#include <Objects.h>
Inheritance diagram for PlayerObject:
Definition at line 190 of file Objects.h.
This is the constructor for PlayerObject. A PlayerObject is created with all variables initialized to (illegal) default values Definition at line 461 of file Objects.cpp. References angGlobalBodyAngle, angGlobalNeckAngle, angRelativeBodyAngle, angRelativeNeckAngle, iHeteroPlayerType, isGoalie, isKnownPlayer, and UnknownAngleValue. |
This method returns the global direction in which the arm of this object has last been observed to point. Definition at line 778 of file Objects.cpp. References AngDeg, and m_angGlobalArm. Referenced by WorldModel::getGlobalArmDirection(). |
This method returns the global body angle of this object. This information is from the server time that is returned by getTimeGlobalAngles().
Definition at line 511 of file Objects.cpp. References AngDeg. Referenced by WorldModel::getAgentGlobalBodyAngle(), WorldModel::getGlobalBodyAngle(), and show(). |
This method returns the global angle of the agent calculated after the last see message. The time of this information corresponds to 'getTimeChangeInformation', since the change information arrives always together with the body and neck information.
Definition at line 601 of file Objects.cpp. References AngDeg. Referenced by WorldModel::getGlobalBodyAngleLastSee(). |
This method returns the global neck angle of this object. This information is from the time that is returned by getTimeGlobalAngles().
Definition at line 551 of file Objects.cpp. References AngDeg. Referenced by WorldModel::calculateStatePlayer(), WorldModel::getAgentGlobalNeckAngle(), and WorldModel::getGlobalNeckAngle(). |
This method returns the heterogeneous index number of this player object.
Definition at line 746 of file Objects.cpp. References iHeteroPlayerType. Referenced by WorldModel::getHeteroInfoPlayer(), and WorldModel::getHeteroPlayerType(). |
This method returns whether the current object is a goalie or not.
Definition at line 700 of file Objects.cpp. References isGoalie. Referenced by WorldModel::getOppGoalieType(), and WorldModel::getOwnGoalieType(). |
This method returns whether the current object is a known player or not. A known player is a player of which we know the number. If we don't know the player number of a player, the player is put at the index of a player that isn't seen in a while and the isKnownPlayer attribute is set to false.
Definition at line 684 of file Objects.cpp. References isKnownPlayer. Referenced by WorldModel::isKnownPlayer(), and WorldModel::processPerfectHearInfo(). |
This method returns the maximal possible object type as set by 'setPossibleRange'.
Definition at line 662 of file Objects.cpp. References ObjectT, and objRangeMax. |
This method returns the minimal possible object type as set by 'setPossibleRange'.
Definition at line 654 of file Objects.cpp. References ObjectT, and objRangeMin. |
This method returns the relative body angle of this object. This information is from the server time that is returned by getTimeRelativeAngles().
Definition at line 491 of file Objects.cpp. References AngDeg. Referenced by WorldModel::updateDynamicObjectAfterSee(). |
This method returns the relative neck angle of this object. This information is from the time that is returned by getTimeRelativeAngles().
Definition at line 531 of file Objects.cpp. References AngDeg. Referenced by WorldModel::updateDynamicObjectAfterSee(). |
This method returns the server time in which the global body and neck angle of this object were calculated.
Definition at line 610 of file Objects.cpp. References timeGlobalAngles. Referenced by WorldModel::getTimeGlobalAngles(). |
This method returns the time that is related to the last time the arm of this object has been observed to point in the global direction returned by 'getGlobalArm'. Definition at line 795 of file Objects.cpp. References m_timeGlobalArm. Referenced by WorldModel::getTimeGlobalArmDirection(). |
This method returns the server time in which the relative body and neck angle of this object were calculated.
Definition at line 568 of file Objects.cpp. References timeRelativeAngles. Referenced by WorldModel::updateDynamicObjectAfterSee(). |
This method returns the time that is related to the last tackle of this object. Definition at line 761 of file Objects.cpp. References m_timeTackle. Referenced by WorldModel::getTackleExpires(). |
This method returns a boolean indicating whether the supplied object type, is in the range of possible object types set by 'setPossibleRange'.
Definition at line 634 of file Objects.cpp. References SoccerTypes::getIndex(), SoccerTypes::isOpponent(), ObjectT, objRangeMax, and objRangeMin. |
This method sets the global direction in which the arm of this object has last been observed to point. The time related to this update is represented by time. Definition at line 770 of file Objects.cpp. References AngDeg, m_angGlobalArm, and setTimeGlobalArm(). |
This method sets the facing direction of the body and the time of this information (all global).
Definition at line 501 of file Objects.cpp. References AngDeg, angGlobalBodyAngle, and setTimeGlobalAngles(). Referenced by WorldModel::processSeeGlobalInfo(), and WorldModel::updateDynamicObjectAfterSee(). |
This method sets the global angle of the agent calculated after the last see message. The time of this information corresponds to 'getTimeChangeInformation', since the change information arrives always together with the body and neck information.
Definition at line 588 of file Objects.cpp. References AngDeg, and angGlobalBodyAngleLastSee. Referenced by WorldModel::updateDynamicObjectAfterSee(). |
This method returns the facing direction of the neck and the time of this information (all global).
