#include <WorldModel.h>
Collaboration diagram for WorldModel:
Definition at line 111 of file WorldModel.h.
Destructor Definition at line 147 of file WorldModel.cpp. References mutex_newInfo. |
This method adds one goal to the goal difference. Call this method when your team has scored a goal
Definition at line 469 of file WorldModel.cpp. References iGoalDiff. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeHearMessage(). |
This method returns the average of the particles contained in 'posArray'.
Definition at line 1816 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), and UnknownDoubleValue. Referenced by calculateStateAgent(). |
This method calculates the global neck angle of the agent using all available flag information and the estimation of the current global position of the agent 'pos'. For each perceived flag, the global direction is calculated using the known global position of the flag and the specified global position 'pos' of the agent. Then the global neck direction of the agent is determined using the relative direction to this flag. The average neck angle of all perceived flags is returned.
Definition at line 2048 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, atan2Deg(), cosDeg(), getGlobalPosition(), getRelativeAngle(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_FLAGS, ObjectT, sinDeg(), and UnknownAngleValue. Referenced by calculateStateAgent(), and calculateStateAgent2(). |
This method calculates the global position of the agent using two flags. Using the perceived distance to the two flag, two circles are created with as center the global position of the flag. The intersection of these two circles is returned as the global position of the agent (note that the relative direction to both flags can be used to determine which of the two possible intersection points is the correct position). It is assumed that the relative information of the specified flags are from the last see message.
Definition at line 1993 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, getGlobalPosition(), getRelativeAngle(), getRelativeDistance(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), and ObjectT. Referenced by calculateStateAgent2(), and calculateStateAgent3(). |
This method calculates the different state information of the agent, that is the global position, global velocity and global neck angle using the available information in the world model. This method uses a particle filter to determine this information.
Definition at line 1613 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References agentObject, AngDeg, averageParticles(), calculateAngleAgentWithPos(), calculateStateAgent2(), checkParticlesAgent(), getAgentGlobalNeckAngle(), getFurthestRelativeInSet(), getGlobalAngle(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), ServerSettings::getPlayerDecay(), getRelativeAngle(), AgentObject::getSpeedRelToNeck(), initParticlesAgent(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_LINES, ObjectT, particlesPosAgent, resampleParticlesAgent(), VecPosition::rotate(), VecPosition::setMagnitude(), SS, UnknownAngleValue, and updateParticlesAgent(). Referenced by updateAgentObjectAfterSee(). |
This method calculates the different state information of the agent, that is the global position, global velocity and global neck angle using the available information in the world model. This method uses a weighted average of all currently perceived flags.
Definition at line 1852 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References agentObject, AngDeg, calculateAngleAgentWithPos(), calculatePosAgentWith2Flags(), getMinMaxDistQuantizeValue(), ServerSettings::getQuantizeStepL(), getRelativeDistance(), AgentObject::getSpeedRelToNeck(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_FLAGS, ObjectT, VecPosition::rotate(), VecPosition::setVecPosition(), SS, and UnknownDoubleValue. Referenced by calculateStateAgent(). |
This method calculates the different state information of the agent, that is the global position, global velocity and global neck angle using the available information in the world model. Only the closest two global flags are taken into account.
Definition at line 1927 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References agentObject, AngDeg, calculatePosAgentWith2Flags(), getClosestRelativeInSet(), getCurrentCycle(), getFurthestRelativeInSet(), getGlobalAngle(), getGlobalPosition(), getRelativeAngle(), getRelativeDistance(), getSecondClosestRelativeInSet(), AgentObject::getSpeedRelToNeck(), VecPosition::getVecPositionFromPolar(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_FLAGS, OBJECT_SET_LINES, ObjectT, and VecPosition::rotate(). |
This method calculates the global position and velocity of the ball using the newest visual information.
Definition at line 2115 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References agentObject, Ball, calculateVelocityDynamicObject(), getAgentGlobalNeckAngle(), getAgentGlobalPosition(), ServerSettings::getBallDecay(), ServerSettings::getBallRand(), getBallSpeed(), ServerSettings::getBallSpeedMax(), getClosestInSetTo(), getCurrentTime(), getGlobalPosition(), Object::getGlobalPositionLastSee(), getGlobalVelocity(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), ServerSettings::getMaximalKickDist(), getNrInSetInCircle(), getPlayMode(), AgentObject::getPositionDifference(), getRelativeAngle(), getRelativeDistance(), DynamicObject::getTimeChangeInformation(), Object::getTimeGlobalPosDerivedFromSee(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), getTimeLastSeen(), getTimeSinceLastCatch(), ServerSettings::getVisibleDistance(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), isBackPassThem(), isBackPassUs(), isBeforeKickOff(), isGoalKickThem(), isGoalKickUs(), isKickInThem(), isKickInUs(), isPenaltyThem(), isPenaltyUs(), m_bPerformedKick, m_bWasCollision, m_timeLastCollision, OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, OBJECT_SET_PLAYERS, PENALTY_AREA_WIDTH, PENALTY_X, PITCH_WIDTH, PM_PLAY_ON, POLAR, VecPosition::setMagnitude(), VecPosition::setVecPosition(), VecPosition::setY(), sign(), and SS. Referenced by updateDynamicObjectAfterSee(). |
This method determines the current state of a player and is called after a see message has arrived.
Definition at line 2274 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References agentObject, calculateVelocityDynamicObject(), getAgentGlobalPosition(), PlayerObject::getGlobalNeckAngle(), getGlobalVelocity(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), getObjectPtrFromType(), ServerSettings::getPlayerRand(), ServerSettings::getPlayerSpeedMax(), getRelativeAngle(), getRelativeDistance(), DynamicObject::getTimeChangeInformation(), getTimeLastSeen(), ObjectT, POLAR, VecPosition::setMagnitude(), and SS. Referenced by updateDynamicObjectAfterSee(). |
This method returns the velocity from the object o given the perceptions from the see message. It uses the soccer server formula directly (thus assuming no noise).
Definition at line 2091 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References cosDeg(), Deg2Rad(), getAgentGlobalNeckAngle(), getAgentGlobalVelocity(), getObjectPtrFromType(), getRelativeAngle(), DynamicObject::getRelativeAngleChange(), getRelativeDistance(), DynamicObject::getRelativeDistanceChange(), ObjectT, VecPosition::relativeToGlobal(), sinDeg(), and UnknownDoubleValue. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), and calculateStatePlayer(). |
This method checks all the particles that represent the global position of the agent using the flags in the last perceived see message. The global neck angle of the agent is used to make the perceived information global. Particles that are not possible are deleted and all legal particles will be shifted to the beginning of the array. The number of legal particles is returned.
Definition at line 1744 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getGlobalPosition(), getMinMaxDistQuantizeValue(), ServerSettings::getQuantizeStepL(), getRelativeAngle(), getRelativeDistance(), iNrParticlesAgent, iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_FLAGS, ObjectT, particlesPosAgent, and SS. Referenced by calculateStateAgent(). |
This method checks all particles that represent the global position and global velocity of the ball. This is done by using the last perceived information. Using the possible ranges from which these values coule originate from, it can be checked which particles are legal. These particles are moved to the beginning of the array. Afterwards the number of legal particles is stored in 'iNrParticlesLeft'.
Definition at line 2879 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, Ball, getAgentGlobalNeckAngle(), getAgentGlobalPosition(), getAgentGlobalVelocity(), VecPosition::getDirection(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), getMinMaxDirChange(), getMinMaxDistChange(), getMinMaxDistQuantizeValue(), getRelativeAngle(), DynamicObject::getRelativeAngleChange(), getRelativeDistance(), DynamicObject::getRelativeDistanceChange(), DynamicObject::getTimeChangeInformation(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), getTimeLastSeen(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), VecPosition::globalToRelative(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_BALL, Rad2Deg(), and UnknownDoubleValue. |
Definition at line 160 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), getBallPos(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getFastestInSetTo(), getGlobalPosition(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), logCircle(), OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, and ObjectT. |
Definition at line 523 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References FEATURE_FASTEST_OPPONENT_TO_BALL, FEATURE_FASTEST_PLAYER_TO_BALL, FEATURE_FASTEST_TEAMMATE_TO_BALL, FEATURE_FASTEST_TEAMMATE_TO_BALL_NO_GOALIE, FEATURE_ILLEGAL, FEATURE_INTERCEPT_CYCLES_ME, FeatureT, getAgentObjectType(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getFastestInSetTo(), getGlobalPosition(), getOwnGoalieType(), getPlayerNumber(), ServerSettings::getPlayerSpeedMax(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerWhenToIntercept(), getTimeLastHearMessage(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), getTimeLastSenseMessage(), SoccerTypes::isOpponent(), SoccerTypes::isTeammate(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), min(), OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, OBJECT_SET_PLAYERS, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES_NO_GOALIE, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, predictNrCyclesToPoint(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), PS, setFeature(), and SS. Referenced by getFastestInSetTo(), and predictNrCyclesToObject(). |
This method draws a coordination graph between the relevant players and logs this information. Definition at line 2530 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getAgentGlobalPosition(), getAgentObjectType(), getCurrentCycle(), getCurrentTime(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getFastestInSetTo(), getGlobalPosition(), SoccerTypes::getIndex(), SoccerTypes::getObjectStr(), getPlayerNumber(), getRelativeDistance(), getTeamName(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), Time::isStopped(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), logLine(), OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, ObjectSetT, and ObjectT. Referenced by updateAll(). |
The actual power with which the ball is kicked depends on the relative location of the ball to the player. The kick is more powerful when the ball is very close to and in front of the player. The actual kickpowerrate with which the power of the kick command is multiplied is equal to
Definition at line 1655 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References ServerSettings::getBallSize(), ServerSettings::getKickableMargin(), ServerSettings::getKickPowerRate(), ServerSettings::getPlayerSize(), getRelativeAngle(), getRelativeDistance(), OBJECT_BALL, and SS. Referenced by BasicPlayer::accelerateBallToVelocity(), getKickPowerForSpeed(), BasicPlayer::kickTo(), predictBallInfoAfterCommand(), and updateParticlesBall(). |
This method determines the actual angle that is used when 'angTurn' is sent to the SoccerServer. This value depends on the current velocity and the inertia moment of the player
Definition at line 1785 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References AngDeg, getInertiaMoment(), and ObjectT. Referenced by predictStateAfterTurn(). |
This method returns how many cycles it will last before the arm of the agent stops pointing. Definition at line 850 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, and AgentObject::getArmExpires(). |
This method returns whether the arm of the agent can be moved. Definition at line 836 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, and AgentObject::getArmMovable(). |
This method returns the current position the arm of the agent is pointing towards. Definition at line 843 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, and AgentObject::getGlobalArmPosition(). |
This method returns the body angle relative to the neck of the agent.
