Leren 2020 Werkcollege

Leren 2020 Werkcollege G1, H1, and H2 will be held online in Zoom (see Canvas for link). We’ll use Overleaf so that everybody can edit a collective Latex document for discussion purposes. Therefore register for a free Overleaf account using your @uva.nl email address. We will use these documents:

Werkcollege G1: https://www.overleaf.com/1712516652mhfzkjfbcfmv

Werkcollege H1: https://www.overleaf.com/2743343812fsqbhwrhwpxj

Werkcollege H2: https://www.overleaf.com/7337275164szxpgmjcypdj

Individual questions

You are not allowed to share your work on the weekly written assignments in these Overleaf documents or in the main Zoom room as others can copy it. You can share your work in a Zoom breakout room with me when asking questions individually. I suggest you also use Overleaf to work on the weekly written assignments to make it easy to share them (just click “share” and chat me the link with edit capabilities). When you get used to it I think working directly in latex is quicker than first using pen and paper or a tablet anyway.

Latex symbols

When you have trouble finding the Latex representation for a particular symbol draw it in detexify. Or later write your own symbol classifier. 😉