

A.M. De Roos & L. Persson, 2013. Population and community ecology of ontogenetic development, Monographs in Population Biology 51, Princeton University Press, Princeton.

Refereed journal publications


J. C. Croll, T. van Kooten & A. M. de Roos, 2024. An energetic approach to the evolution of growth curve plasticity. Theoretical Ecology 17 (1), 13-33. DOI:10.1007/s12080-023-00571-3


J. C. Croll, Q.D. Mudde, T. van Kooten & A. M. de Roos, 2023. Growth as a measure for environmental conditions and relatedness of North Sea fish stocks. Marine Ecology Progress Series 725, 57-73. DOI:10.3354/meps14457

R. Chen, P. C. Chaparro-Pedraza, S. Xiao, P. Jia, Q. X. Liu & A. M. de Roos, 2023. Marine reserves promote cycles in fish populations on ecological and evolutionary time scales. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences 120 (47) e2307529120. DOI:10.1073/pnas.2307529120

A. M. de Roos, Q. He, M. Pascual, 2023. An immune memory–structured SIS epidemiological model for hyperdiverse pathogens. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences 120 (45), e2218499120. DOI:10.1073/pnas.2218499120

J. L. Hite & A. M. de Roos, 2023. Pathogens stabilize or destabilize depending on host stage structure. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 20 (12), 20378-20404. DOI:10.3934/mbe.2023901

V. Hin, A. M. de Roos, K. J. Benoit-Bird, D. E. Claridge, N. DiMarzio, J.W. Durban, E. A. Falcone, E. K. Jacobson, C. M. Jones-Todd, E. Pirotta, G. S. Schorr, L. Thomas, S. Watwood & J. Harwood, 2023. Using individual-based bioenergetic models to predict the aggregate effects of disturbance on populations: A case study with beaked whales and Navy sonar. PLoS ONE18 (8), e0290819. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0290819

J. C. Croll, T. van Kooten & A. M. de Roos, 2023. The consequences of density-dependent individual growth for sustainable harvesting and management of fish stocks. Fish and Fisheries 24, 427–438. DOI: 10.1111/faf.12736


J. C. Croll & A. M. de Roos, 2022. The regulating effect of growth plasticity on the dynamics of structured populations. Theoretical Ecology 15 (2), 95-113.


K. Gross & A. M. de Roos, 2021. Resonance in Physiologically Structured Population Models. Bull Math Biol 83, 86 (2021).

V. Hin, J. Harwood & A. M. de Roos, 2021. Density dependence can obscure nonlethal effects of disturbance on life history of medium-sized cetaceans. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252677.

A. M. de Roos, 2021. Dynamic population stage structure due to juvenile–adult asymmetry stabilizes complex ecological communities. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences 118 (21) e2023709118. DOI: 10.1073/ pnas.2023709118

P. C. Chaparro-Pedraza & A. M. de Roos, 2021. Individual energy dynamics reveal nonlinear interaction of stressors threatening migratory fish populations. Funct Ecol. 35: 727– 738.

T. E. Hall, A. S. Freedman, A. M. de Roos, P. J. Edmunds, R. C. Carpenter & K. Gross, 2021. Stony coral populations are more sensitive to changes in vital rates in disturbed environments. Ecological Applications. 31( 2): e02234. DOI: 10.1002/eap.2234

F. H. Soudijn, P. D. van Denderen, M. Heino, U. Dieckmann & A. M. de Roos, 2021. Harvesting forage fish can prevent fishing-induced population collapses of large piscivorous fish. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences 118 (6) e1917079118. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1917079118

A. M. de Roos, 2021. PSPManalysis: Steady-state and bifurcation analysis of physiologically structured population models. Methods Ecol. Evol. 12: 383– 390.


A. M. de Roos, 2020. Effects of life history and individual development on community dynamics: A review of counterintuitive consequences. Ecological Research 35: 930–946.

E. Pirotta, V. Hin, M. Mangel, L. New, D. P. Costa, A. M. de Roos & J. Harwood, 2020. Propensity for risk in reproductive strategy affects susceptibility to anthropogenic disturbance, American Naturalist 196, E71–E87.

Z. Sun, K. Parvinen, M. Heino, J. A. J. Metz, A. M. de Roos & U. Dieckmann, 2020. Evolution of reproduction periods in seasonal environments. American Naturalist 196, E88–E109.

H. T. Brink, R. E. Onstein & A. M. de Roos, 2020. Habitat deterioration promotes the evolution of direct development in metamorphosing species. Evolution 74: 1826–1850.

P. C. Chaparro-Pedraza & A. M. de Roos, 2020. Density‐dependent effects of mortality on the optimal body size to shift habitat: Why smaller is better despite increased mortality risk. Evolution 74, 831–841.

