platform League at the RoboCup Iran Open 2013 competition, Tehran, April 5-7, 2013.
1th Prize at the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League Infrastructure competition at the RoboCup 2012, Mexico, June 22, 2012.
1th Prize at the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League Virtual Robot competition at the RoboCup Dutch Open 2012 competition, Eindhoven, April 25-29, 2012.
Best scientific presentation award at the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League Virtual Robot competition at the RoboCup Iran Open 2012 competition, Tehran, April 3-7, 2012.
3rd Prize in the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League Virtual Robot competition at the RoboCup Iran Open 2011 competition, Tehran, April 5-9, 2011.
USARsim Development Prize in the RoboCup Iran Open 2010 competition, Tehran, April 9, 2010.
2nd Place in the Very Short Introductions competition, Spui25, Amsterdam, October 29, 2009.
2nd Place in the Interleague Challenge in Graz, Austria, June 29-July 5, 2009.
3rd Prize in the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League Virtual Robot competition in Graz, Austria, June 29-July 5, 2009.
2nd Place in the Teleoperation test of the preliminaries of the RoboCup Rescue League Virtual Robot competition in Graz, Austria, June 29-July 5, 2009.
1st Place in the Teleoperation, Mapping and Deployment tests of the preliminaries of the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League Virtual Robot competition in Hannover, Germany, April 20-24, 2009.
2nd Prize in the the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League Virtual Robot competition in Hannover, Germany, April 20-24, 2009.
1st Prize in the RoboCup Rescue League Virtual Robot competition in Salvador, Brazil, October 26-30,2008.
2nd Prize in the the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League Virtual Robot competition in Hannover, Germany, April 21-25, 2008.
Best mapping award in the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League Virtual Robot competition in Bremen, Germany, June 1 4-20, 2006.
3rd prize in the Technical Challenge of the RoboCup 4-Legged Soccer competition in Bremen, Germany, June 14-20, 2006.
3rd prize in the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League Virtual Robot competition in Bremen, Germany, June 1 4-20, 2006.
3rd prize at the Rescue Middle Earth Simulation Competition, Auckland, New Zealand, August 9-13, 2004.
2nd prize in the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League competition in Paderborn, Germany, April 10-13, 2003.

Invited Lectures

"Very Short Introduction to Behavior-Based Robotics", Honoursprogramma Sociale Wetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, November 13, 2015.
"Emotionele Robot - Future Self 2040", Nacht van Kunst en Kennis, Leiden, September 19, 2015.
"The RoboCup Initiative - embody Artificial Intelligence research with a soccer challenge", Colombia Robotics week, Bogota, October 2-5, 2014.
"Autonomous Perception and Navigation for Micro Air Vehicles", KIVI Drone Day , Utrecht, November 5, 2013.
"RoboCup Rescue Simulation - from the Agent competition towards the DARPA Robotic Challenge", Keynote, TAROS conference , St. Anne's College, Oxford, August 29, 2013.
"ROS-interface to USARsim", Tutorial Talks, RoboCup Online School, RoboCup 2013, Eindhoven, June 29, 2013.
"The robotics rescue challenge for a team of robots", Trends and issues in multi-robot exploration and robot networks workshop, European Robotics Forum, Lyon, March 20, 2013.
"A humanoid robot to embody Artificial Intelligence research", Nao on Tour, Amsterdam, October 16, 2012.
"A socially relevant challenge: Robot Rescue", Amsterdams Wetenschappelijk Educatief Symposium Over Mens En Informatie Technologie (AWESOME-IT), Amsterdam, April 13, 2012.
"Machine Learning applications in Robotics", Exploratory Team Machine Learning Techniques for Battlefield Agents, Amsterdam, March 29, 2012.
"An overview of success stories based on USARSim", International Autumn School on Human-Robot cooperation, Soesterberg, The Netherlands, November 9, 2011.
"Robotics education in practice", RoboNED Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 27, 2011.
"Incorporating sensor models on a game engine to simulate realistic robotic systems", Computer Science colloqium, Qasvin Islamic Azad University, April 9, 2011.
"Realistic simulations of advanced robot control algorithms", Mediterranean Open Workshop on RoboCup Research, Universita di Roma, "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy, March 15th, 2011.
"RoboCup Rescue", science meets press at the outreach event Bessensap of the The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Museon, The Hague, June 7, 2010.
"Research and developments in the Virtual Robot competition", keynote speech at the RoboCup Iran Open Symposium, Tehran International Fair, April 8, 2010.
"A virtual laboratory for robotics research and education", Brown Bag talk, Robotics Innovation Center, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Bremen, December 16, 2009.
"A realistic testbed for Multi-Agent Cooperation: the Robot Rescue Application", Oxford Computing Laboratory Departmental Seminar, Oxford, February 3, 2009.