Definition at line 706 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, AngDeg, and AgentObject::getBodyAngleRelToNeck(). Referenced by BasicPlayer::alignNeckWithBody(), and getRelativeAngle(). |
This method returns the effort information of the agent
Definition at line 743 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, Stamina::getEffort(), and AgentObject::getStamina(). Referenced by BasicPlayer::dashToPoint(), and predictCommandToMoveToPos(). |
This method returns the global body angle of the agent in the world.
Definition at line 720 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, AngDeg, and PlayerObject::getGlobalBodyAngle(). Referenced by BasicPlayer::accelerateBallToVelocity(), BasicPlayer::dashToPoint(), BasicPlayer::defendGoalLine(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), BasicPlayer::directTowards(), BasicPlayer::dribble(), BasicPlayer::freezeBall(), BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::getDribblePoint(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::holdBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), BasicPlayer::interceptCloseGoalie(), BasicPlayer::interceptScoringAttempt(), BasicPlayer::kickBallCloseToBody(), BasicPlayer::kickTo(), BasicPlayer::moveToPos(), BasicPlayer::moveToPosAlongLine(), BasicPlayer::outplayOpponent(), Player::performPenalty(), predictAgentStateAfterCommand(), predictBallInfoAfterCommand(), predictNrCyclesToPoint(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), BasicPlayer::searchBall(), BasicPlayer::turnBackToPoint(), BasicPlayer::turnBodyToPoint(), BasicPlayer::turnWithBallTo(), updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), and updateParticlesBall(). |
This method returns the global neck angle of the agent in the world.
Definition at line 713 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, AngDeg, and PlayerObject::getGlobalNeckAngle(). Referenced by calculateStateAgent(), calculateStateBall(), calculateVelocityDynamicObject(), checkParticlesBall(), Player::executeStringCommand(), BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), initParticlesBall(), BasicPlayer::kickTo(), mapUnknownPlayers(), predictAgentStateAfterCommand(), removeGhosts(), updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), updateDynamicObjectAfterSee(), and updateObjectRelativeFromGlobal(). |
This method returns the global position of the agent
Definition at line 764 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, and Object::getGlobalPosition(). Referenced by calculateStateBall(), calculateStatePlayer(), checkParticlesBall(), BasicPlayer::collideWithBall(), BasicPlayer::dashToPoint(), BasicPlayer::defendGoalLine(), Player::deMeer5(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), BasicPlayer::directTowards(), drawCoordinationGraph(), BasicPlayer::dribble(), Player::executeStringCommand(), BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), Player::getDeadBallPosition(), BasicPlayer::getDribblePoint(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), getMarkingPosition(), getRelAngleOpponentGoal(), getRelDistanceOpponentGoal(), BasicPlayer::holdBall(), initParticlesBall(), BasicPlayer::intercept(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), BasicPlayer::interceptScoringAttempt(), isOpponentAtAngle(), BasicPlayer::kickTo(), mapUnknownPlayers(), BasicPlayer::mark(), BasicPlayer::moveToPos(), BasicPlayer::moveToPosAlongLine(), BasicPlayer::outplayOpponent(), Player::performPenalty(), predictAgentStateAfterCommand(), predictFinalAgentPos(), predictNrCyclesToPoint(), processNewAgentInfo(), processUnsureHearInfo(), removeGhosts(), BasicPlayer::searchBall(), BasicPlayer::turnWithBallTo(), updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), and updateObjectRelativeFromGlobal(). |
This method returns the global velocity information of the agent
Definition at line 750 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, and DynamicObject::getGlobalVelocity(). Referenced by calculateVelocityDynamicObject(), checkParticlesBall(), BasicPlayer::dashToPoint(), BasicPlayer::directTowards(), BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), initParticlesBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), BasicPlayer::interceptCloseGoalie(), predictAgentStateAfterCommand(), predictFinalAgentPos(), predictNrCyclesToPoint(), and updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(). |
Definition at line 689 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), and SoccerTypes::getIndex(). |
This method returns the ObjectType of the agent. This is an ObjectT between OBJECT_TEAMMATE_1 and OBJECT_TEAMMATE_11
Definition at line 684 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, Object::getType(), and ObjectT. Referenced by Player::amIAgentToSaySomething(), SenseHandler::analyzeFullStateMessage(), coordinateWith(), createInterceptFeatures(), Player::deMeer5(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), drawCoordinationGraph(), Player::executeStringCommand(), BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), getAgentIndex(), Player::getDeadBallPosition(), getFirstEmptySpotInSet(), getHeteroInfoPlayer(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), getMaxRangeUnknownPlayer(), getPlayerType(), getPosClosestOpponentTo(), getProbTackleSucceeds(), getTackleExpires(), BasicPlayer::intercept(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), BasicPlayer::interceptCloseGoalie(), isConfidenceGood(), isConfidenceVeryGood(), logCoordInfo(), mapUnknownPlayers(), predictAgentPos(), predictAgentStateAfterCommand(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), predictNrCyclesToObject(), predictNrCyclesToPoint(), predictObjectStateAfterCommand(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), processLastSeeMessage(), processNewObjectInfo(), processPerfectHearInfo(), processUnsureHearInfo(), setHeteroPlayerType(), BasicPlayer::turnBackToPoint(), BasicPlayer::turnBodyToPoint(), BasicPlayer::turnWithBallTo(), updateAfterSeeMessage(), updateAfterSenseMessage(), updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), updateAll(), and updateRelativeFromGlobal(). |
This method returns the speed of the agent
Definition at line 757 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, and DynamicObject::getSpeed(). Referenced by BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::turnBackToPoint(), and BasicPlayer::turnBodyToPoint(). |
This method returns the stamina information of the agent
Definition at line 727 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, and AgentObject::getStamina(). Referenced by Player::deMeer5(), BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), getAgentTiredNess(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), BasicPlayer::interceptCloseGoalie(), Player::performPenalty(), predictAgentStateAfterCommand(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), and updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(). |
This method returns a TiredNessT value that indicates how tired the agent is.
Definition at line 735 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getAgentStamina(), ServerSettings::getRecoverDecThr(), ServerSettings::getStaminaMax(), Stamina::getTiredNess(), SS, and TiredNessT. |
This method returns the view angle of the agent.
Definition at line 782 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, AgentObject::getViewAngle(), and ViewAngleT. Referenced by getAgentViewFrequency(), and Player::performPenalty(). |
This method returns the view frequency of see messages for the agent relative to the time of the sense_body interval. So 0.5 means a see message arrives twice in every simulation cycle.
Definition at line 805 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getAgentViewAngle(), getAgentViewQuality(), VA_ILLEGAL, VA_NARROW, VA_NORMAL, VA_WIDE, ViewAngleT, ViewQualityT, VQ_HIGH, VQ_ILLEGAL, and VQ_LOW. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeSeeMessage(), and SenseHandler::setTimeSignal(). |
This method returns the view quality of the agent
Definition at line 796 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, AgentObject::getViewQuality(), and ViewQualityT. Referenced by getAgentViewFrequency(). |
This method determines the angle that should be sent to the soccerserver when the player wants to turn angDesiredAngle. This value depends on the current velocity and the inertia moment of the player
Definition at line 1767 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References AngDeg, getInertiaMoment(), ServerSettings::getMaxMoment(), ServerSettings::getMinMoment(), ObjectT, and SS. Referenced by BasicPlayer::directTowards(), BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), predictCommandTurnTowards(), BasicPlayer::turnBackToPoint(), and BasicPlayer::turnBodyToPoint(). |
This method returns the global direction of the ball velocity.
Definition at line 873 of file WorldModel.cpp. References AngDeg, Ball, VecPosition::getDirection(), and DynamicObject::getGlobalVelocity(). Referenced by BasicPlayer::freezeBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptScoringAttempt(), and isBallHeadingToGoal(). |
This method returns the global position of the ball. The method getConfidence with as argument OBJECT_BALL should be called to check the confidence of this global position.