A. M. de Roos, 2020. The impact of population structure on population and community dynamics In: Theoretical Ecology: Concepts and Applications (K. S. McCann & G. Gellner, Eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198824282.003.0005.

F. H. Soudijn, T. Van Kooten, H. Slabbekoorn & A. M. de Roos, 2020. Population-level effects of acoustic disturbance in Atlantic cod: a size-structured analysis based on energy budgets. Proc. R. Soc. B 287: 20200490.

W. Fokkema, H. P. van der Jeugd, T. K. Lameris, A. M. Dokter, B. S. Ebbinge, A. M. de Roos, B. A. Nolet, T. Piersma & H. Olff, 2020. Ontogenetic niche shifts as a driver of seasonal migration. Oecologia 193: 285-297.

P. C. Chaparro‐Pedraza & A.M. de Roos, 2020. Ecological changes with minor effect initiate evolution to delayed regime shifts. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (3), 412-418. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-020-1110-0.


P. C. Chaparro‐Pedraza & A.M. de Roos, 2019. Environmental change effects on life‐history traits and population dynamics of anadromous fishes. J. Anim. Ecol. 88: 1178–1190. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13010.

V. Hin, J. Harwood & A. M. de Roos, 2019. Bio-energetic modeling of medium-sized cetaceans shows high sensitivity to disturbance in seasons of low resource supply. Ecological Applications 29(5): e01903. DOI: 10.1002/eap.1903.

H. Ten Brink, A. M. de Roos & U. Dieckmann, 2019. The evolutionary ecology of metamorphosis. American Naturalist 193 (5): E116-E131. DOI: 10.1086/701779.

V. Hin & A.M. de Roos, 2019. Cannibalism prevents evolutionary suicide of ontogenetic omnivores in life-history intraguild predation systems. Ecology and Evolution 9 (7): 3807-3822. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5004.

V. Hin & A.M. de Roos, 2019. Evolution of size-dependent intraspecific competition predicts body size scaling of metabolic rate. Functional Ecology 33 (3): 479-490. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13253.


H. Ten Brink & A. M. de Roos, 2018. Large-amplitude consumer-resource cycles allow for the evolution of ontogenetic niche shifts in consumer life history. J. Their. Biol. 457: 237-248. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.08.035.

A. M. de Roos, 2018. When individual life history matters: conditions for juvenile-adult stage structure effects on population dynamics. Theoretical Ecology 11: 397-416. DOI: 10.1007/s12080-018-0374-3.

R. Richard & A. M. de Roos, 2018. The impact of development on patterns of nutrient limitation. Functional ecology 32 (6), 1507-1519. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13101.


F. H. Soudijn & A. M. de Roos, 2017. Predator persistence through variability of resource productivity in tritrophic systems. American Naturalist 190(6): 844-853. DOI: 10.1086/694119.

A.B. Ryabov, A.M. de Roos, B. Meyer, S. Kawaguchi & B. Blasius, 2017. Competition-induced starvation drives large-scale population cycles in Antarctic krill. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1, 0177. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0177.

H. ten Brink & A.M. de Roos, 2017. A parent-offspring trade-off limits the evolution of an ontogenetic niche shift. American Naturalist 190(1): 45-60. DOI: 10.1086/692066

F.H.Soudijn & A.M. de Roos, 2017. Approximation of a physiologically structured population model with seasonal reproduction by a stage- structured biomass model. Theoretical Ecology 10(1): 73-90. DOI: 10.1007/s12080-016-0309-9

I.M. Smallegange, H. Caswell, M.E.M. Toorians & A.M. de Roos, 2017. Mechanistic description of population dynamics using dynamic energy budget theory incorporated into integral projection models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8(2): 146-154. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12675

Z. Sun & A.M. de Roos, 2017. Seasonal reproduction leads to population collapse and an Allee effect in a stage-structured consumer-resource biomass model when mortality rate increases. PloS one 12 (10): e0187338. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187338

O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, J. A. J. Metz, S. Nakaoka & A.M. de Roos, 2017. Erratum to: Daphnia revisited: local stability and bifurcation theory for physiologically structured population models explained by way of an example (vol 61, pg 277, 2010). J. Math. Biol. 75: 259-261. DOI: 10.1007/s00285-017-1148-z.


R.M. Nisbet, B.T. Martin & A. M. de Roos, 2016. Integrating ecological insight derived from individual-based simulations and physiologically structured population models. Ecological Modelling 326: 101-112.

A.M. de Roos, O. Diekmann, P. Getto & M.A. Kirkilionis, 2016. Erratum to: Numerical Equilibrium Analysis for Structured Consumer Resource Models (vol 72, pg 259, 2010). Bull. Math. Biol. 78: 350-351. DOI: 10.1007/s11538-015-0138-9


Z. Sun & A. M. de Roos, 2015. Alternative stable states in a stage-structured consumer-resource biomass model with niche shift and seasonal reproduction. Theor. Pop. Biol. 103: 60-70.