Grants, Principal Investigator

Collaboration Project, Meaningful Control of Autonomous Systems, 2020, CWI / TNO / UvA, 50.0 k$.
RoboCup Project for League Developments, Filling the Gap between RCJ Cospace and Virtual Rescue Robot competition, 2019, RoboCup Federation, 6.0 k$.
NVIDIA GPU Grant, Deep Spiking Network for Space Robotics, 2018, Academic Collaboration, Titan Xp ≈ 1.2 k$.
RoboCup Project for League Developments, The MATLAB Machine Learning Tutorial for Robot Rescue Simulation League, 2018, RoboCup Federation, 2.0 k$.
RoboCup Project for League Developments, The Future of Robot Rescue Simulation Workshop Attendance and League Development, 2016, RoboCup Federation, 5.0 k$.
UvA Grassroot, Random Question Generation, 2015, Expertisegroep Onderwijs, 1 k€.
RoboCup Project for League Developments, Building a USARSim interface inside Gazebo , 2015, RoboCup Federation, 2.5 k$.
RoboCup Exchange Visit, Establishing bonds for the advancement of the Rescue League, 2014, RoboCup Federation, 3.5 k€.
UvA Grassroot, Interactieve examinering voor de UvA Matching, 2014, Expertisegroep Onderwijs, 1 k€.
IIP Cooperation Challenge, Sensor Intelligence for Mobility Systems, 2011, ICTRegie, 35 k€.
Eureka/Eurostars project, Smartphones with Innovative Navigation Service for an unique InDoor Experience (SmartINSIDE) , 2010-2011, European Community, 126 k€.
Connekt project MG-02-195, Advanced Logistics Information Exchange (ALIE), 2002-2003, Dutch Ministery of Transport, 91 k€.
Funn project, A next generation Electronic Toll Collection system based on time, distance and position, 2001 - 2002, Norwegian Ministry of Economic Affairs, 94 k€.
Orkest project, Het ontwerpen van complexe interactieve systemen, 1995 - 1998, Senter BSI, 255 kƒ.

Research projects, Researcher/Program manager

EU FP7-project 287624 "Accompany" 'Acceptable robotiCs COMPanions for AgeiNg Years', 2012-2015
Marie-Curie project 218108 "DHRS-CIM" 'Distributed Human-Robot System for Chemical Incident Management', 2009-2013
BSIK project 3024 "ICIS" 'Interactive Collaborative Information Systems', 2004-2009
BSIK project 3019 "VL-e" 'Virtual Laboratory for e-Science', 2004-2009
Cooperation "DECIS" 'Delft Cooperation on Intelligent System', 2002-2004
Dutch Ministry of Transport project "Rekening Rijden" 'Evaluation study of the reliability of the technology of road pricing in the Netherlands', 1995-2001
ESPRIT II Project 5220 "CAR" 'Calibration Applied to Quality Control and Maintenance in Robot Production', 1991-1994
ESA Project Nr. 9459/91/NL/JG(SC) "IRAS" ' Interactive Remote Automation & robotics Servicing', 1991-1993
ESPRIT II project No. P2256 "ARCHON" 'Architecture for Cooperative Heterogeneous On-Line Systems', 1991-1993
ESPRIT II project No. P2202 "CIM-PLATO" 'Computer Integrated Manufacturing Planning Toolbox', 1991-1992
ESPRIT II project No. P2043 "MARIE" 'Mobile Autonomous Robot in an Industrial Environment', 1991-1992.