Definition at line 859 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getGlobalPosition(), and OBJECT_BALL. Referenced by Player::amIAgentToSaySomething(), BasicPlayer::clearBall(), coordinateWith(), BasicPlayer::defendGoalLine(), Player::deMeer5(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), BasicPlayer::freezeBall(), getClosestPlayerInFormationTo(), Player::getDeadBallPosition(), BasicPlayer::getEndSpeedForPass(), getMarkingPosition(), getOffsideX(), getProbTackleSucceeds(), BasicPlayer::getShootPositionOnLine(), getStrategicPosition(), BasicPlayer::holdBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptScoringAttempt(), isBallCatchable(), isBallHeadingToGoal(), isBallInOwnPenaltyArea(), BasicPlayer::kickBallCloseToBody(), BasicPlayer::kickTo(), logDrawBallInfo(), Player::mainLoop(), BasicPlayer::moveToPosAlongLine(), predictNrCyclesToObject(), BasicPlayer::searchBall(), BasicPlayer::turnWithBallTo(), updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), and updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(). |
This method returns the current estimate of the speed of the ball.
Definition at line 866 of file WorldModel.cpp. References Ball, DynamicObject::getGlobalVelocity(), and VecPosition::getMagnitude(). Referenced by calculateStateBall(), BasicPlayer::collideWithBall(), BasicPlayer::freezeBall(), isCollisionAfterCommand(), BasicPlayer::kickBallCloseToBody(), predictNrCyclesToObject(), and BasicPlayer::turnWithBallTo(). |
Definition at line 1736 of file WorldModel.cpp. References m_changeViewCommand. Referenced by updateAll(). |
This method returns the status of the ball. This value is derived from the check_ball command that can only be used by the coach. The status of the ball corresponds to the server time returned by getTimeCheckBall.
Definition at line 532 of file WorldModel.cpp. References BallStatusT, and bsCheckBall. |
This method returns the closest object in 'set' to the line 'l'. The projection p of the global position of this object on the line 'l' should lie between pos1 and pos2. After the method is finished, it returns this object and the last two arguments of this method are set to the the distance between the object and p and the distance from pos1 to p respectively.
Definition at line 281 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getGlobalPosition(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), Line::getPointOnLineClosestTo(), Line::isInBetween(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, and PS. |
This method returns the ojbect type of the closest object to the specified position and that is part of the object set 'set' with a confidence higher than the supplied threshold. If no threshold is supplied, the threshold defined in PlayerSettings is used.
Definition at line 240 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getGlobalPosition(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, and PS. |
This method returns the object type of the closest object to the ObjectT that is supplied as the second argument. Only objects are taken into account that are part of the set 'set' and have a confidence higher than the supplied threshold. If no threshold is supplied, the threshold defined in PlayerSettings is used.
Definition at line 196 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getGlobalPosition(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, and PS. Referenced by Player::amIAgentToSaySomething(), calculateStateBall(), Player::getDeadBallPosition(), getPosClosestOpponentTo(), getProbTackleClosestOpp(), BasicPlayer::holdBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), BasicPlayer::kickTo(), processUnsureHearInfo(), removeGhosts(), Player::sayOppAttackerStatus(), BasicPlayer::turnWithBallTo(), updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), and updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(). |
This method returns the closest player in the current formation to the position 'pos'. In case of a dead ball situation this method can be used to determine whether you should move to the ball.
Definition at line 1837 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References formations, FormationT, getBallPos(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), Formations::getPlayerType(), getStrategicPosition(), SoccerTypes::getTeammateObjectFromIndex(), VecPosition::getX(), isDeadBallUs(), SoccerTypes::isPlayerTypeInSet(), MAX_TEAMMATES, ObjectT, PITCH_LENGTH, and PlayerSetT. |
This method returns the object type of the closest object relative to the agent. Only objects are taken into account that are part of the set 'set'.
Definition at line 323 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getRelativeDistance(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, and ObjectT. Referenced by calculateStateAgent3(), and initParticlesAgent(). |
This method returns the string that we want communicate. It can be set during the creation of the action. When the ActHandler sends its actions, it sends this string to the server.
Definition at line 558 of file WorldModel.cpp. References m_strCommunicate. Referenced by ActHandler::sendCommands(). |
This method returns the confidence value of the object supplied as the first argument. The confidence is calculated using the current server cycle and the time the object was last seen.
Definition at line 1046 of file WorldModel.cpp. References Object::getConfidence(), getCurrentTime(), getObjectPtrFromType(), and ObjectT. Referenced by Player::amIAgentToSaySomething(), BasicPlayer::defendGoalLine(), Player::deMeer5(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), getFirstEmptySpotInSet(), getStrategicPosition(), isConfidenceGood(), isConfidenceVeryGood(), iterateObjectNext(), logObjectInformation(), mapUnknownPlayers(), and processPerfectHearInfoBall(). |
This method returns the current cycle number. In case of a player this is the cycle of the last sense message, in case of the coach this is the cycle of the last see_global message.
Definition at line 237 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getCurrentTime(), and Time::getTime(). Referenced by Player::amIAgentToSaySomething(), SenseHandler::analyzeMessage(), calculateStateAgent3(), Player::deMeer5(), drawCoordinationGraph(), BasicPlayer::freezeBall(), getFastestInSetTo(), logCircle(), logCoordInfo(), logDrawInfo(), logLine(), logObjectInformation(), Player::mainLoop(), Player::makeBallInfo(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), predictNrCyclesToObject(), predictNrCyclesToPoint(), processPlayerMessage(), Player::sayOppAttackerStatus(), ActHandler::sendCommands(), Player::shallISaySomething(), and updateAll(). |
This method returns the current time. In case of a player this is the time of the last sense message, in case of the coach this is the time of the last see_global message.
Definition at line 225 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayerNumber(), getTimeLastRecvSenseMessage(), and getTimeLastSeeGlobalMessage(). Referenced by Player::amIAgentToSaySomething(), SenseHandler::analyzeFullStateMessage(), SenseHandler::analyzeMessage(), SenseHandler::analyzeSeeGlobalMessage(), SenseHandler::analyzeSenseMessage(), calculateStateBall(), drawCoordinationGraph(), getConfidence(), getCurrentCycle(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), getMaxTraveledDistance(), getOffsideX(), getProbTackleSucceeds(), getTackleExpires(), getTimeFromConfidence(), isTimeStopped(), logObjectInformation(), Player::mainLoop(), mapUnknownPlayers(), BasicPlayer::outplayOpponent(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), processCatchedBall(), processNewObjectInfo(), processPerfectHearInfo(), processPerfectHearInfoBall(), processPlayerMessage(), processQueuedCommands(), removeGhosts(), BasicPlayer::searchBall(), ActHandler::sendCommands(), Player::shallISaySomething(), show(), storePlayerMessage(), updateAfterSeeMessage(), updateAfterSenseMessage(), updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), updateAll(), updateBallAfterKick(), updateBallForCollision(), and updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(). |
This method returns the dash power rate of the object 'obj'. Definition at line 1554 of file WorldModel.cpp. References HeteroPlayerSettings::dDashPowerRate, getHeteroInfoPlayer(), and ObjectT. Referenced by predictNrCyclesForDistance(), and predictStateAfterDash(). |
This method determines the (global) direction which has the largest angle between the opponents and is located in the interval angMin.. angMax.
Definition at line 1296 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References AngDeg, getBisectorTwoAngles(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getGlobalPosition(), getOppGoalieType(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), getRelativeDistance(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), max(), MAX_OPPONENTS, min(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, ObjectT, PITCH_LENGTH, PS, and UnknownAngleValue. Referenced by BasicPlayer::clearBall(), and BasicPlayer::getShootPositionOnLine(). |
This method returns the effective max speed of the object 'obj'. Definition at line 1602 of file WorldModel.cpp. References HeteroPlayerSettings::dDashPowerRate, HeteroPlayerSettings::dEffortMax, HeteroPlayerSettings::dPlayerDecay, HeteroPlayerSettings::dPlayerSpeedMax, getEffectiveMaxSpeed(), getHeteroInfoPlayer(), ServerSettings::getMaxPower(), ServerSettings::getPlayerRand(), ObjectT, pt, and SS. Referenced by getEffectiveMaxSpeed(). |
This method returns the maximum effort of the object 'obj'. Definition at line 1596 of file WorldModel.cpp. References HeteroPlayerSettings::dEffortMax, getEffortMax(), getHeteroInfoPlayer(), and ObjectT. Referenced by getEffortMax(), and predictStateAfterDash(). |
This method returns the speed the ball will have after 'dCycles' cycles when it is given an initial speed of 'dFirstSpeed'. This can be calculated using a geometric series.
Definition at line 1753 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References ServerSettings::getBallDecay(), and SS. Referenced by BasicPlayer::getEndSpeedForPass(). |
This method returns the fastest object to another object that is currently located at position 'pos' and has velocity 'vel' that decays with a value 'dDecay'. The last argument will be filled with the predicted amount of cycles needed to reach this object.
Definition at line 859 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References EPSILON, VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getGlobalPosition(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), ServerSettings::getPlayerSpeedMax(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, predictNrCyclesToPoint(), PS, and SS. |
This method returns the fastest object to a specified object and fills the last argument with the predicted amount of cycles needed to intercept this object. Only objects within the set 'set' are taken into consideration and the objects have to have a confidence higher than the player confidence threshold defined in PlayerSettings.
Definition at line 722 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References createInterceptFeatures(), FEATURE_FASTEST_OPPONENT_TO_BALL, FEATURE_FASTEST_PLAYER_TO_BALL, FEATURE_FASTEST_TEAMMATE_TO_BALL, FEATURE_FASTEST_TEAMMATE_TO_BALL_NO_GOALIE, FEATURE_ILLEGAL, FeatureT, getCurrentCycle(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getFeature(), getGlobalPosition(), Feature::getInfo(), Feature::getObject(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), ServerSettings::getPlayerSpeedMax(), getTimeLastHearMessage(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), getTimeLastSenseMessage(), isFeatureRelevant(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), max(), OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, OBJECT_SET_PLAYERS, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES_NO_GOALIE, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, predictNrCyclesToPoint(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), PS, setFeature(), and SS. Referenced by coordinateWith(), createInterceptFeatures(), Player::deMeer5(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), drawCoordinationGraph(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), isBallInOurPossesion(), updateAll(), and updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(). |
This method return the feature corresponding to the type 'type'.