M. C. Boerlijst & A. M. de Roos, 2015. Competition and facilitation between a disease and a predator in a stunted prey population. PLOS ONE 10(7): e0132251, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132251

B. Reichstein, L. Persson & A. M. de Roos, 2015. Ontogenetic asymmetry modulates population biomass production and response to harvest. Nature Communications 6:6441, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms7441


A. Gårdmark, M. Casini, M. Huss, A. van Leeuwen, J. Hjelm, L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2014. Regime shifts in exploited marine food webs: detecting mechanisms underlying alternative stable states using size- structured community dynamics theory. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370: 20130262.

L. Persson, A. van Leeuwen & A. M. de Roos, 2014. The ecological foundation for ecosystem-based management of fisheries: mechanistic linkages between the individual-, population-, and community-level dynamics. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71(8): 2268–2280. DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fst231.

A. van Leeuwen, M. Huss, A. Gårdmark & A.M. de Roos, 2014. Ontogenetic specialism in predators with multiple niche shifts prevents predator population recovery and establishment. Ecology 95(9): 2409–2422.

M. Huss, A.M. de Roos, A. van Leeuwen & A. Gårdmark, 2014. Facilitation of fisheries by natural predators depends on life history of shared prey. Oikos 123: 1071-1080.


S. Wollrab, A.M. de Roos & S. Diehl, 2013. Ontogenetic diet shifts promote predator-mediated coexistence. Ecology 94(12): 2886–2897

M. Huss, A.M. de Roos, A. van Leeuwen, M. Casini & A. Gårdmark, 2013. Cohort dynamics give rise to alternative stable community states. American Naturalist 182: 374-392.

L. Persson & A. M. de Roos, 2013. Symmetry breaking in ecological systems through different energy efficiencies of juveniles and adults. Ecology 94 (7): 1472-1478.

A. van Leeuwen, M. Huss, A. Gårdmark, M. Casini, F. Vitale, J. Hjelm, L. Persson & A. M. de Roos, 2013. Predators with multiple ontogenetic niche shifts have limited potential for population growth and top-down control of their prey. American Naturalist 182: 53-66.

L. Persson, P.-A. Amundsen, A. M. de Roos, R. Knudsen, R. Primicerio & A. Klemetsen, 2013. Density-dependent interactions in an Arctic char – brown trout system: competition, predation, or both? Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 70: 610–616.

M.C. Boerlijst, T. Oudman & A.M. de Roos, 2013. Catastrophic collapse can occur without early warning: examples of silent catastrophes in structured ecological models. PLOS ONE 8 (4): e62033. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0062033.

A.M. de Roos, J.A.J. Metz & L. Persson, 2013. Ontogenetic symmetry and asymmetry in energetics. J. Math. Biol. 66 (4): 889-914.

B. Reichstein, A. Schröder, L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2013. Habitat complexity does not promote coexistence in a size-structured intraguild predation system. J. Anim. Ecol. 82: 55-63.


S. Wollrab, S. Diehl & & A.M. de Roos, 2012. Simple rules describe bottom-up and top-down control in food webs with alternative energy pathways. Ecology Letters 15: 395-496.

M. Huss, A. Gårdmark, A. Van Leeuwen & A.M. de Roos, 2012. Size- and food-dependent growth drives patterns of competitive dominance along productivity gradients. Ecology 93(4): 847-857.

T. van der Hammen, M. Montserrat, M.W. Sabelis, A.M. de Roos & A. Janssen, 2012. Whether ideal free or not, predatory mites distribute so as to maximize reproduction. Oecologia 169: 95-104.

A. Schröder, L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2012. Complex shifts between food web states in response to whole-ecosystem manipulations. Oikos 121: 417-427.

L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2012. Mixed competition–predation: potential vs. realized interactions. J. Anim. Ecol. 81: 483-493.

M. Montserrat, S. Magalhaes, M.W. Sabelis, A.M. de Roos & A. Janssen, 2012. Invasion success in communities with reciprocal intraguild predation depends on the stage structure of the resident population. Oikos 121: 67-76.


V. Hin, T. Schellekens, L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2011. Coexistence of predator and prey in intraguild predation systems with ontogenetic niche shifts. American Naturalist 178: 701-714.

X. Irigoien & A.M. de Roos, 2011. The role of intraguild predation in the population dynamics of small pelagic fish. Marine Biology 158:1683–1690.


T. Schellekens, A.M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2010. Ontogenetic diet shifts result in niche partitioning between two consumer species irrespective of competitive abilities. American Naturalist 176: 625-637.

A.M. de Roos, O. Diekmann, Ph. Getto & M.A. Kirkilionis, 2010. Numerical equilibrium analysis for structured consumer resource models. Bull. Math. Biol. 72: 259–297.