Professional Research Activities

See my Research Curriculum Vitae.

Program Committee of the RoboCup Symposium 2011, 2014-2025.
Regional Program Chair (Europe/Africa) of the International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems in Genoa, Italy (, IAS-19).
Program Committee of the International Conference Series on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR 2021 - CLAWAR 2025).
Program Committee of the Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Systems (IRMAS) and Machine Learning and its Applications technical track on the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC2017 - SAC2025.
Program Committee of the Belgium Dutch Artificial Intelligence Conference (BNAIC 2012-2024).
Co-chair of program committee of the RoboCup 2024 Symposium.
Local organization chair of Standard Platform League of the RoboCup 2024 (Eindhoven).
Treasurer of the Executive Committee of the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Society, 2018-2024, which organizes the International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-16, IAS-17).
Reviewer of International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2023, August 2023).
Member European RoboCup Association (2023-)
Associate Editor of International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-18, July 2023).
Program Committee of the International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2015-2022).
Reviewer IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters journal.
Reviewer Heliyon Education journal.
Subreviewer for Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center, Call for Research 2021.
Reviewer of the journal Frontiers Robotics and AI (2021).
Reviewer of the journal Biomimetics (2020).
Reviewer of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014-2015, 2017, 2020).
Program Committee of the RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation competition (2018-2020).
Program Committee of the International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC 2015-2016, 2018-2020).
Program Committee of the Machine Learning and its Apllications technical track on the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC2020.
Program Committee of the Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Systems (IRMAS) technical track on the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC2017 - SAC2020.
Reviewer Intelligenza Artificiale.
Reviewer of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2014-2019).
Reviewer of the Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (RED-UAS 2017).
Reviewer Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
Program Committee of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2016.
Local Organization Committee of the Belgium Dutch Artificial Intelligence Conference (BNAIC 2016) in Amsterdam.
Program Committee of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-13,16).
Reviewer of the international conference on Human-Robot Interaction ((HRI 2016).
Reviewer of Neurocomputing.
Reviewer of the IFIP International Conference on Topics in Theoretical Computer Science (TTCS 2015).
Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
Reviewer of Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.
Program Committee International Micro Air Vehicles conference (IMAV 2014).
Program Committee of the Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (RSS 2014).
Reviewer Computational Intelligence.
Reviewer for the Dutch Technology Foundation STW's Innovational Research Incentives Scheme.
Reviewer Journal of Computational Science.
Program Committee of the Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014).
Reviewer Sensors.
Reviewer Autonomous Robots.
Reviewer International Journal of Social Robotic.
Reviewer IEEE transactions on Autonomous Mental Development.
Member of the Executive Committee of the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League (2012-2018).
Co-chair of program committee of the RoboCup 2013 Symposium.
Associate chair of organizing committee of the RoboCup 2013 (Eindhoven).
Program Committee of the Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2013).
Chair of organizing committee of the Dutch Open RoboCup Simulation League (2012).
Organizing committee of the Iran Open RoboCup Rescue Simulation League (2012).
Program Committee International Micro Air Vehicles conference (IMAV 2011).
Organizing committee of the Iran Open RoboCup Rescue Simulation League (2011).
Chair of the RoboCup Rescue Simulation Virtual Robot competition (2010).
Program Committee RoboCup IranOpen 2010 Symposium (RIOS 2010)
Organizing committee of the Iran Open RoboCup Rescue Simulation League (2010).
Chairman of the Dutch Regional RoboCup Committee (2009-).
Program Committee European Conference on Micro Air Vehicles (EMAV 2009).
Technical Committee of the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League (2007-2012).
Treasurer of the Dutch National Robocup Committee (2007-2009).
Local Chair of the Dutch Open RoboCup 4-Legged League competition (2006).
Active member of the European Research Network Euron (2006-2008).
Program Committee of the 1th VL-e Workshop (2006).
Member Knowledge Centre of Intelligent Autonomous Systems (2004-2006).
Organizing committee of the German Open RoboCup Rescue Simulation League (2003).
Program manager Decis Lab (2002-2004).
Program committee of Traffic Simulation Workshop at the International conference on High-Performance Computing and Networking, Amsterdam, 1999.

