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Postdoc at
zhouhang DOT mao AT gmail DOT com
I am a postdoc at Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics under Lenny
Detailed CV.
The interaction between topology and algebraic geometry: derived algebraic geometry (géométrie algébrique dérivée), algebraic topology (topologie algébrique), arithmetic geometry (géométrie arithmétique), algebraic -theory (-théorie algébrique), topological cyclic homology (homologie cyclique topologique).
Revisiting derived crystalline cohomology, arXiv:2107.02921, latest pdf
Perfectoid rings as Thom spectra, Selecta Mathematica, arXiv:2003.08697, latest pdf
Revisiting derived crystalline cohomology, Séminaire d'Arithmétique et de Géométrie Algébrique, Université Paris-Saclay, notes
Perfectoid rings as Thom spectra, Seminar of the algebraic topology group, Université Paris Nord, slides
Warning. There is a major mistake in these slides: the formulation of the deformation theory is incorrect. It should be formulated as the following: given an infinitesimal thickening , the derived base change induces an equivalence from the category of formally étale -algebras to the category of formally étale -algebras.
M2 Mémoire: Comparisons of different constructions in algebraic -theory, pdf
TD LU2MA250: Series and integrals (Séries et intégrales) {non math major}
TD LU2MA122: Linear and bilinear algebra (Algèbres linéaire et bilinéaire IIa)