O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, J. A. J. Metz, S. Nakaoka & A.M. de Roos, 2010. Daphnia revisited: local stability and bifurcation theory for physiologically structured population models explained by way of an example. J. Math. Biol. 61: 277-318.

T. van der Hammen, A.M. de Roos, M.W. Sabelis & A. Janssen, 2010. Order of invasion affects the spatial distribution of a reciprocal intraguild predator. Oecologia 163: 79-89.

T. van Kooten, J. Andersson, P. Byström, L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2010. Size at hatching determines population dynamics and response to harvesting in cannibalistic fish. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 67: 401–416.


D. Claessen, A. S. de Vos & A.M. de Roos, 2009. Bioenergetics, overcompensation, and the source–sink status of marine reserves. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 66: 1059–1071.

A.M. de Roos, N. Galic & H. Heesterbeek, 2009. How resource competition shapes individual life history for nonplastic growth: ungulates in seasonal food environments. Ecology 90(4): 945-960.

A. Schröder, L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2009. Culling experiments demonstrate size-class specific biomass increases with mortality. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences 106(8): 2671-2676. (Supporting information)


A.M. de Roos, T. Schellekens, T. van Kooten & L. Persson, 2008. Stage-specific predator species help each other to persist while competing for a single prey. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences 105(37): 13930-13935. (Supporting information)

A. van Leeuwen, A.M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2008. How cod shapes its world. J. Sea Res. 60: 89-104.

D. Claessen, J. Andersson, L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2008. The effect of population size and recombination on delayed evolution of polymorphism and speciation in sexual populations. American Naturalist 172: E18-E34.

M. Montserrat, S. Magalhaes, M.W. Sabelis, A.M. de Roos & A. Janssen, 2008. Patterns of exclusion in an intraguild predator–prey system depend on initial conditions. J. Anim. Ecol. 77: 624-630.

K. van de Wolfshaar, A.M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2008. Population feedback after successful invasion leads to ecological suicide in seasonal environments. Ecology 89(1): 259-268.

A.M. de Roos, T. Schellekens, T. van Kooten, K. van de Wolfshaar, D. Claessen & L. Persson, 2008. Simplifying a physiologically structured population model to a stage-structured biomass model. Theor. Pop. Biol. 73: 47–62.

A.M. de Roos, 2008. Demographic analysis of continuous-time life-history models. Ecol. Lett. 11(1): 1-15.


C. Klok & A.M. de Roos, 2007. Effects of vole fluctuations on the population dynamics of the barn owl Tyto alba. Acta Biotheor. 55: 227–241.

L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2007. Interplay between individual growth and population feedbacks shapes body-size distributions. In: Body size: The structure and function of aquatic ecosystems (A. Hildrew, D. Raffaelli & R. Edmonds-Brown, Eds.), pp. 225-244, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

A.M. de Roos, T. Schellekens, T. van Kooten, K. van de Wolfshaar, D. Claessen & L. Persson, 2007. Food-dependent growth leads to overcompensation in stage- specific biomass when mortality increases: the influence of maturation versus reproduction regulation. American Naturalist 170: E59-E76.

T. van Kooten, L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2007. Size-dependent mortality induces life-history changes mediated through population dynamical feedbacks. American Naturalist 170: 258-270.

M. Jansson, L. Persson, A.M. de Roos, R.I. Jones & L.J. Tranvik, 2007. Terrestrial carbon and intraspecific size-variation shape lake ecosystems. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 22: 316-322.

J. Andersson, P. Byström, D. Claessen, L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2007. Stabilization of population fluctuations due to cannibalism promotes resource polymorphism in fish. American Naturalist 169: 820-829.

L. Persson, P.A. Amundsen, A.M. de Roos, A. Klemetsen, R. Knudsen & R. Primicerio, 2007. Culling prey promotes predator recovery - Alternative states in a whole-lake experiment. Science 316: 1743-1746.

T. van Kooten, L.Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2007. Population dynamical consequences of gregariousness in a size-structured consumer-resource interaction. Journal of Theoretical Biology 245: 763-774.

M. Montserrat, C. Bas, S. Magalhaes, M.W. Sabelis, A.M. de Roos & A. Janssen, 2007. Predators induce egg retention in prey. Oecologia 150 (4): 699-705.

D. Claessen, J. Andersson, L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2007. Delayed evolutionary branching in small populations. Evol. Ecol. Res. 9: 51–69.

L. Persson, A. M. De Roos & P. Byström, 2007. State-dependent invasion windows for prey in size-structured predator–prey systems: whole lake experiments. J. Anim. Ecol. 76: 94–104.


L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2006. Size-structured interactions and the dynamics of aquatic systems. Polish J. Ecol. 54: 621-632.