Educational Qualifications

Senior University Teaching Qualification (2016), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Basic University Teaching Qualification (2010), University of Amsterdam.

Professional Educational Activities

See my Educational Curriculum Vitae.

Member Admission Board master Artificial Intelligence (2021-).
Member Advisory Committee LIACS Education (2020-2024).
Member Admission Board bachelor Artificial Intelligence (2019-2020).
Member Selection Committee for a position Assistant Professor in AI for Medical Imaging (2019).
Member Expert Committee for student IT facilities (Notebook regulation - BYOD) (2018).
Member KnowVU) (2016-).
Ad-interim chairman Curriculum Committee Bachelor Artificial Intelligence (2016).
Member Selection Committee for a position Assistant Professor in Computational Linguistics (2015).
Program director Bachelor Artificial Intelligence (2015-2021).
Member Verkenningscommissie Onderwijs 3 (2015-2016) - Technical Cluster.
Active Member KION / Kunstmatige Intelligentie-Opleidingen in Nederland (2014-).
Chairman Verkenningscommissie Onderwijs 2 (2014) - werkgroep 2 = Life Science Informatics.
Member Bachelor Team Artificial Intelligence (2009-2014).
Member Graduate Admission Board MscAI (2008-2009).
Member Reflection Committee on the future of Computer Science education in the Netherlands (2008).
Member Master Team Artificial Intelligence (2006-2009).
Program Committee Artificial Intelligence (2005-2014)
Coordinator MscProjects Intelligent Autonomous Systems group (2004-2013)
Mentor Bachelor Artificial Intelligence students (2002-2004).
Member Bachelor Team Artificial Intelligence (2001-2004).
Exam Committee 'Informatiekunde' (2000-2002).

Professional Activities

Chairman of the Informatics Institute Staff Council (2014-2015).

Professional Network

See LinkedIn profile, Google Scholar profile, ResearchGate profile, OrcID profile, ResearchID profile and iamResearcher profile.


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Inleiding Kunstmatige Intelligentie) - 1st year BscAI course (2019-present). Behavior-Based Robotics- 3rd year Bsc Psychobiology course (2015-present).
Honours project - 2nd year BscAI course (2008-present).
Probabilistic Robotics, 3rd year BscAI, 2nd year MscAI course (2008-2011, 2017-2018).
Search, Navigate, and Actuate (Zoeken, Sturen, Bewegen) - 1th year BscAI course (2004-2017).
On-line Linux course, 1th year Bacholor course (developed for AI, but also used by CS and 'Informatiekunde') (2003-present).
Bachelor Graduation project - 3rd year BscAI course (2004-present).
Computer Systems for AI-programmers- 2nd year BscAI course (2003-2004, 2009-2016).
Master Graduation project - 2nd year MscAI course (2000-present).
Design and Organization of Autonomous Systems(1995-2009).
Robotics, 2nd year BscAI course (1991-1994).

PhD Theses, committee

Qi Bi: “Outdoor Scene Understanding under Adverse Weather Conditions”, PhD-thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, January 15, 2025.
Wei Wang: “Image-based Kinship Recognition”, PhD-thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 16 May 2023.
Jian Han: “Face Analysis for Detection and Age Estimation”, PhD-thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1 December 2021.
Wei Zeng: “3D Scene Understanding from a Single Image”, PhD-thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2 June, 2021.
Hoàng-Ân LÊ: “Outdoor Image Understanding from Multiple Vision Modalities”, PhD-thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 18 May, 2021.
Zhenglong Sun: “An Energy Efficient Gait for Humanoid Robots Walking on Even and Uneven Terrains”, PhD-thesis, Universiteit Maastricht, 27 March, 2019.
Eelke van Foeken, "Utility and Cost evaluation for Shared Awareness", PhD-thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 25 October 2017.
Berend Weel, "Towards Embodied Evolution of Robot Organisms", PhD-thesis, VU Amsterdam, 23 June 2016.
Willem van Willigen, "Look Ma, No Hands!; Aspects of Autonomous Vehicle Control", PhD-thesis, VU Amsterdam, 28 May 2014.
Evert Haasdijk, "Never Too Old to Learn; On-line Evolution of Controllers in Swarm- and Modular Robotics", PhD-thesis, VU Amsterdam, 1 November 2012.