Definition at line 2512 of file WorldModel.cpp. References FeatureT, and m_features. Referenced by getFastestInSetTo(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), and predictNrCyclesToObject(). |
This method returns the first empty spot in the set 'set'. The first empty spot is returned as the object which has a lower confidence than the threshold player_conf_thr defined in the PlayerSettings. This can be used when information of an unknown object is perceived. It is set on the first position where there is currently no information stored. If 'iUnknownPlayer' is specified, the range that corresponds to this unknown player is used to dermine the position.
Definition at line 918 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), getConfidence(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, and PS. Referenced by mapUnknownPlayers(), and processUnsureHearInfo(). |
This method returns the speed that has to be given to an object when it should have travelled a distance 'dDist' after 'dCycles' number of cycles. This can be calculated using a geometric series where 'dDecay' is the used decay factor (default this value equals ball_decay).
Definition at line 1738 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References ServerSettings::getBallDecay(), Geometry::getFirstGeomSeries(), and SS. Referenced by BasicPlayer::getEndSpeedForPass(), and getPowerForDash(). |
This method returns the speed that has to be given to the ball when it should have an endspeed of 'dEndSpeed' after 'dCycles' number of cycles. This can be calculated using a geometric series.
Definition at line 1718 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References ServerSettings::getBallDecay(), and SS. Referenced by getKickSpeedToTravel(). |
This method returns the object type of the furthest object to the ObjectT that is supplied as the second argument. Only objects are taken into account that are part of the set 'set' and have a confidence higher than the supplied threshold. If no threshold is supplied, the threshold defined in PlayerSettings is used.
Definition at line 447 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getGlobalPosition(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, and PS. |
This method returns the type of the object that is located furthest relative to the agent. Only objects are taken into account that are part of the set 'set'.
Definition at line 483 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getRelativeDistance(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, and ObjectT. Referenced by calculateStateAgent(), and calculateStateAgent3(). |
This method returns the global angle of the specified object (this object is normally a line).
Definition at line 1033 of file WorldModel.cpp. References AngDeg, SoccerTypes::getGlobalAngleLine(), getSide(), SoccerTypes::isLine(), ObjectT, and UnknownAngleValue. Referenced by calculateStateAgent(), and calculateStateAgent3(). |
This method returns the arm direction of object 'o'. It does not keep track of how relevant this information is. When the pointing agent stops pointing the angle is set to UnknownAngleValue. Definition at line 1251 of file WorldModel.cpp. References AngDeg, PlayerObject::getGlobalArm(), getObjectPtrFromType(), ObjectT, and UnknownAngleValue. |
This method returns the global body angle of the specified object. No check is made whether this information is up to date (use getTimeGlobalAngles).
Definition at line 1008 of file WorldModel.cpp. References AngDeg, PlayerObject::getGlobalBodyAngle(), getObjectPtrFromType(), ObjectT, and UnknownAngleValue. Referenced by getProbTackleSucceeds(), BasicPlayer::holdBall(), logObjectInformation(), BasicPlayer::outplayOpponent(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), predictCommandToMoveToPos(), predictCommandTurnTowards(), predictNrCyclesToPoint(), predictObjectStateAfterCommand(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), and removeGhosts(). |
This method returns the last global body angle derived from a see message. The time corresponds to the method 'getTimeChangeInformation'.
Definition at line 1224 of file WorldModel.cpp. References AngDeg, PlayerObject::getGlobalBodyAngleLastSee(), getObjectPtrFromType(), ObjectT, and UnknownAngleValue. Referenced by predictNrCyclesToPoint(). |
This method returns the global neck angle of the specified object. No check is made whether this information is up to date (use getTimeGlobalAngles).
Definition at line 1021 of file WorldModel.cpp. References AngDeg, PlayerObject::getGlobalNeckAngle(), getObjectPtrFromType(), ObjectT, and UnknownAngleValue. Referenced by logObjectInformation(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), predictCommandTurnTowards(), and predictObjectStateAfterCommand(). |
This method returns the global position of an objectType. This method is normally used for the objects on the field (player, opponents and the ball). When the global position cannot be determined, a VecPosition with both the x and y coordinate are set to 'UnknownDoubleValue'.
Definition at line 899 of file WorldModel.cpp. References Object::getGlobalPosition(), SoccerTypes::getGlobalPositionFlag(), ServerSettings::getGoalWidth(), getObjectPtrFromType(), getSide(), SoccerTypes::isFlag(), SoccerTypes::isGoal(), ObjectT, SS, and UnknownDoubleValue. Referenced by calculateAngleAgentWithPos(), calculatePosAgentWith2Flags(), calculateStateAgent3(), calculateStateBall(), checkParticlesAgent(), coordinateWith(), createInterceptFeatures(), drawCoordinationGraph(), getBallPos(), getClosestInSetTo(), Player::getDeadBallPosition(), getDirectionOfWidestAngle(), getFastestInSetTo(), getFurthestInSetTo(), getListCloseOpponents(), BasicPlayer::getMarkingPosition(), getNrInSetInCircle(), getNrInSetInCone(), getNrInSetInRectangle(), getPosClosestOpponentTo(), getProbTackleSucceeds(), getSecondClosestInSetTo(), getStrategicPosition(), BasicPlayer::getThroughPassShootingPoint(), BasicPlayer::holdBall(), initParticlesAgent(), isEmptySpace(), isOnside(), isOpponentAtAngle(), BasicPlayer::kickTo(), BasicPlayer::leadingPass(), logCoordInfo(), logDrawInfo(), logObjectInformation(), mapUnknownPlayers(), BasicPlayer::mark(), BasicPlayer::outplayOpponent(), predictBallInfoAfterCommand(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), predictCommandToMoveToPos(), predictCommandTurnTowards(), predictNrCyclesToObject(), predictObjectStateAfterCommand(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), removeGhosts(), Player::sayBallStatus(), Player::sayOppAttackerStatus(), BasicPlayer::turnWithBallTo(), updateAll(), updateBallForCollision(), and updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(). |
This method returns the last global position derived from a see message. The time corresponds to the method 'getTimeGlobalPositionLastSee'.
Definition at line 1187 of file WorldModel.cpp. References Object::getGlobalPositionLastSee(), getObjectPtrFromType(), ObjectT, and UnknownDoubleValue. Referenced by predictNrCyclesToPoint(). |
This method returns the global velocity of an objectType. When the global position cannot be determined, a VecPosition is returned with both the x and y coordinate set to 'UnknownDoubleValue'.
Definition at line 931 of file WorldModel.cpp. References DynamicObject::getGlobalVelocity(), getObjectPtrFromType(), ObjectT, and UnknownDoubleValue. Referenced by BasicPlayer::accelerateBallToVelocity(), calculateStateBall(), calculateStatePlayer(), BasicPlayer::defendGoalLine(), getProbTackleSucceeds(), BasicPlayer::kickBallCloseToBody(), BasicPlayer::kickTo(), logDrawBallInfo(), logObjectInformation(), predictBallInfoAfterCommand(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), predictCommandToMoveToPos(), predictCommandTurnTowards(), predictObjectStateAfterCommand(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), processPerfectHearInfoBall(), processPlayerMessage(), Player::sayBallStatus(), updateBallForCollision(), and updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(). |
This method returns the last global velocity derived from a see message. The time corresponds to the method 'getTimeChangeInformation'.
Definition at line 1212 of file WorldModel.cpp. References DynamicObject::getGlobalVelocityLastSee(), getObjectPtrFromType(), ObjectT, and UnknownDoubleValue. Referenced by predictNrCyclesToPoint(). |
This method returns the goal difference. When this value is below zero, the team of agent is behind, 0 means that the score is currently the same for both teams and a value higher than zero means that you're winning!.
Definition at line 461 of file WorldModel.cpp. References iGoalDiff. |
This method returns the heterogeneous player information of the object 'obj'. This information consists of a subset of the ServerSettings values that fully specify the information of the heterogeneous player. Definition at line 1517 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), PlayerObject::getHeteroPlayerType(), getInfoHeteroPlayer(), getObjectPtrFromType(), SoccerTypes::isKnownPlayer(), and ObjectT. Referenced by getDashPowerRate(), getEffectiveMaxSpeed(), getEffortMax(), getInertiaMoment(), getMaximalKickDist(), getPlayerDecay(), getPlayerSize(), getPlayerSpeedMax(), and getStaminaIncMax(). |
This methods returns the heterogeneous player type of object 'obj'. Initially, the player types of all players are set to the type of the agent itself. After new information from the coach, they are set correctly. Definition at line 1442 of file WorldModel.cpp. References PlayerObject::getHeteroPlayerType(), getObjectPtrFromType(), and ObjectT. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeChangePlayerTypeMessage(), and mapUnknownPlayers(). |
This method returns the inertia moment of the object 'obj'. Definition at line 1590 of file WorldModel.cpp. References HeteroPlayerSettings::dInertiaMoment, getHeteroInfoPlayer(), getInertiaMoment(), and ObjectT. Referenced by getActualTurnAngle(), getAngleForTurn(), getInertiaMoment(), and predictCommandTurnTowards(). |
This method returns information about the heterogeneous player at index 'iIndex'. This information consists of a subset of the ServerSettings values that fully specify the information of the heterogeneous player. Definition at line 1509 of file WorldModel.cpp. References pt. Referenced by getHeteroInfoPlayer(), and BasicCoach::mainLoopNormal(). |
The actual power with which the ball must be kicked depends on the relative location of the ball to the player. The kick is more powerful when the ball is very close to and in front of the player. The actual power with which the ball must be kicked is equal to
Definition at line 1679 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getActualKickPowerRate(). Referenced by BasicPlayer::accelerateBallToVelocity(), BasicPlayer::freezeBall(), BasicPlayer::kickBallCloseToBody(), and BasicPlayer::kickTo(). |
This method determines the power with which the ball must be kicked in order to travel a given distance and still have a speed after that distance
Definition at line 1693 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References ServerSettings::getBallDecay(), Geometry::getFirstInfGeomSeries(), getFirstSpeedFromEndSpeed(), Geometry::getLengthGeomSeries(), and SS. Referenced by BasicPlayer::kickTo(). |
This method returns the object type of the last opponent defender. This opponent resembles the offside line.
