#include <Objects.h>
Inheritance diagram for AgentObject:
Definition at line 319 of file Objects.h.
This is the constructor for the class AgentObject and initializes the variables with the AgentObject. This the class that contains information about the agent itself.
Definition at line 843 of file Objects.cpp. References angBodyAngleRelToNeck, PlayerObject::angGlobalNeckAngle, Stamina::setEffort(), Stamina::setRecovery(), Stamina::setStamina(), VecPosition::setVecPosition(), stamina, UnknownAngleValue, VA_NORMAL, velSpeedRelToNeck, viewAngle, viewQuality, and VQ_HIGH. |
This method returns the numer of cycles it will take the arm to expire. In case of zero, the arm doesn't point anymore and the other players won't see the arm pointing anymore. Definition at line 1019 of file Objects.cpp. References m_iArmExpires. Referenced by WorldModel::getAgentArmExpires(). |
This method sets whether it is allowed to move the arm of the agent. Definition at line 1004 of file Objects.cpp. References m_bArmMovable. Referenced by WorldModel::getAgentArmMovable(). |
This method returns the relative angle of the body to the neck of this AgentObject. Example: global angle neck is 90 degrees and global body angle is 0, means that relative angle of body to neck is -90 degrees.
Definition at line 988 of file Objects.cpp. References angBodyAngleRelToNeck, and AngDeg. Referenced by WorldModel::getAgentBodyAngleRelToNeck(), and setGlobalNeckAngle(). |
This method returns the global position to which the arm points. If 'getArmExpires' returns zero, it means that the arm doesn't point anymore and this value is invalid. Definition at line 1036 of file Objects.cpp. References m_posGlobalArm. Referenced by WorldModel::getAgentArmPosition(). |
This method returns the difference between the predicted global position of the agent and the actual derived global position. This difference can be used in determining the actual movement of other objects since the noise caused by the difference in the global position of the agent is then filtered out. Definition at line 896 of file Objects.cpp. References posPositionDifference. Referenced by WorldModel::calculateStateBall(). |
This method returns the velocity (speed and direction) of this AgentObject. This information is directly availablefrom the sense message, in which the speed factor and the angle of this speed (relative to the neck) are given.
Definition at line 958 of file Objects.cpp. References velSpeedRelToNeck. Referenced by WorldModel::calculateStateAgent(), WorldModel::calculateStateAgent2(), WorldModel::calculateStateAgent3(), and WorldModel::updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(). |
This method returns the Stamina of the AgentObject.
Definition at line 940 of file Objects.cpp. References stamina. Referenced by WorldModel::getAgentEffort(), WorldModel::getAgentStamina(), and WorldModel::processNewAgentInfo(). |
This method returns the number of cycles it will take the tackle to expire. In case of 0 a tackle command can be issued. Definition at line 1050 of file Objects.cpp. References m_iTackleExpires. Referenced by WorldModel::getTackleExpires(). |
This method returns the view angle of this PlayerObject. The view angle equals VA_NARROW, VA_NORMAL, VA_WIDE or VA_ILLEGAL.
Definition at line 886 of file Objects.cpp. References viewAngle, and ViewAngleT. Referenced by WorldModel::getAgentViewAngle(), and WorldModel::removeGhosts(). |
This method returns the view quality of this AgentObject. The view angle equals VQ_LOW, VQ_HIGH, or VQ_ILLEGAL.
Definition at line 924 of file Objects.cpp. References viewQuality, and ViewQualityT. Referenced by WorldModel::getAgentViewQuality(). |
This method sets the numer of cycles it will take the arm to expire. In case of zero, the arm doesn't point anymore and the other players won't see the arm pointing anymore. Definition at line 1027 of file Objects.cpp. References m_iArmExpires. Referenced by WorldModel::processNewAgentInfo(). |
This method returns whether it is allowed to move the arm of the agent. Definition at line 1010 of file Objects.cpp. References m_bArmMovable. Referenced by WorldModel::processNewAgentInfo(). |
This method sets the relative body angle to the neck for this AgentObject.