L. Persson, & A. M. De Roos, 2006. Food-dependent individual growth and population dynamics in fishes. J. Fish Biol. 69 (Supplement C): 1-20.

L. Persson, A. Bertolo & A. M. De Roos, 2006. Temporal stability in size distributions and growth rates of three Esox lucius L. populations. A result of cannibalism? J. Fish Biol. 69(2): 461-472.

A. Janssen, M. Montserrat, R. HilleRisLambers, A. M. de Roos, A. Pallini & M. W. Sabelis, 2006. Intraguild predation usually does not disrupt biological control. In: Trophic and guild interactions in biological control (J. Brodeur & G. Boivin, Eds.), pp 21-44, Series Progress in Biological Control, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

K. van de Wolfshaar, A.M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2006. Size-dependent interactions inhibit coexistence in intraguild predation systems with life-history omnivory. Am. Nat. 168(1): 62-75.

A.M. de Roos, D.S. Boukal & L. Persson, 2006. Evolutionary regime shifts in age and size at maturation of exploited fish stocks. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 273: 1873 - 1880.


A.M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2005. Unstructured population models: do population-level assumptions yield general theory? In: Ecological Paradigms Lost: Routes of Theory Change (K. Cuddington & B. Beisner, Eds.), pp. 31-62, Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego.

A.M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2005. The influence of individual growth and development on the structure of ecological communities. In: Dynamic food webs: Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change (P.C. de Ruiter, V. Wolters & J.C. Moore, Eds.), pp. 89-100, Academic Press, San Diego.

L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2005. Body size scalings and the dynamics of ecological systems. In: Dynamic food webs: Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change (P.C. de Ruiter, V. Wolters & J.C. Moore, Eds.), pp. 157-166, Academic Press, San Diego.

Ph. Getto, O. Diekmann & A. M. de Roos, 2005. On the (dis) advantages of cannibalism. J. Math. Biol. 51: 695-712.

T. van Kooten, A. M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2005. Bistability and an Allee effect as emergent consequences of stage-specific predation. J. Theor. Biol. 237: 67-74.

J. Andersson, P. Byström, L. Persson & A. M. de Roos, 2005. Plastic resource polymorphism: effects of resource availability on Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus ) morphology. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 85: 341 351.

A. Schröder, L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2005. Direct experimental evidence for alternative stable states: a review. Oikos 110: 3-19.


L. Persson, A.M. de Roos & A. Bertolo, 2004. Predicting shifts in dynamics of cannibalistic field populations using individual-based models. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 271: 2489 – 2493.

T. van Kooten, A.M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2004. Local foraging and limited mobility: Dynamics of a size-structured consumer population. Ecology 85 (7), 1979-1991.

S. Prakash & A.M. de Roos, 2004. Habitat destruction in mutualistic metacommunities. Theor. Pop. Biol. 65: 153-163.

L. Persson, D. Claessen, A.M. de Roos, P. Byström, S. Sjögren, R. Svanbäck, E. Wahlström & E. Westman, 2004. Cannibalism in a size-structured population – energy extraction and control. Ecol. Mon. 74(1): 135-157.

D. Claessen, A.M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2004. Population dynamic theory of size-dependent cannibalism. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 271: 333-340.

P. Byström, J. Andersson, L. Persson & A.M. De Roos, 2004. Size-dependent resource limitation and foraging-predation risk trade-offs: growth and habitat use in young arctic char. Oikos 104 (1): 109-121.


L. Persson & A.M. de Roos, 2003. Adaptive habitat use in size-structured populations: linking individual behavior to population processes. Ecology 84 (5): 1129-1139.

D. Claessen & A.M. de Roos, 2003. Bistability in a size-structured population model of cannibalistic fish – a continuation study. Theor. Pop. Biol. 64 (1): 49-65.

A.M. de Roos, L. Persson & E. McCauley, 2003. The influence of size-dependent life history traits on the structure and dynamics of populations and communities. Ecol. Lett. 6 (5): 473-487.

L. Persson, A.M. de Roos, D. Claessen, P. Byström, J. Lövgren, S. Sjögren, R. Svanbäck, E. Wahlström & E. Westman, 2003. Gigantic cannibals driving a whole-lake trophic cascade. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences 100 (7): 4035-4039.

A.M. de Roos, L. Persson & H.R. Thieme, 2003. Emergent Allee effects in top predators feeding on structured prey populations. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 270: 611-618.

A.M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2003. Competition in size-structured populations: mechanisms inducing cohort formation and population cycles. Theor. Pop. Biol. 63(1): 1-16.


A.M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2002. Size-dependent life-history traits promote catastrophic collapses of top predators. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences 99(20): 12907-12912.

