Population and Community Ecology of Ontogenetic Development - EBT model implementations

André M. de Roos & Lennart Persson
Monographs in Population Biology 51, Princeton University Press, Princeton (2013)

Here you can find (a growing collection of) EBT implementations for the physiologically structured models that we have used in the different chapters of the above monograph. These implementations are designed to study dynamics of the structured models that are the topic of the monograph’s chapter 9 thru 12. If the code you are looking for is not available below, please send an email to request it. The code is provided with parameter files and initial state files. I have been as careful as possible while preparing these program files, using a programming style that is hopefully self-explanatory. The code is, however, provided as is.

Basic consumer-resource model

This is a ZIP file with a set of files that implement the consumer-resource model studied in chapter 9 of the monograph. Contained in the ZIP file are two project files (Dynq06z005.ebtpr and Dynq25z005.ebtpr) together with the necessary graph setting, parameter and initial state files to reproduce the data shown in figure 9.2 and 9.3 of the monograph. Load one of these projects, compile the code and press the run button to reproduce either the left or the right columns in figure 9.2 and 9.3.