Definition at line 541 of file Objects.cpp. References AngDeg, angGlobalNeckAngle, and setTimeGlobalAngles(). Referenced by WorldModel::processSeeGlobalInfo(), and WorldModel::updateDynamicObjectAfterSee(). |
This method sets the heterogeneous index number of this player object.
Definition at line 738 of file Objects.cpp. References iHeteroPlayerType. Referenced by WorldModel::mapUnknownPlayers(), and WorldModel::setHeteroPlayerType(). |
This method sets whether this dynamic object is a goalie or not.
Definition at line 692 of file Objects.cpp. References isGoalie. Referenced by WorldModel::processPerfectHearInfo(). |
This method sets whether this dynamic object is a known player or not. A known player is a player of which we know the number. If we don't know the player number of a player, the player is put at the index of a player that isn't seen in a while and the isKnownPlayer attribute is set to false.
Definition at line 673 of file Objects.cpp. References isKnownPlayer. Referenced by WorldModel::processPerfectHearInfo(), WorldModel::processSeeGlobalInfo(), and WorldModel::setIsKnownPlayer(). |
This method sets the possible range from which this object must originate from. Since the ordening of objects in a 'see' message is always the same (first teammates then opponents and always sorted by player number), it is possible to derive the range of objects from which the supplied information must originate.
Definition at line 623 of file Objects.cpp. References ObjectT, objRangeMax, and objRangeMin. |
This method sets the facing direction of the body and the time of this information (all relative to the agent).
Definition at line 479 of file Objects.cpp. References AngDeg, angRelativeBodyAngle, and setTimeRelativeAngles(). |
This method returns the facing direction of the neck and the time of this information (all relative to the agent).
Definition at line 521 of file Objects.cpp. References AngDeg, angRelativeNeckAngle, and setTimeRelativeAngles(). |
This method sets the time the facing direction was calculated.
Definition at line 576 of file Objects.cpp. References timeGlobalAngles. Referenced by setGlobalBodyAngle(), and setGlobalNeckAngle(). |
This method sets the time that is related to the last time the arm of this object has been observed to point in the global direction returned by 'getGlobalArm'. Definition at line 786 of file Objects.cpp. References m_timeGlobalArm. Referenced by setGlobalArm(). |
This method sets the time the facing direction was calculated.
Definition at line 559 of file Objects.cpp. References timeRelativeAngles. Referenced by setRelativeBodyAngle(), and setRelativeNeckAngle(). |
This method sets the time related to the last tackle of this object. Definition at line 753 of file Objects.cpp. References m_timeTackle. |
This method prints the information about this PlayerObject to the specified output stream. The variables are printed with the specified team name.
Reimplemented in AgentObject. Definition at line 718 of file Objects.cpp. References angGlobalNeckAngle, Object::getConfidence(), getGlobalBodyAngle(), SoccerTypes::getObjectStr(), isKnownPlayer, MAX_TEAM_NAME_LENGTH, Object::objectType, Object::posGlobal, timeGlobalAngles, Object::timeGlobalPosition, DynamicObject::timeGlobalVelocity, Object::timeLastSeen, and DynamicObject::vecGlobalVelocity. |
This method prints the information about this PlayerObject to the specified output stream. The variables are printed with the default team name.
Reimplemented from Object. Reimplemented in AgentObject. Definition at line 709 of file Objects.cpp. References DEFAULT_TEAM_NAME. Referenced by WorldModel::show(). |
Global body angle Definition at line 197 of file Objects.h. Referenced by PlayerObject(), setGlobalBodyAngle(), and AgentObject::setGlobalNeckAngle(). |
Global body angle from last see msg Definition at line 199 of file Objects.h. Referenced by setGlobalBodyAngleLastSee(). |
Global neck angle Definition at line 198 of file Objects.h. Referenced by AgentObject::AgentObject(), PlayerObject(), AgentObject::setGlobalNeckAngle(), setGlobalNeckAngle(), AgentObject::show(), and show(). |
Relative body angle to main player Definition at line 209 of file Objects.h. Referenced by PlayerObject(), and setRelativeBodyAngle(). |
Relative neck angle to main player Definition at line 210 of file Objects.h. Referenced by PlayerObject(), and setRelativeNeckAngle(). |
index of heterogeneous player type Definition at line 201 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getHeteroPlayerType(), PlayerObject(), and setHeteroPlayerType(). |
is this object a goalie Definition at line 196 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getIsGoalie(), PlayerObject(), and setIsGoalie(). |
are we sure about player number Definition at line 193 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getIsKnownPlayer(), PlayerObject(), setIsKnownPlayer(), and show(). |
global pointing direction of arm Definition at line 205 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getGlobalArm(), and setGlobalArm(). |
time arm last seen Definition at line 206 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getTimeGlobalArm(), and setTimeGlobalArm(). |
time tackle command was observerd Definition at line 203 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getTimeTackle(), and setTimeTackle(). |
Maximum in range of possible player obj Definition at line 195 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getMaxRange(), isInRange(), and setPossibleRange(). |
Minimum in range of possible player obj Definition at line 194 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getMinRange(), isInRange(), and setPossibleRange(). |
Server time of global angles Definition at line 200 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getTimeGlobalAngles(), setTimeGlobalAngles(), and show(). |
Server time of relative angles Definition at line 211 of file Objects.h. Referenced by getTimeRelativeAngles(), and setTimeRelativeAngles(). |