Master Theses, committee

Maël Wildi, "Conditional imitation learning with pyramid perception modules", Master thesis, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, January 2022.
Ruben van Erkelens, "Detection of shipping containers in video for 3D model reconstruction", Master thesis, UvA, December 2020.
Caitlin Gwendolyn Lagrand, "Bridging the Reality Gap for Image-Based Robot Learning using Auto Encoders", Master thesis, UvA, August 2019.
JiunHan Chen, "The predator-prey evolutionary robots system: from simulation to real world", Master thesis, UvA-VU, July 2019.
Thomas van der Ham, "Real-time detection of traffic behavior using traffic loops", Master thesis, UvA, 28 June 2018.
Sébastien Negrijn, "Exploiting Symmetries to Relocalise in RoboCup Soccer", Master thesis, UvA, 19 December 2017.
Elte Hupkes, "Revolve: an Evolutionary Robotics Toolkit", Master thesis, VU & UvA, 8 March 2017.
Melissa Komen, "Solving safety and security risks associated with drones; an IoT Solution Architecture", Master thesis, UvA, 26 Oktober 2016.
Richard Pronk, "Decision-Making under Uncertainty for Social Robots", Master thesis, UvA, 30 August 2016.
Camiel Verschoor, "Conservation Drones for Animal Monitoring", Master thesis, UvA, 21 January 2016.
Srinivas Kandasamy, "An impact-based approach to Simultaneous Localization and Mapping", Master thesis, TU Delft, 27 August 2015.

Master Theses, Supervisor

Darie Petcu, Learning to Adapt: A Representation Learning Fine-Tuning Method for Incomplete Multispectral Imagery, Augustus 2024
Guilly Kolkman, Adapting iTransformer for Early Crop Classification Using Satellite Imagery, July 2024
Evaline Bosch, Reading text from multiple cut-out images, October 2023
Emily Mes, Visual Feature Detection in RTAB-Map with the Spot Robot: Applicability and Performance Analysis, July 2023
Tim Stolp, pixel to vector: translate the world to a map in a single step, August 2022
Midas Amersfoort, Improving FlowCube’s re-identification performance with GAN data augmentation (extended abstract), August 2022
Ramon Dop Pitch Control metrics to improve the Predictions of moments leading to goals in Football , July 2022
Ruchella Kock Analysis of Movements identified by Artificial Neural Network during Smartphone use, July 2021
Max Crous Polyphonic Bird Sound Event Detection With Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks, July 2019
Fabrizio Ambrogi Evolving a Spiking Neural Network controller for low gravity environments, October 2018
Anouk Visser, Resizing Images with CAIR, October 2016
Djura S. Smits, Deadline Driven Behavior in Intelligent Virtual Environments, January 2015.
Georgios Methenitis, Evolution of Soft Robots by Novelty Search, December 2014.
Mircea Trăichioiu, Hierarchical Decision Theoretic Planning for RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation, October 2014.
Jaysinh Sager, Obstacle Avoidance using Monocular Vision on Micro Aerial Vehicles, May 2014.
Nick Dijkshoorn, Simultaneous localization and mapping with the AR.Drone , July 2012.
Christiaan Meijer, Getting a kick out of humanoid robotics : Using reinforcement learning to shape a soccer kick, July 2012.
Sander van Noort, Validation of the dynamics of a humanoid robot in USARSim, May 2012.
David de Bos, Experimental Comparison of SLAM methods, January 2012.
Štefan Konečný, Lossless clustering of multi-agent beliefs to approximate large horizon DecPOMDPs, October 2011.
Tijn Schmits, Development of a Catadioptric Omnidirectional Camera for the USARSim Environment, June 2008.
Martijn Liem (cum laude),Constructing A Hybrid Algorithm for Tracking and Following People using a Robotic Dog, April 2008 (nominated for best UvA-thesis).
Tim van Oosterhout, Robot Proxemics, December 2007.
David Knibbe, A Dutch Trick: the aiBo Blindfold Challenge, August 2007.
Abdelkader El Oufir, Suitability of Bayesian Networks for the Inference and Completion of Genetic Networks using Microarray Data, June 2007.
Jürgen Sturm (cum laude), An appearance-based visual compass for mobile robots, December 2006 (nominated for best UvA-thesis).
Bayu Slamet (cum laude) and Max Pfingsthorn (cum laude), ManifoldSLAM: a Multi-Agent Simultaneous Localization and Mapping System for the RoboCup Rescue Virtual Robots Competition, December 2006.
Stef Post and Maurits Fassaert, A communication and coordination model for `RoboCupRescue' agents, June 2004.
Koen Boinck, Improving Control of the MARIE Robot, September 2003.
Ilja Breuker, ALIE - Advanced Logistics Information Exchange, April 2003.
Erik de Ruiter, An experimental platform for MARIE, May 2003.
Joost Zoetebier, The Virtual Traffic Lab, August 2002.
Mathieu Hommes, Vrienden OV - Een demonstratie van een mogelijke mobiele toepassing, May 2001.
Frank Terpstra, Een on-line planner voor MARIE, March 2001.

