Other Stuff
Over the years I've been involved in a number of activities. Here's
some of it.
Program Committees and Reviewing:
I've served as a reviewer and member of the program committee for a
number of conferences, including ACL 2008, ECIR 2008, SIGIR 2007,
EMNLP 2007, ACL-COLING 2006, HLT-NAACL 2006, ECIR 2006, AMTA 2006,
EACL 2006, AC 2005, RIAO 2004. In addition I've reviewed for some
journals and edited volumes, including Grammar, Artificial
Intelligence, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Information Processing &
Management, Natural Language Engineering, Journal of Artificial
Intelligence Research, Language and Computation, Handbook on Labelled
Workshop Organization:
- Co-chair of the EACL 2009
workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT-09), together
with Chris
Callison-Burch, Philip
and Josh Schroeder.
- Co-chair of the ACL 2008
workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT-08), together
with Chris
Callison-Burch, Cameron
Fordyce, Philip
and Josh Schroeder.
- Co-chair of the ACL 2007
workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT-07), together
with Chris
Callison-Burch, Cameron
Fordyce, Philip
and Josh
- Co-chair of
the HLT-NAACL 2006 workshop
on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT06), together
with Philip
- Co-chair of the ACL 2005
workshop on Parallel Texts and Data-Driven Machine
Translation, together
with Philipp
Koehn, Joel
Martin, Rada
Mihalcea, Ted
- Co-chair of
2001 Student Research Workshop, Toulouse, France, together
with Eleni
Miltsakaki and Antonio Ribeiro.
- Co-chair of the Inference for Computational Semantics
workshop (ICoS), University of Amsterdam, 1999, together
with Maarten de
- Member of the organization committee for Frontiers of Combining
Systems (FroCoS'98) held at the ILLC/University of Amsterdam.
Invited Talks:
- How wide is your World Wide Web? Invited talk at the
Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
March 14, 2008.
- Machine Translation without Linguistics? Invited talk at the
Linguistics Seminar. Department of Linguistics, Queen Mary,
University of London, December 6, 2007.
- Translation Disambiguation for Cross-Language Information
Retrieval. Invited talk at ICCS/HCRC Seminar. University of
Edinburgh, UK, March 16, 2007.
- Translation Disambiguation for Cross-Language Information
Retrieval. Invited talk at the Natural Language Processing Group,
Oxford University, UK, May 26, 2006.
- Iterative Translation Disambiguation for Cross-Language
Information Retrieval. Invited talk at the IR Seminar, Queen Mary,
University of London, UK, August 3, 2005.
- Iterative Translation Disambiguation for Cross-Language
Information Retrieval. Invited talk at the University of Amsterdam,
the Netherlands, July 29, 2005.
- From Document Retrieval to Question Answering. Invited talk at
the Computational Linguistics Lab Colloquium, University of Maryland,
USA, November 26, 2003.
- Information Retrieval in the Context of Question
Answering. Invited talk at the University of the Trento, Italy,
October 21, 2003.
- From Document Retrieval to Question Answering. Invited talk at
the Computational Linguistics Colloquium, University of the Saarland,
Saarbrücken, Germany, July 17, 2003.
- Shallow Semantic Processing for Corpus-Based Question
Answering. Invited talk given at the Institute for Natural Language
Processing, Stuttgart, Germany May 10, 2001
- Computational Semantics in Information Retrieval. Invited talk
given at the 2nd Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics
(ICoS-2), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, July 30, 2000.