Definition at line 1174 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References Object::getGlobalPosition(), getOppGoalieType(), Object::getType(), VecPosition::getX(), isConfidenceGood(), MAX_OPPONENTS, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectT, Opponents, and PENALTY_X. Referenced by getOffsideX(). |
This method returns a list with all the opponents that are location within distance of 'dDist' of position 'pos'. Definition at line 1356 of file WorldModel.cpp. References VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getGlobalPosition(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, and ObjectT. |
This method returns a global position on the field which denotes the position to mark position 'pos'. It receives three arguments: a position pos (usually an opponent) that the agent wants to mark, a distance 'dDist' representing the desired distance between o and the marking position and a type indicator that denotes the type of marking that is required. We distinguish three types of marking: - MARK BALL: marking the opponent by standing at a distance 'dDist' away from him on the line between him and the ball. This type of marking will make it di±cult for the opponent to receive a pass.
Definition at line 1561 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References AngDeg, getAgentGlobalPosition(), getBallPos(), getBisectorTwoAngles(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), Line::getPointOnLineClosestTo(), getPosOwnGoal(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), Line::getYGivenX(), Line::isInBetween(), Line::makeLineFromTwoPoints(), MARK_BALL, MARK_BISECTOR, MARK_GOAL, MarkT, min(), PITCH_LENGTH, POLAR, VecPosition::setVecPosition(), VecPosition::setX(), VecPosition::setY(), and sign(). Referenced by BasicPlayer::getMarkingPosition(). |
This method returns the maximal kick distance of the object 'obj'. Definition at line 1572 of file WorldModel.cpp. References HeteroPlayerSettings::dMaximalKickDist, getHeteroInfoPlayer(), getMaximalKickDist(), and ObjectT. Referenced by getMaximalKickDist(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), predictCommandTurnTowards(), predictNrCyclesForDistance(), predictNrCyclesToPoint(), and updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(). |
Definition at line 3016 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), SoccerTypes::getIndex(), SoccerTypes::getObjectFromStr(), SoccerTypes::getOpponentObjectFromIndex(), getSide(), SoccerTypes::getTeammateObjectFromIndex(), getTeamName(), Parse::gotoFirstOccurenceOf(), SoccerTypes::isKnownPlayer(), SoccerTypes::isOpponent(), SoccerTypes::isPlayer(), SoccerTypes::isTeammate(), OBJECT_OPPONENT_1, OBJECT_OPPONENT_11, OBJECT_TEAMMATE_1, OBJECT_TEAMMATE_11, ObjectT, and SIDE_LEFT. Referenced by processLastSeeMessage(). |
Definition at line 517 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getCurrentTime(), ServerSettings::getPlayerSpeedMax(), getTimeLastSeen(), ObjectT, and SS. Referenced by mapUnknownPlayers(), processNewObjectInfo(), and removeGhosts(). |
This method determines the minimum and maximum input values that will produce a quantized (noise used in the soccer server) for the direction change of 'dOutput'. See the soccer server manual for details.
Definition at line 2351 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References invQuantizeMax(), and invQuantizeMin(). Referenced by checkParticlesBall(), and initParticlesBall(). |
This method determines the minimum and maximum input values that will produce a quantized (noise used in the soccer server) for the distance change of 'dOutput'. See the soccer server manual for details.
Definition at line 2373 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References getMinMaxDistQuantizeValue(), invQuantizeMax(), invQuantizeMin(), max(), and min(). Referenced by checkParticlesBall(), and initParticlesBall(). |
This method determines the minimum and maximum input values that will produce a quantized (noise used in the soccer server) distance of 'dOutput'. With other words, this is the range of values that will have the same quantized value 'dOutput'. The quantized steps are defined by x1 and x2. See the soccer server manual for details.
Definition at line 2322 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References invQuantizeMax(), and invQuantizeMin(). Referenced by calculateStateAgent2(), checkParticlesAgent(), checkParticlesBall(), getMinMaxDistChange(), initParticlesAgent(), and initParticlesBall(). |
This method returns the number of objects that are within the circle 'c' Only objects are taken into account that are part of the set 'set' and have a confidence higher than the threshold defined in PlayerSettings.
Definition at line 58 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getGlobalPosition(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), Circle::isInside(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, and PS. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), isEmptySpace(), and BasicPlayer::outplayOpponent(). |
This method returns the number of objects in the specified cone. A cone is like a piece of a pie, in which 'start' is the center of the pie, 'end' is the edge of the pie and 'dWidth' is the half width of the piece after distance 1. Only objects are taken into consideration that are within the set 'set' and have a confidence higher than the threshold defined in PlayerSettings.
Definition at line 113 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getGlobalPosition(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), Line::getPointOnLineClosestTo(), Line::isInBetween(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), Line::makeLineFromTwoPoints(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, and PS. Referenced by Player::executeStringCommand(), and BasicPlayer::outplayOpponent(). |
This method returns the number of visible objects that are part of the object set 'set' and located in the rectangle 'rect'. When no rectangle is defined (rect=NULL) the whole field is taken into account. Only objects with a confidence value higher than the threshold defined in PlayerSettings are taken into consideration.
Definition at line 85 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getGlobalPosition(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), Rect::isInside(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, and PS. Referenced by updateAll(). |
This method returns the amount of commands c performed by the agent. This is supplied in the sense_body message.
Definition at line 486 of file WorldModel.cpp. References CommandT, and iCommandCounters. Referenced by show(). |
This methods returns the object type of the object that is currently listened to. This information is gathered from a sense message. When this agent says a message, we will definitely hear it. Definition at line 567 of file WorldModel.cpp. References m_objFocus, and ObjectT. |
This method returns a pointer to the Object information of the object type that is passed as the first argument.
Definition at line 158 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, Ball, Flags, SoccerTypes::getIndex(), getOppGoalieType(), getOwnGoalieType(), Object::getType(), SoccerTypes::isBall(), SoccerTypes::isFlag(), SoccerTypes::isKnownPlayer(), SoccerTypes::isLine(), SoccerTypes::isTeammate(), Lines, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_OPPONENT_GOALIE, OBJECT_TEAMMATE_GOALIE, ObjectT, Opponents, and Teammates. Referenced by calculateStatePlayer(), calculateVelocityDynamicObject(), getConfidence(), getGlobalArmDirection(), getGlobalBodyAngle(), getGlobalBodyAngleLastSee(), getGlobalNeckAngle(), getGlobalPosition(), getGlobalPositionLastSee(), getGlobalVelocity(), getGlobalVelocityLastSee(), getHeteroInfoPlayer(), getHeteroPlayerType(), getRelativeAngle(), getRelativeDistance(), getRelativePosition(), getTackleExpires(), getTimeChangeInformation(), getTimeGlobalAngles(), getTimeGlobalArmDirection(), getTimeGlobalPosition(), getTimeGlobalPositionLastSee(), getTimeGlobalVelocity(), getTimeLastSeen(), isKnownPlayer(), isVisible(), processNewObjectInfo(), processPerfectHearInfo(), processSeeGlobalInfo(), removeGhosts(), setHeteroPlayerType(), setIsKnownPlayer(), setTimeLastSeen(), show(), updateAfterSenseMessage(), updateDynamicObjectAfterSee(), updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(), and updateObjectRelativeFromGlobal(). |
This method returns the x coordinate of the offside line using the known information in the WorldModel. If a player moves beyond this line, he stands offside. First the opponent with the second highest x coordinate is located, then the maximum of this x coordinate and the ball x coordinate is returned.
Definition at line 1221 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getBallPos(), getCurrentTime(), getLastOpponentDefender(), VecPosition::getX(), m_dCommOffsideX, m_timeCommOffsideX, and max(). Referenced by getStrategicPosition(), isOnside(), Player::makeBallInfo(), Player::sayOppAttackerStatus(), and updateAll(). |
This method returns the object type of the opponent goalkeeper. Which object type is the actual goalkeeper is checked in different ways. First of all this information is can be available in a see message. When no player is stored in the world model of which this is is perceived, the opponent goalkeeper is assumed the player with the highest x coordinate, but only if this player stands very close in front of the goal
Definition at line 1081 of file WorldModel.cpp. References Object::getGlobalPosition(), ServerSettings::getGoalWidth(), PlayerObject::getIsGoalie(), Object::getType(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), isConfidenceGood(), isKnownPlayer(), MAX_OPPONENTS, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_OPPONENT_1, ObjectT, Opponents, PENALTY_X, PITCH_LENGTH, SS, and UnknownDoubleValue. Referenced by getDirectionOfWidestAngle(), getLastOpponentDefender(), getObjectPtrFromType(), getProbTackleSucceeds(), removeGhosts(), and updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(). |
This method returns the outer position on the field given a position 'pos' and a global angle 'ang'. The outer position is defined as the point on the field where the line created from this position and angle crosses either a side line, goal line or penalty line. To be on the safe side a small value is specified, which denotes the distance from the side line that should be returned.