Bachelor Theses, Supervisor

Gijs de Jong, A Soft-Actor-Critic approach to quadruped locomotion, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 30, 2023.
Angelo Broere, Monocular Navigation for a Duckiebot Using a High-Resolution Encoder-Decoder Architecture, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 30, 2023.
Erik Meijer, Autonomous Navigation Training with Dynamic Obstacles for Deployment in Highly Constrained Environments, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 30, 2023.
Lex Bolt, Predicting a robot’s position on a football field by training a machine learning algorithm on artificially generated data, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2023.
Tobie Werner, Exploring the Effectiveness of Object Detection Training in Virtual Environments, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2023.
Fyor Klein Gunnewiek, Quantifying the Reality Gap in Abstracted Pedestrian Detection in Simulated Environments, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2023.
Jasper Mulder, Intersection Navigation utilizing Bird’s Eye View representations from 3D Image Features, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, March 2023.
Xavier Monté, Neural Factorization of Shape and Reflectance of a football Under an Unknown Illumination, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, February 2023.
Wim Pilkes, Real-time obstacle avoidance for micro aerial vehicles in 2D and 3D narrow spaces, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, July 2022.
Daniël van Dijk, Soccer behaviour prediction with deep neural networks in Soccer Simulation 2D, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, July 2022.
Abel J. Oakley, Using Geometric Gradient Analysis to detect Out of Distribution Data for YOLO, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, July 2022.
Niels Sombekke, Monocular Depth Estimation for Light-Weight Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, July 2022.
Daniël Vermaas, RoboCup - The Visual Referee Challenge, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, July 2022.
Sebastiaan Aflaki, Teaching a Virtual DuckieTown Agent to Stop, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, April 2022.
Henk Schaapman Reconstructing vehicle tracks from a fish-eye lens dataset, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, January 2022.
Thomas van Orden, Cheating by Segmentation, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2021.
Emily Mes, Point planning and drift correction based on reliable door detection, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2021.
Imre Fodi, Building motion prediction models for self-driving vehicles, Bachelor thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, February 2021.
Marlon de Jong, SLAM at the Katwijk beach, July 2020.
Carmen Veenker, Segmenting Continuous Gestures, July 2020.
Hidde Lekanne gezegd Deprez, Enhancing simulation images with GANs, July 2020.
Midas Amersfoort, Improving CNN classification performance for small datasets - Post-natural disaster building damage assessment from high-resolution satellite imagery, June 2020.
Jesper van Duuren, RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation: Max-Sum as a Decentralized Solution to the Distributed Constraint Optimisation Problem with the use of the AIT-extension, January 2020.
Donald Nikkessen, Predicting the Visual Cortices Responses by Mixing Perceptual and Categorical Approaches, January 2020.
Anne-Ruth José Meijer, Simulating the human visual brain using deep neural networks, June 2019.
Jasper van Eck, NAO RoboCup: Classification of Sound Localization , June 2019.
Jeroen van Wely, Opponent Detection By Humanoid Robots For The RoboCup SPL Using Multi-scale Color Local Binary Patterns , June 2019.
Jimmy Badrie, Ball Localization in Humanoid Soccer using Machine Learning, February 2019.
Julian Main, Finding occluded animals from an aerial point of view, January 2019.
