Other Stuff
So, you want to do a PhD...
Done! (the big anti-climax)
You have submitted your thesis (congrats!). Now you only have to
defend it. Don't worry about the defense. This is just another
conference talk with an excruciatingly long question slot.
- Re-read your thesis a couple of times before your
defense. I know, by this time you rather pull out your own fingernails
that read that thing again, but you want to make sure that everything
is fresh in your mind when you defend it. Nothing is more embarrassing
than the committee members knowing your PhD thesis better than you do.
- Free at last! No more pages to write, no more debugging. But what
next? Being rid of the stress of your PhD thesis can leave a weird
emptiness. After all, this thing has dominated your daily life for
the last few years, and of course the fact that you now have a
PhD doesn't live up to the anticipation that has built up over
the years. Nevertheless you should feel a strong sense of relief
that it's over.
- Treat yourself to a long holiday or do whatever you like for a
few weeks (or even months). Spoil yourself, and celebrate the
fact that you have survived your PhD with hopefully not too much
mental scarring.
I hope you've find this advice somewhat helpful. If you have any other
suggestions, I'd be curious to hear them. Just drop me an email.
Next: The world is your oyster
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