Definition at line 1247 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References AngDeg, Line::getIntersection(), VecPosition::getY(), Line::makeLineFromPositionAndAngle(), PENALTY_AREA_WIDTH, PENALTY_X, PITCH_LENGTH, and PITCH_WIDTH. Referenced by BasicPlayer::getDribblePoint(). |
This method returns the object type of the own goalkeeper. Which object type is the actual goalkeeper is checked in different ways. First of all this information is available in the see, when (goalie) is behind the perceived object. When no player is stored in the world model of which this is perceived, the own goalkeeper is assumed the player with the lowest x coordinate, but only if this player stands close in front of the goal.
Definition at line 1130 of file WorldModel.cpp. References Object::getGlobalPosition(), ServerSettings::getGoalWidth(), PlayerObject::getIsGoalie(), Object::getType(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), isConfidenceGood(), MAX_TEAMMATES, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_TEAMMATE_1, ObjectT, PENALTY_X, PITCH_LENGTH, SS, Teammates, and UnknownDoubleValue. Referenced by createInterceptFeatures(), getObjectPtrFromType(), and iterateObjectNext(). |
This method returns the decay of the object 'obj'. Definition at line 1566 of file WorldModel.cpp. References HeteroPlayerSettings::dPlayerDecay, getHeteroInfoPlayer(), getPlayerDecay(), and ObjectT. Referenced by getPlayerDecay(), predictNrCyclesForDistance(), and predictStateAfterDash(). |
This method returns the player number of the agent. The player number is the fixed number which is given by the server after initialization.
Definition at line 385 of file WorldModel.cpp. References iPlayerNumber. Referenced by Player::amIAgentToSaySomething(), SenseHandler::analyzeMessage(), SenseHandler::analyzePlayerMessage(), createInterceptFeatures(), Player::deMeer5(), drawCoordinationGraph(), getCurrentTime(), Player::mainLoop(), Player::makeBallInfo(), Player::performPenalty(), SenseHandler::readServerParam(), ActHandler::sendCommands(), and updateAll(). |
This method returns the size of the object 'obj'. Definition at line 1584 of file WorldModel.cpp. References HeteroPlayerSettings::dPlayerSize, getHeteroInfoPlayer(), getPlayerSize(), and ObjectT. Referenced by getPlayerSize(). |
This method returns the maximum speed of the object 'obj'. Definition at line 1560 of file WorldModel.cpp. References HeteroPlayerSettings::dPlayerSpeedMax, getHeteroInfoPlayer(), getPlayerSpeedMax(), and ObjectT. Referenced by getPlayerSpeedMax(), and predictCommandToInterceptBall(). |
This method returns the player type of the object 'o' in the current formation. Definition at line 1424 of file WorldModel.cpp. References formations, getAgentObjectType(), SoccerTypes::getIndex(), Formations::getPlayerType(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectT, and PlayerT. Referenced by isInPlayerSet(). |
This method returns the current playmode. This playmode is passed through by the referee.
Definition at line 440 of file WorldModel.cpp. References playMode, and PlayModeT. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), isBackPassThem(), isBackPassUs(), isBeforeKickOff(), isCornerKickThem(), isCornerKickUs(), isDeadBallThem(), isDeadBallUs(), isFreeKickFaultThem(), isFreeKickFaultUs(), isFreeKickThem(), isFreeKickUs(), isGoalKickThem(), isGoalKickUs(), isKickInThem(), isKickInUs(), isKickOffThem(), isKickOffUs(), isOffsideThem(), isOffsideUs(), isPenaltyThem(), isPenaltyUs(), Player::mainLoop(), BasicCoach::mainLoopNormal(), Player::performPenalty(), and updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(). |
Definition at line 506 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), getClosestInSetTo(), getGlobalPosition(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, ObjectT, and UnknownDoubleValue. |
This method returns the global position of the opponent goal.
Definition at line 1453 of file WorldModel.cpp. References SoccerTypes::getGlobalPositionFlag(), SoccerTypes::getGoalOpponent(), ServerSettings::getGoalWidth(), getSide(), getSidePenalty(), isPenaltyThem(), isPenaltyUs(), OBJECT_GOAL_L, OBJECT_GOAL_R, ObjectT, SIDE_LEFT, and SS. Referenced by getRelDistanceOpponentGoal(), BasicPlayer::holdBall(), and BasicPlayer::interceptClose(). |
This method returns the global position of the own goal.
Definition at line 1466 of file WorldModel.cpp. References SoccerTypes::getGlobalPositionFlag(), ServerSettings::getGoalWidth(), SoccerTypes::getOwnGoal(), getSide(), getSidePenalty(), isPenaltyThem(), isPenaltyUs(), OBJECT_GOAL_L, OBJECT_GOAL_R, ObjectT, SIDE_LEFT, SideT, and SS. Referenced by BasicPlayer::defendGoalLine(), getMarkingPosition(), and isBallHeadingToGoal(). |
This method determines the optimal dash power to mantain an optimal speed When the current speed is too high and the distance is very small, a negative dash is performed. Otherwise the difference with the maximal speed is determined and the dash power rate is set to compensate for this difference.
Definition at line 1801 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References AngDeg, ServerSettings::getDashPowerRate(), getFirstSpeedFromDist(), ServerSettings::getMaxPower(), ServerSettings::getMinPower(), ServerSettings::getPlayerDecay(), ServerSettings::getPlayerSpeedMax(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::rotate(), and SS. Referenced by BasicPlayer::dashToPoint(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), BasicPlayer::interceptCloseGoalie(), and predictCommandToMoveToPos(). |
This method returns the tackle probability of the closest opponent to the ball. Definition at line 1374 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getClosestInSetTo(), getProbTackleSucceeds(), OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, and ObjectT. |
This method returns the probability that a tackle performed by object o will succeed. This probability depends on the relative distance to the ball in both the x and y direction and various server parameters. In the case that o equals OBJECT_ILLEGAL, the returned probability corresponds to that of the agent object. Definition at line 1277 of file WorldModel.cpp. References AngDeg, getAgentObjectType(), getBallPos(), getCurrentTime(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getGlobalBodyAngle(), getGlobalPosition(), getGlobalVelocity(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), getOppGoalieType(), ServerSettings::getTackleBackDist(), ServerSettings::getTackleDist(), ServerSettings::getTackleExponent(), ServerSettings::getTackleWidth(), getTimeGlobalAngles(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), getTimeLastSeen(), ServerSettings::getVisibleDistance(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), max(), min(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectT, POLAR, VecPosition::rotate(), and SS. Referenced by getProbTackleClosestOpp(). |
This method returns a boolean indicating whether the synchronization method indicated we are ready. Definition at line 549 of file WorldModel.cpp. References m_bRecvThink. Referenced by Player::mainLoop(). |
This method returns the relative angle to the opponent goal. This relative angle is the relative angle between the opponent goal position and the agent position. The neck and body angle of the agent are NOT taken into account.
Definition at line 1494 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getAgentGlobalPosition(), SoccerTypes::getGlobalPositionFlag(), OBJECT_GOAL_L, OBJECT_GOAL_R, SIDE_LEFT, and sideSide. |
This method returns the relative angle between the agent and the object supplied as the first argument. No check is made whether this information is up to date (use isVisible or getConfidence for that). By default the returned angle is relative to the neck of the agent. When the second argument 'bWithBody' is set to true, the returned angle is relative to the body of the agent.
Definition at line 976 of file WorldModel.cpp. References AngDeg, getAgentBodyAngleRelToNeck(), getObjectPtrFromType(), Object::getRelativeAngle(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), ObjectT, and UnknownDoubleValue. Referenced by calculateAngleAgentWithPos(), calculatePosAgentWith2Flags(), calculateStateAgent(), calculateStateAgent3(), calculateStateBall(), calculateStatePlayer(), calculateVelocityDynamicObject(), BasicPlayer::catchBall(), checkParticlesAgent(), checkParticlesBall(), Player::deMeer5(), getActualKickPowerRate(), initParticlesAgent(), initParticlesBall(), BasicPlayer::kickBallCloseToBody(), BasicPlayer::kickTo(), mapUnknownPlayers(), and removeGhosts(). |
This method returns the relative distance between the agent and the object supplied as the first argument. No check is made whether this information is up to date (use isVisible or getConfidence for that).
Definition at line 945 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getObjectPtrFromType(), Object::getRelativeDistance(), ObjectT, and UnknownDoubleValue. Referenced by Player::amIAgentToSaySomething(), SenseHandler::analyzeSeeMessage(), SenseHandler::analyzeSenseMessage(), calculatePosAgentWith2Flags(), calculateStateAgent2(), calculateStateAgent3(), calculateStateBall(), calculateStatePlayer(), calculateVelocityDynamicObject(), checkParticlesAgent(), checkParticlesBall(), BasicPlayer::collideWithBall(), drawCoordinationGraph(), getActualKickPowerRate(), getClosestRelativeInSet(), getDirectionOfWidestAngle(), getFurthestRelativeInSet(), getSecondClosestRelativeInSet(), initParticlesAgent(), initParticlesBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), BasicPlayer::interceptCloseGoalie(), isBallCatchable(), isBallKickable(), BasicPlayer::kickTo(), logObjectInformation(), mapUnknownPlayers(), processPlayerMessage(), removeGhosts(), Player::sayBallStatus(), updateAll(), and updateBallAfterKick(). |
This method returns the relative position of the object to the agent. No check is made whether this information is up to date (use isVisible or getConfidence for that).