Max Crous, Combining Weakly and Strongly Supervised Segmentation Methods for Wind Turbine Damage Annotation, June 2018.
Ruben van Heusden, Making a robot stop a penalty - Using Q Learning and Transfer Learning, June 2018.
Tobias Garritsen, Using the Extended Information Filter for Localization of Humanoid Robots on a Soccer Field, June 2018.
Jonathan Gerbscheid, People detection on the Pepper robot using Convolutional Neural Networks and 3D blob detection, July 2017.
Tirza Soute, Discovering Available Drinks through Natural, Robot-Led, Human-Robot Interaction between a Waiter and a Bartender, July 2017.
Dion Oosterman, Improving automatic object detection performance for wildlife conservation drones, June 2016.
Robin Bakker, A Comparison of Decision Trees for Ingredient Classification, June 2016.
Mustafa Karaalioǧlu, Real-time 3-D Weighted Scan Matching with Octrees, August 2015.
Sébastien Negrijn RoCKIn @ Work Visual Servoing - Active vision using template matching on RGB-D sensor images, June 2015.
Areg Shahbazian Taking up the RoCKIn@Work Object Recognition Challenge With The Bag of Keypoints Approach, June 2015.
Ruben Seggers People Tracking in Outdoor Environments - Evaluating the Kinect 2 Performance in Different Lighting Conditions, June 2015.
Victor I.C. Hofstede The importance and purpose of simulation in robotics, June 2015.
Freddy de Greef A KUKA youBot simulation in USARSim, June 2015.
Duncan S. Ten Velthuis, Nao detection with a cascade of boosted weak classifier based on Haar-like features, July 2014.
Niels W. Backer, Horn And Whistle Recognition Techniques For NAO Robots, June 2014.
Fabian Voorter, A coaching robot in the Standard Platform League, June 2014.
Camiel R. Verschoor, Sensor Fusion on a mini Unmanned Vehicle. Integrating vision-based algorithms on an Parrot AR.Drone to autonomously follow linear shaped structures in a landscape. , July 2012.
Auke J. Wiggers, Recognizing Attack Patterns: Clustering of Optical Flow Vectors in RoboCup Soccer, June 2012.
Maarten P. de Waard, Combining RoboCup Rescue and XABSL, June 2012.
Sammie Katt, Introducing movements and animations to virtual victims in USARSim, June 2012.
Richard Rozeboom, Navigating using a radar sensor in USARSim, June 2012.
Robrecht Jurriaans, Flow based Obstacle Avoidance for Real World Autonomous Aerial Navigation Tasks, Universiteit van Amsterdam, August 2011.
Martijn van der Veen, Optimizing Artificial Force Fields for Autonomous Drones in the Pylon Challenge using Reinforcement Learning, Universiteit van Amsterdam, July 2011.
Olaf Zwennes, Adaptive Indoor Map Generator for USARSim, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2011.
Hessel van der Molen, Self-Localization in the RoboCup Soccer Standard Platform League with the use of a Dynamic Tree, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2011.
Chaim Bastiaan, Virtual victims in USARSim, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2010.
Niels Out, Virtual radar sensor for USARSim, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2010.
Rory Breuk, Learning by demonstration using physical manipulation of a robot model, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2009.
Quang Nguyen, A Color Based Range Finder for an Omnidirectional Camera, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2009.
Christiaan Walraven, Using path planning to grade the quality of a mapper, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2009.
Steven Roebert, Creating a bird-eye view map using an omnidirectional camera, June 2008.
Aksel Ethembabaoglu, Active target tracking using a mobile robot in the USARSim, June 2007.
B.A. Slamet, Attention Steering in Behavior-Based Vision, July 2005.
A. Abbo and S. Peelen, Progressive Deepening for GameTrees: An application for RoboRescue, June 2004.
C.A.M. Pieterse, Kleur invariantie voor de Robocup challenge - onderzoek naar een belichtings invariante methode voor object herkenning, June 2004.