M. Rietkerk, M.C. Boerlijst, F. van Langevelde, R. HilleRisLambers, J. van de Koppel, L. Kumar, H.H.T. Prins & A.M. de Roos, 2002. Self-organization of vegetation in arid ecosystems. Amer. Natur. 160(4): 524-530.

S. Prakash & A.M. de Roos, 2002. Habitat destruction in a simple predator-prey patch model: How predators enhance prey persistence and abundance. Theor. Pop. Biol. 62: 231-249.

D. Claessen, C. Van Oss, A. M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2002. The impact of size-dependent predation on population dynamics and individual life history. Ecology 83(12): 1660-1675.

A.M. de Roos, K. Leonardsson, L. Persson & G.G. Mittelbach, 2002. Ontogenetic niche shifts and flexible behaviour in size-structured populations. Ecol. Mon. 72(2): 271-292.

B. Pels, A.M. de Roos & M.W. Sabelis, 2002. Evolutionary dynamics of prey exploitation in a metapopulation of predators. Amer. Natur. 159(2): 172-189.


M.A. Kirkilionis, O. Diekmann, B. Lisser, M.Nool, A.M. de Roos & B.P. Sommeijer, 2001. Numerical continuation of equilibria of physiologically structured population models. I. Theory. Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci. 11(6): 1101-1127.

F.R. Adler, S.A. Richards & A.M. de Roos, 2001. Patterns of patch rejection in size-structured populations: Beyond the ideal free distribution and size segregation. Evol. Ecol. Res. 3: 805-827.

S.D. Mylius, K. Klumpers, A.M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2001. Impact of intraguild predation and stage structure on simple communities along a productivity gradient. Amer. Natur. 158(3): 259-276.

A.M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2001. Physiologically structured models – From versatile technique to ecological theory. Oikos 94(1): 51-71.

S.A. Richards & A.M. de Roos, 2001. When is habitat assessment an advantage when foraging? Anim. Behav. 61(6): 1101-1112.


V.A.A. Jansen & A.M. de Roos, 2000. The role of space in reducing predator-prey cycles. In: The geometry of ecological interactions: Simplifying spatial complexity. (U. Dieckmann, R. Law & J.A.J. Metz, Eds.), pp. 183-201, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

C. Klok, A.M. de Roos, S. Broekhuizen & R.C. van Apeldoorn, 2000. Effects of heavy metals on the Badger Meles meles. Interaction between habitat quality and fragmentation. In: Demography in Ecotoxicology. (J.E. Kammenga & R. Laskowski, Eds.), pp. 73-89, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Sussex.

D. Claessen, A.M. de Roos & L. Persson, 2000. Dwarfs and giants: Cannibalism and competition in size-structured populations. Amer. Natur. 155(2): 219-237.


B. Schönfish & A.M. de Roos, 1999. Synchronous and asynchronous updating in cellular automata. Biosystems 51(3): 123-143.

E. McCauley, R.M. Nisbet, W.W. Murdoch, A.M. de Roos & W.S.C. Gurney, 1999. Large-amplitude cycles of Daphnia and its algal prey in enriched environments. Nature 402: 653-656.


C. Klok & A.M. de Roos, 1998. Impact of toxicants on earthworm populations: a modeling approach. In: Advances in Earthworm Ecotoxicology (S. Sheppard, ed.), pp. 295-309, SETAC Press.

R.M. Nisbet, A.M. de Roos, W.G. Wilson & R.E. Snyder, 1998. Discrete consumers, small scale resource heterogeneity, and population stability. Ecol. Lett. 1: 34-37.

L. Persson, K. Leonardsson, A.M. de Roos, M. Gyllenberg & B. Christensen, 1998. Ontogenetic scaling of foraging rates and the dynamics of a size-structured consumer-resource model. Theor. Pop. Biol. 54(3): 270-293.

C. Klok & A.M. de Roos, 1998. Effects of habitat size and quality on equilibrium density and extinction time of Sorex araneus populations. J. Anim. Ecol. 67: 195-209.

W.W. Murdoch, R.M. Nisbet, E. McCauley, A.M. de Roos & W.S.C. Gurney, 1998. Plankton abundance and dynamics across nutrient levels: Tests of hypotheses. Ecology 79(4): 1339-1356.

A.M. de Roos, E. McCauley & W.G. Wilson, 1998. Pattern formation and the spatial scale of interaction between predators and their prey. Theor. Pop. Biol. 53(2): 108-130.

E.G. Noonburg, R.M. Nisbet, E. McCauley, W.S.C. Gurney, W.W. Murdoch & A.M. de Roos, 1998. Experimental testing of dynamic energy budget models. Func. Ecol. 12: 211-222.


A.M. de Roos, E. McCauley, R.M. Nisbet, W.S.C. Gurney & W.W. Murdoch, 1997. What individual life histories can (and cannot) tell about population dynamics. Aq. Ecol. 31: 37-45.