Definition at line 958 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getObjectPtrFromType(), Object::getRelativePosition(), ObjectT, and UnknownDoubleValue. Referenced by processNewObjectInfo(). |
This method returns the relative distance to the opponent goal
Definition at line 1481 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getAgentGlobalPosition(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), and getPosOpponentGoal(). |
This method returns the object type of the second closest object to the object type that is supplied as the second argument. Only objects are taken into account within set 'set' and with a confidence higher than the supplied threshold. If no threshold is supplied, the threshold defined in PlayerSettings is used.
Definition at line 356 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getGlobalPosition(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, and PS. |
This method returns the object type of the second closest object relative to the agent. Only objects are taken into account within set 'set' and which where seen in the last see message.
Definition at line 401 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getRelativeDistance(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, and ObjectT. Referenced by calculateStateAgent3(). |
This method returns the side of the agent. Note that the side of the agent does not change after half time.
Definition at line 403 of file WorldModel.cpp. References sideSide, and SideT. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeFullStateMessage(), SenseHandler::analyzeHearMessage(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), getGlobalAngle(), getGlobalPosition(), getMaxRangeUnknownPlayer(), getPosOpponentGoal(), getPosOwnGoal(), BasicPlayer::interceptScoringAttempt(), isBackPassThem(), isBackPassUs(), isBallHeadingToGoal(), isCornerKickThem(), isCornerKickUs(), isFreeKickFaultThem(), isFreeKickFaultUs(), isFreeKickThem(), isFreeKickUs(), isFullStateOn(), isGoalKickThem(), isGoalKickUs(), isInOwnPenaltyArea(), isInTheirPenaltyArea(), isKickInThem(), isKickInUs(), isKickOffThem(), isKickOffUs(), isOffsideThem(), isOffsideUs(), isPenaltyThem(), isPenaltyUs(), logDrawInfo(), Player::performPenalty(), processLastSeeMessage(), setPlayMode(), setSide(), and show(). |
This method returns the side the penalty kick is taken. Definition at line 1742 of file WorldModel.cpp. References m_sidePenalty, and SideT. Referenced by getPosOpponentGoal(), getPosOwnGoal(), BasicPlayer::interceptScoringAttempt(), isBallHeadingToGoal(), isInOwnPenaltyArea(), and Player::performPenalty(). |
This method returns the stamina increase of the object 'obj'. Definition at line 1578 of file WorldModel.cpp. References HeteroPlayerSettings::dStaminaIncMax, getHeteroInfoPlayer(), getStaminaIncMax(), and ObjectT. Referenced by getStaminaIncMax(). |
This method determine the strategic position for the specified player. This is done using the Formations class. In this class all information about the current formation, player number in formation and otheic values are stored. The strategic position is based on the position of the ball. If the confidence in the position of the ball is lower than the threshold defined in PlayerSettings, it is assumed that the ball is at position (0,0).
Definition at line 1481 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References formations, FormationT, PlayerSettings::getBallConfThr(), getBallPos(), getConfidence(), PlayerSettings::getCyclesCatchWait(), getGlobalPosition(), PlayerSettings::getMaxYPercentage(), getOffsideX(), Formations::getPlayerInFormation(), Formations::getStrategicPosition(), SoccerTypes::getTeammateObjectFromIndex(), getTimeSinceLastCatch(), VecPosition::getX(), isBallInOurPossesion(), isBeforeKickOff(), isDeadBallThem(), isDeadBallUs(), isFreeKickThem(), isFreeKickUs(), isGoalKickThem(), isGoalKickUs(), isOffsideUs(), max(), MAX_TEAMMATES, min(), OBJECT_BALL, PENALTY_X, PITCH_LENGTH, predictPosAfterNrCycles(), PS, VecPosition::setVecPosition(), and VecPosition::setX(). |
This method determine the strategic position for the specified object. This is done using the Formations class. In this class all information about the current formation, player number in formation and otheic values are stored. The strategic position is based on the position of the ball. If the confidence in the position of the ball is lower than the threshold defined in PlayerSettings, it is assumed that the ball is at position (0,0).
Definition at line 1464 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References FormationT, SoccerTypes::getIndex(), and ObjectT. Referenced by Player::deMeer5(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), getClosestPlayerInFormationTo(), and updateAfterSenseMessage(). |
This method returns the first substituted opponent player in the set of substituted opponent players and then erases this opponent from the set. Definition at line 1542 of file WorldModel.cpp. References m_setSubstitutedOpp, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, and ObjectT. |
This method returns the number of cycles it will take the tackle to expire. In case of the argument OBJECT_ILLEGAL, the number of cycles for the agentObject is returned. Definition at line 1235 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, getAgentObjectType(), getCurrentTime(), getObjectPtrFromType(), ServerSettings::getTackleCycles(), AgentObject::getTackleExpires(), PlayerObject::getTimeTackle(), max(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectT, and SS. |
This method returns the teamname of the agent in this worldmodel
Definition at line 421 of file WorldModel.cpp. References strTeamName. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeSeeGlobalMessage(), drawCoordinationGraph(), getMaxRangeUnknownPlayer(), processLastSeeMessage(), and show(). |
This method returns the last server cycle the relative distance change of the specified object has been reported.
Definition at line 1174 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getObjectPtrFromType(), DynamicObject::getTimeChangeInformation(), and ObjectT. Referenced by Player::amIAgentToSaySomething(), predictNrCyclesToPoint(), and processPlayerMessage(). |
This method returns the time the status of the ball was last checked (coach only).
Definition at line 513 of file WorldModel.cpp. References timeCheckBall. |
This method returns the inverse confidence, i.e. the time that belongs to the specified confidence. This can be used to determine the time the object was last seen when the confidence is given. Herefore the current time is used.
Definition at line 1165 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getCurrentTime(). Referenced by logObjectInformation(), processPerfectHearInfo(), and processPerfectHearInfoBall(). |
This method returns the time of the global angles (both body and neck angle) of the specified object.
Definition at line 995 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getObjectPtrFromType(), PlayerObject::getTimeGlobalAngles(), and ObjectT. Referenced by getProbTackleSucceeds(), BasicPlayer::outplayOpponent(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), and removeGhosts(). |
This method returns the time related to the global arm direction of object 'o'. When the pointing agent stops pointing the angle is set to UnknownAngleValue and the returned time is not relevant. Definition at line 1263 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getObjectPtrFromType(), PlayerObject::getTimeGlobalArm(), and ObjectT. |
This method returns the time of the global position of the specified object.
Definition at line 882 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getObjectPtrFromType(), Object::getTimeGlobalPosition(), ObjectT, and UnknownTime. Referenced by updateAfterSenseMessage(). |
This method returns the last server cycle the global position the specified object has been calculated.
Definition at line 1200 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getObjectPtrFromType(), Object::getTimeGlobalPosDerivedFromSee(), ObjectT, and UnknownTime. Referenced by predictNrCyclesToPoint(). |
This method returns the time of the global velocity of the specified object.
Definition at line 917 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getObjectPtrFromType(), DynamicObject::getTimeGlobalVelocity(), ObjectT, and UnknownTime. Referenced by logObjectInformation(). |
This method returns the time of the last hear message
Definition at line 368 of file WorldModel.cpp. References timeLastHearMessage. Referenced by createInterceptFeatures(), getFastestInSetTo(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), isFeatureRelevant(), and predictCommandToInterceptBall(). |
This method returns the time of the last received see message. The difference with getTimeLastSeeMessage is that that method returns the last see message that has been updated in the world model. In most cases these are equal.
Definition at line 289 of file WorldModel.cpp. References timeLastRecvSeeMessage. Referenced by getTimeLastSeeGlobalMessage(), and updateAll(). |
This method returns the time of the last received sense message. The difference with getTimeLastSenseMessage is that that method returns the last sense message that has been updated in the world model. In most cases these are equal.
Definition at line 333 of file WorldModel.cpp. References timeLastRecvSenseMessage. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeSeeMessage(), getCurrentTime(), and updateAll(). |
This method returns the time of the last received referee message.
Definition at line 216 of file WorldModel.cpp. References timeLastRefMessage. |
This method returns the time of the last see global message. This message can only be received by the coach.
Definition at line 263 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getTimeLastRecvSeeMessage(). Referenced by getCurrentTime(), and BasicCoach::mainLoopNormal(). |
This method returns the time of the last see message
Definition at line 279 of file WorldModel.cpp. References timeLastSeeMessage. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeSeeMessage(), calculateStateBall(), checkParticlesBall(), createInterceptFeatures(), getFastestInSetTo(), getProbTackleSucceeds(), initParticlesBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), isFeatureRelevant(), isLastMessageSee(), isVisible(), iterateObjectNext(), Player::mainLoop(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), processLastSeeMessage(), removeGhosts(), updateAfterSeeMessage(), updateAgentObjectAfterSee(), updateAll(), and updateDynamicObjectAfterSee(). |
This method returns the last server cycle the specified object has been seen.
Definition at line 1160 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getObjectPtrFromType(), Object::getTimeLastSeen(), and ObjectT. Referenced by Player::amIAgentToSaySomething(), calculateStateBall(), calculateStatePlayer(), checkParticlesBall(), getMaxTraveledDistance(), getProbTackleSucceeds(), iterateObjectNext(), mapUnknownPlayers(), processPerfectHearInfoBall(), processPlayerMessage(), removeGhosts(), and updateAfterSeeMessage(). |
This method returns the time of the last sense message
Definition at line 323 of file WorldModel.cpp. References timeLastSenseMessage. Referenced by createInterceptFeatures(), getFastestInSetTo(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), isFeatureRelevant(), isLastMessageSee(), isQueuedActionPerformed(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), setPlayMode(), updateAfterSenseMessage(), and updateAll(). |
This method returns the number of cycles since the last catch.