Selected Publications

Arnoud Visser, Nick Dijkshoorn, Martijn van der Veen and Robrecht Jurriaans, "Closing the gap between simulation and reality in the sensor and motion models of an autonomous AR.Drone", Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition (IMAV11), September 2011. (Portable Document Format 1.7 Mb) Nominated for best paper award.

J. Sturm and A. Visser, "An appearance-based visual compass for mobile robots", Robotics and Autonomous Systems 57 (5), pp. 536-545, Available online 31 May 2009, DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2008.10.002.

Arnoud Visser and Bayu A. Slamet, "Balancing the information gain against the movement cost for multi-robot frontier exploration", European Robotics Symposium 2008, (edited by Herman Bruyninckx et al.), Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, volume 44, pages 43-52, Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg, February 12, 2008. (Portable Document Form of 761 Kb). Nominated for best paper award.

Stephen Balakirsky, Stefano Carpin, Alexander Kleiner, Michael Lewis, Arnoud Visser, Jijun Wang and Vittorio Amos Ziparo, "Towards heterogeneous robot teams for disaster mitigation: Results and Performance Metrics from RoboCup Rescue", Journal of Field Robotics, volume 24(11-12):pp. 943-967, November 2007. (Portable Document Format 1.3 Mb)>scholar 127.

A. Visser, H.H. Yakali, A.J. van der Wees, M. Oud, G.A. van der Spek, L.O. Hertzberger, "An hierarchical view on modelling the reliability of a DSRC-link for ETC applications", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Vol. 3: No. 2, June 2002.

Other publications

All publications sorted by type and publication date (1 book, 15 journal articles, 24 book chapters, 67 conference papers, 70 technical reports), can be found on a separate page. The influence of my publications can be indicated with a Hirsch number of 27 (2371 citations) which translates into a top-500 ranking in the field of robotics and a top-1500 ranking in the field of artificial intelligence. , Note that the average number of citations of the top articles in robotics receive ~27 citations. Arnoud Visser has at least 20 papers above this average.

Programming skills

See SourceForge profile

Software packages and datasets

ros2_dreamvu_pal_camera_description: ros-foxy node which publishes the 3D-model and coordinate frames of the DreamVU PAL camera, v1.2, December 2021.
ros2_pal_camera_node: ros-foxy node which publishes the panoramic images (both color and depth) and a point cloud from the DreamVU PAL camera, v1.2, September 2021.
Source files of the UvA-rescue and Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces which participated in the RoboCup 2014 competition, Joao Pessoa, Brazil 2014.
Source files of the UvA Rescue Team in preparation of the RoboCup 2012 competition, Mexico, 2012.
Source files of the Dutch Nao Team which participated in the RoboCup 2011 competition, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Source files of the Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces which participated in the RoboCup 2011 competition, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Source files of the Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces which participated in the RoboCup 2010 competition, Singapore, 2010.
Source files of the Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces which participated in the RoboCup 2009 competition, Graz, Austria, 2009.
Source files of the Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces which participated in the RoboCup 2008 competition, Suzhou, China, 2008.
Source files of the UvA Rescue Team that participated in the RoboCup 2007 competition, Atlanta, USA, 2007.
Source files of the UvA Rescue Team that participated in the RobCup 2006 competition, Bremen, Germany, 2006.
Source files of the Dutch Aibo Team that participated in the RoboCup 2006 competition, Bremen, Germany, 2006.
Source files of the Dutch Aibo Team that participated in the RoboCup 2005 competition, Osaka, Japan, 2005.
Executable files of the UvA Rescue C2004 team that participated in the Rescue Middle Earth competition, Auckland, New-Zealand, August 2004.
Source and log files of the UvA Rescue C2003 team that participated in the RoboCup competition, Padova, Italy, July 2003.
Matlab - Matisse interface, December 2001.
Traffic measurements along the Dutch motorway A12, 28 February - 28 April 2000.