C. Klok, A.M. de Roos, J.C.Y. Marinissen, H.M. Baveco & W. Ma, 1997. Assessing the effects of abiotic environmental stress on population growth in Lumbricus rubellus (Lubricidae, Oligochaeta). Soil Biol. Biochem. 29: 287-293.

A.M. de Roos, 1997. A gentle introduction to models of physiologically structured populations. In: Structured-population models in marine, terrestrial, and freshwater systems. (S. Tuljapurkar & H. Caswell, Eds.), pp. 119-204, Chapman & Hall, New York.

H. Caswell, R.M. Nisbet, A.M. de Roos & S. Tuljapurkar, 1997. Structured population models: Many methods, a few basic concepts. In: Structured-population models in marine, terrestrial, and freshwater systems. (S. Tuljapurkar & H. Caswell, Eds.), pp. 3-17, Chapman & Hall, New York.


R.M. Nisbet, E. McCauley, W.S.C. Gurney, W.W. Murdoch & A.M. de Roos, 1996. Simple representations of biomass dynamics in structured populations. In: Case studies of mathematical modeling in ecology, physiology and cell biology. (H.G. Othmer, F.R. Adler, M.A. Lewis & J. Dallon, Eds.), pp. 61-80, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Yersey.

W.S.C. Gurney, D.A.J. Middleton, A.H. Ross, R.M. Nisbet, E. McCauley, W.W. Murdoch & A.M. de Roos, 1996. Modelling techniques and data requirements in aquatic systems management. In: Aquatic predators and their prey. (S.P.R. Greenstreet & M.L. Tasker, Eds.) pp. 86-97, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, Oxford

F. van den Bosch & A.M. de Roos, 1996. The dynamics of infectious diseases in orchards with roguing and replanting as control strategy. J. Math. Biol. 35: 129-157

J.M. Baveco & A.M. de Roos, 1996. Assessing the impact of pesticides on lumbricid populations: an individual-based modelling approach. J. Applied Ecol. 33: 1451-1468

E. McCauley, R.M. Nisbet, A.M. de Roos, W.W. Murdoch & W.S.C. Gurney, 1996. Structured population models of herbivorous zooplankton. Ecol. Monogr. 66(4): 479-501.

W.S.C. Gurney, D.A.J. Middleton, R.M. Nisbet, E. McCauley, W.W. Murdoch & A.M. de Roos, 1996. Individual energetics and the equilibrium demography of structured populations. Theor. Pop. Biol. 49(3): 344-368.

E. McCauley, W.G. Wilson & A.M. de Roos, 1996. Dynamics of age-structured predator-prey populations in space: Asymmetrical effects of mobility in juvenile and adult predators. Oikos 76: 485-497.

C. Klok & A.M. de Roos, 1996. Population level consequences of toxicological influences on individual growth and reproduction in Lumbricus rubellus (Lumbricidae, Oligochaeta). Ecotox. Environ. Safety 33: 118-127.


D. Claessen & A.M. de Roos, 1995. Evolution of virulence in a host-pathogen system with local pathogen transmission. Oikos 74(3): 401-413.

A.M. de Roos & M.W. Sabelis, 1995. Why does space matter? In a spatial world it is hard to see the forest before the trees. Oikos 74(3): 347-348.

W.G. Wilson, E. McCauley & A.M. de Roos, 1995. Effect of dimensionality on Lotka-Volterra predator-prey dynamics: Individual based simulation results. Bull. Math. Biol. 57(4): 507-526.

F. van den Bosch & A.M. de Roos, 1995. Roguing and replanting in orchards: some preliminary results. J. Biol. Sys. 3(2): 495-503.


E. McCauley, W.G. Wilson & A.M. de Roos, 1993. Dynamics of age- and spatially-structured predator-prey interactions: Individual based models and population level formulations. Amer. Natur. 142: 412-442.

W.G. Wilson, A.M. de Roos & E. McCauley, 1993. Spatial instabilities within the diffusive Lotka-Volterra system: Individual-based simulation results. Theor. Pop. Biol. 43(1): 91-127.


G.D. Ruxton, W.S.C. Gurney & A.M. de Roos, 1992. Interference and generation cycles. Theor. Pop. Biol. 42(3): 235-253.

J.A.J. Metz & A.M. de Roos, 1992. The role of physiologically structured population models within a general individual-based modelling perspective. In: Individual-based models and approaches in ecology: Populations, communities and ecosystems. (D.L. DeAngelis, L.A. Gross & T.G. Hallam, Eds.), pp. 88-111, Chapman & Hall, London.

W.W. Murdoch, E. McCauley, R.M. Nisbet, W.S.C. Gurney & A.M. de Roos, 1992. Individual-based models: Combining testability and generality. In: Individual-based models and approaches in ecology: Populations, communities and ecosystems. (D.L. DeAngelis, L.A. Gross & T.G. Hallam, Eds.), pp. 18-35, Chapman & Hall, London.