Definition at line 996 of file Objects.cpp. References angBodyAngleRelToNeck, and AngDeg. Referenced by WorldModel::processNewAgentInfo(). |
This method sets the global position to which the arm points. Definition at line 1042 of file Objects.cpp. References m_posGlobalArm. Referenced by WorldModel::processNewAgentInfo(). |
This method sets the global neck angle for this AgentObject.
Definition at line 976 of file Objects.cpp. References AngDeg, PlayerObject::angGlobalBodyAngle, PlayerObject::angGlobalNeckAngle, getBodyAngleRelToNeck(), and VecPosition::normalizeAngle(). Referenced by WorldModel::updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), and WorldModel::updateAgentObjectAfterSee(). |
This method sets the position difference between the derived global position from the previous cycle information and the global position from the latest see message.
Definition at line 906 of file Objects.cpp. References posPositionDifference. Referenced by WorldModel::updateAgentObjectAfterSee(). |
This method sets the velocity (speed and direction) of this AgentObject. This information comes directly from the sense message.
Definition at line 967 of file Objects.cpp. References velSpeedRelToNeck. Referenced by WorldModel::processNewAgentInfo(). |
This method sets the stamina of this AgentObject.
Definition at line 948 of file Objects.cpp. References stamina. Referenced by WorldModel::processNewAgentInfo(), and WorldModel::WorldModel(). |
This method sets the number of cycles it will take the tackle to expire. In case of 0 a tackle command can be issued. Definition at line 1057 of file Objects.cpp. References m_iTackleExpires. Referenced by WorldModel::processNewAgentInfo(). |
This method sets the view angle of this AgentObject.
Definition at line 915 of file Objects.cpp. References viewAngle, and ViewAngleT. Referenced by WorldModel::processNewAgentInfo(), and WorldModel::setAgentViewAngle(). |
Set the view quality of this AgentObject.
Definition at line 932 of file Objects.cpp. References viewQuality, and ViewQualityT. Referenced by WorldModel::processNewAgentInfo(), and WorldModel::setAgentViewQuality(). |
This methods prints the information about this AgentObject to the specified output stream. The specified team name is used as the name
Reimplemented from PlayerObject. Definition at line 869 of file Objects.cpp. References angBodyAngleRelToNeck, PlayerObject::angGlobalNeckAngle, SoccerTypes::getObjectStr(), MAX_TEAM_NAME_LENGTH, Object::objectType, Object::posGlobal, Stamina::show(), stamina, Object::timeGlobalPosition, DynamicObject::timeGlobalVelocity, and DynamicObject::vecGlobalVelocity. |
This methods prints the information about this AgentObject to the specified output stream. The default team name is used as the name.
Reimplemented from PlayerObject. Definition at line 860 of file Objects.cpp. References DEFAULT_TEAM_NAME. Referenced by WorldModel::show(). |
Relative angle of body with neck Definition at line 326 of file Objects.h. Referenced by AgentObject(), getBodyAngleRelToNeck(), setBodyAngleRelToNeck(), and show(). |
Indicates whether can move arm. Definition at line 330 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getArmMovable(), and setArmMovable(). |
Nr. of cycles till arm expires Definition at line 331 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getArmExpires(), and setArmExpires(). |
Nr. of cycles till tackle expires Definition at line 333 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getTackleExpires(), and setTackleExpires(). |
Definition at line 332 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getGlobalArmPosition(), and setGlobalArmPosition(). |
Global pos difference with lastsee Definition at line 328 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getPositionDifference(), and setPositionDifference(). |
Stamina (stamina, effort, recovery Definition at line 324 of file Objects.h. Referenced by AgentObject(), getStamina(), setStamina(), and show(). |
Velocity vector relative to neck Definition at line 325 of file Objects.h. Referenced by AgentObject(), getSpeedRelToNeck(), and setSpeedRelToNeck(). |
View angle of this agent Definition at line 321 of file Objects.h. Referenced by AgentObject(), getViewAngle(), and setViewAngle(). |
View quality of this agent Definition at line 322 of file Objects.h. Referenced by AgentObject(), getViewQuality(), and setViewQuality(). |