A.M. de Roos, O. Diekmann & J.A.J. Metz, 1992. Studying the dynamics of structured population models: A versatile technique and its application to Daphnia population dynamics. Amer. Natur. 139: 123-147.


A.M. de Roos, E. McCauley & W.G. Wilson, 1991. Mobility versus density-limited predator-prey dynamics on different spatial scales. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 246: 117-122.

A.M. de Roos & J.A.J. Metz, 1991. Towards a numerical analysis of the Escalator Boxcar Train. In: Differential Equations with Applications in Biology, Physics and Engineering. (J.A. Goldstein, F. Kappel, W. Schappacher, Eds.), Lect. Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. 133: 91-113, Marcel Dekker, New York.

R.M. Nisbet, E. McCauley, A.M. de Roos, W.W. Murdoch & W.S.C. Gurney, 1991. Population dynamics and element recycling in an aquatic plant-herbivore system. Theor. Pop. Biol. 40(2): 125-147.

D. Chabot, M. Bayer & A.M. de Roos, 1991. Instantaneous heart rates and other techniques introducing errors in the calculation of heart rate. Can. J. Zool. 69: 1117-1120.

D.M. Gordon, R.M. Nisbet, A.M. de Roos, W.S.C. Gurney & R.K. Stewart, 1991. Discrete generations in host-parasitoid models with contrasting life cycles. J. Anim. Ecol. 60: 295-308.


A.M. de Roos, J.A.J. Metz, E. Evers & A. Leipoldt, 1990. A size dependent predator-prey interaction: Who pursues whom? J. Math. Biol. 28: 609-643.

Before 1990

F. van den Bosch, A.M. de Roos & W. Gabriel, 1988. Cannibalism as a life boat mechanism. J. Math. Biol. 26: 619-633.

J.A.J. Metz, A.M. de Roos & F. van den Bosch, 1988. Population models incorporating physiological structure: a quick survey of the basic concepts and an application to size-structured population dynamics in waterfleas. In: Size-structured populations: Ecology and Evolution. (B. Ebenman & L. Persson, Eds.), pp. 106-126, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.

A.M. de Roos, 1988. Numerical methods for structured population models: the Escalator boxcar train. Numer. Meth. Partial Diff. Eqs. 4(3): 173-195.

J. Hemelraad, H.A. Kleinveld, A.M. de Roos, D.A. Holwerda & D.I. Zandee, 1987. Cadmium kinetics in freshwater clams. III. Effects of zinc on uptake and distribution of cadmium in Anodonta cygnea. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 16: 95-101.

A.M. de Roos & B.J.G. Flik, 1985. Modelling time-series of photosynthesis and comparisons with the fluorescence yield of Chlorella vulgaris: a study of adaptation, inhibition and recovery. J. Plankton Res. 7(5): 665-677.

Edited volumes

A.M. de Roos & M.W. Sabelis, 1995. Evolution and population dynamics in spatially structured environments. Oikos 74(3): 347-424.

Other publications

J. Vermaat & A.M. de Roos, 2008. Patronen geven niet per sé uitsluitsel over onderliggend mechanisme. Landschap 25(1): 43-47.

A.M. de Roos, 2003. Kabeljauw komt zo echt niet terug. Natuur & Techniek 71(1): 22-26.

A.M. de Roos, 2003. Individualisering in de ecologie. Natuurkundige Voordrachten 81: 21-30.

C. Klok, A.M. de Roos, S. Broekhuizen, en R.C. van Apeldoorn, 1998. Effecten van zware metalen op de Das: Interactie tussen versnippering en vergiftiging. Landschap 15(2): 77-88.

A.M. de Roos, M.W. Sabelis, L. van der Geest, M. van Breemen, R. Geerst, B. Groeneveld, R. Hulskamp. T. van Kooten, P. Meirmans & M. Vlaar, 1998. Genetisch gemodificeerde organismen: Risico's voor ecosystemen en biodiversiteit? Landschap 15(3): 157-168.

M.A. Kirkilionis, O. Diekmann, B. Lisser, M. Nool, A.M. de Roos & B.P. Sommeijer, 1997. Numerical continuation of equilibria of physiologically structured population models. I. Theory. CWI Report MAS-R9714, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam. Roos, 1989. Dynamische populatiemodellen: Daphnia's in een trein. Biovisie magazine 5/6 november 1989: 20. Roos, O.Diekmann & J.A.J.Metz, 1988. The Escalator boxcar train: Basic theory and an application to Daphnia population dynamics. CWI Report AM-R8814, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam.

Thesis Roos, 1989. Daphnids on a train: Development and application of a new numerical method for physiologically structured population models. PhD thesis, Leiden University, 200p.