Definition at line 198 of file WorldModel.cpp. References Time::getTime(), timeLastCatch, and timeLastSenseMessage. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), getStrategicPosition(), and isBallCatchable(). |
This method initializes all particles that represent the global position of the agent. All points are initialized with the position 'posInitial'. This method can be used when you are completely sure of the position of the agent (for example after a 'move' command).
Definition at line 1729 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References iNrParticlesAgent, and particlesPosAgent. |
This method initializes all particles that represent the global position of the agent. This is done using the closest perceived flag. Points are generated from the area that could generate the perceived information. The global neck angle of the agent 'angGlobal' is used to determine the global position of the agent based on the perceived relative information to the closest flag.
Definition at line 1685 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, getClosestRelativeInSet(), getGlobalPosition(), getMinMaxDistQuantizeValue(), ServerSettings::getQuantizeStepL(), getRelativeAngle(), getRelativeDistance(), iNrParticlesAgent, VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_FLAGS, ObjectT, particlesPosAgent, POLAR, and SS. Referenced by calculateStateAgent(), and updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(). |
This method initializes all particles that represent the global position and global velocity of the ball. This is done by taking the last perceived information and generate particles within the range that can produce the perceived values. Note that each position is related to the velocity with the same index. The state of the ball is implicitly represented as a 4-tuple (pos_x, pos_y, vel_x, vel_y).
Definition at line 2809 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, Ball, cosDeg(), Deg2Rad(), getAgentGlobalNeckAngle(), getAgentGlobalPosition(), getAgentGlobalVelocity(), getMinMaxDirChange(), getMinMaxDistChange(), getMinMaxDistQuantizeValue(), getRelativeAngle(), DynamicObject::getRelativeAngleChange(), getRelativeDistance(), DynamicObject::getRelativeDistanceChange(), DynamicObject::getTimeChangeInformation(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), Object::getTimeRelativePosition(), OBJECT_BALL, POLAR, VecPosition::relativeToGlobal(), VecPosition::setVecPosition(), sinDeg(), UnknownAngleValue, and UnknownDoubleValue. |
This method returns the maximum value that generates dOutput as a quantized value when 'dQuantizeStep' is used as the quantized step.
Definition at line 2408 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. Referenced by getMinMaxDirChange(), getMinMaxDistChange(), and getMinMaxDistQuantizeValue(). |
This method returns the minimum value that generates dOutput as a quantized value when 'dQuantizeStep' is used as the quantized step.
Definition at line 2396 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References max(). Referenced by getMinMaxDirChange(), getMinMaxDistChange(), and getMinMaxDistQuantizeValue(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that the other team has made a back pass (which is not allowed). This occurs when an opponent has passed the ball back to the goalkeeper and he catched it. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1938 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_BACK_PASS_LEFT, PM_BACK_PASS_RIGHT, PM_ILLEGAL, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), Player::getDeadBallPosition(), and isDeadBallUs(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that we have made a back pass (which is not allowed). This occurs when a teamamte has passed the ball back to the goalkeeper and he catched it. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1920 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_BACK_PASS_LEFT, PM_BACK_PASS_RIGHT, PM_ILLEGAL, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), and isDeadBallThem(). |
This method determines whether the ball is catchable. This only applies to a goalie. Three things are tested:
Definition at line 971 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getBallPos(), ServerSettings::getCatchableAreaL(), ServerSettings::getCatchBanCycle(), getRelativeDistance(), getTimeSinceLastCatch(), isInOwnPenaltyArea(), OBJECT_BALL, and SS. Referenced by Player::deMeer5_goalie(), and Player::performPenalty(). |
This method checks whether the ball is currently heading towards our own goal. For the ball to be heading to our goal a few constraints must be met:
Definition at line 987 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getBallDirection(), getBallPos(), ServerSettings::getGoalWidth(), Line::getIntersection(), getPosOwnGoal(), getSide(), getSidePenalty(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), isConfidenceGood(), isPenaltyThem(), isPenaltyUs(), Line::makeLineFromPositionAndAngle(), Line::makeLineFromTwoPoints(), OBJECT_BALL, PENALTY_X, PITCH_LENGTH, predictPosAfterNrCycles(), and SS. |
This method returns whether the ball is in our possesion. This is defined by the fact if the fastest player to the ball is a teammate or not.
Definition at line 1033 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getFastestInSetTo(), SoccerTypes::isTeammate(), OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_PLAYERS, and ObjectT. Referenced by getStrategicPosition(). |
This method returns whether the ball lies in the own penalty area.
Definition at line 1048 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getBallPos(), and isInOwnPenaltyArea(). |
This method determines whether the ball is kicakble, i.e. the ball is in the kickable range of the agent (see ServerSettings). This value can be different for the different heterogeneous player types.
Definition at line 957 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References ServerSettings::getMaximalKickDist(), getRelativeDistance(), OBJECT_BALL, and SS. Referenced by Player::deMeer5(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), and Player::performPenalty(). |
This method returns whether the position 'pos' is before the opp goal. Definition at line 1446 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References ServerSettings::getGoalWidth(), PENALTY_X, PITCH_LENGTH, and SS. Referenced by BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(). |
This method checks whether the play mode indicates that there is (or will be) a before kick off situation. This is the case when the play mode equals PM_BEFORE_KICK_OFF or either PM_GOAL_LEFT or PM_GOAL_RIGHT since after the goal the play mode will go to PM_BEFORE_KICK_OFF. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1684 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), isKickOffThem(), isKickOffUs(), PlayModeT, PM_BEFORE_KICK_OFF, PM_GOAL_LEFT, PM_GOAL_RIGHT, and PM_ILLEGAL. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeFullStateMessage(), calculateStateBall(), Player::deMeer5(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), getStrategicPosition(), and updateAfterSenseMessage(). |
This method determines whether a dash command (supplied as the first argument) will result in collision with another player. This is checked by determing the global position after the command and then check whether the positions of one of the other players lies with the player size. Since it cannot be known what kind of action the other player takes in this cycle, it is also difficult to predict what the global position of the player will be in the next cycle. This method therefore assumes the other players have issued a dash with maximum power in the last cycle.
Definition at line 929 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References AngDeg, CMD_KICK, SoccerCommand::commandType, ServerSettings::getBallRand(), ServerSettings::getBallSize(), getBallSpeed(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), ServerSettings::getPlayerDecay(), ServerSettings::getPlayerRand(), ServerSettings::getPlayerSize(), OBJECT_BALL, predictAgentStateAfterCommand(), predictBallInfoAfterCommand(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), and SS. Referenced by BasicPlayer::dribble(). |
This method determines whether the confidence for 'o' is good. The confidence of the object is compared to the player_conf_thr defined in PlayerSettings. When the confidence is higher than this value and the object does not equal the agent object type true is returned, otherwise false.
Definition at line 1100 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), getConfidence(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), ObjectT, and PS. Referenced by getLastOpponentDefender(), getOppGoalieType(), getOwnGoalieType(), isBallHeadingToGoal(), BasicCoach::mainLoopNormal(), mapUnknownPlayers(), show(), and updateRelativeFromGlobal(). |
This method determines whether the confidence for 'o' is very good. The confidence of the object is compared to the player_high_conf_thr defined in PlayerSettings. When the confidence is higher than this value and the object does not equal the agent object type true is returned, otherwise false.
Definition at line 1114 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), getConfidence(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerHighConfThr(), ObjectT, and PS. |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that the other team has a corner kick. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1776 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_CORNER_KICK_LEFT, PM_CORNER_KICK_RIGHT, PM_ILLEGAL, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by Player::deMeer5_goalie(), and isDeadBallThem(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that we have a corner kick. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1761 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_CORNER_KICK_LEFT, PM_CORNER_KICK_RIGHT, PM_ILLEGAL, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by Player::getDeadBallPosition(), and isDeadBallUs(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that there is a dead ball situation and their team is allowed to perform the action. That is their team has either a free kick, kick in, corner kick or a kick in. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1720 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), isBackPassUs(), isCornerKickThem(), isFreeKickFaultUs(), isFreeKickThem(), isGoalKickThem(), isKickInThem(), isKickOffThem(), isOffsideUs(), PlayModeT, and PM_ILLEGAL. Referenced by Player::deMeer5(), getStrategicPosition(), and updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(). |
This method checks whether the play mode indicates that there is a dead ball situation and our team is allowed to perform the action. That is our team has either a free kick, kick in, corner kick or a kick in. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1701 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), isBackPassThem(), isCornerKickUs(), isFreeKickFaultThem(), isFreeKickUs(), isGoalKickUs(), isKickInUs(), isKickOffUs(), isOffsideThem(), PlayModeT, and PM_ILLEGAL. Referenced by getClosestPlayerInFormationTo(), getStrategicPosition(), BasicPlayer::kickBallCloseToBody(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), and updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(). |
This method returns whether the space in direction 'ang'' of object 'obj' is occupied by any opponents. Definition at line 145 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References AngDeg, getGlobalPosition(), getNrInSetInCircle(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, ObjectT, and POLAR. |
This method checks whether the feature of type 'type' is relevant. This is done by comparing the time of the feature with the current time. When it is equal, the feature is assumed relevant, otherwise irrelevant.
Definition at line 2475 of file WorldModel.cpp. References FEATURE_INTERCEPT_CLOSE, FEATURE_INTERCEPTION_POINT_BALL, FeatureT, Feature::getTimeHear(), getTimeLastHearMessage(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), getTimeLastSenseMessage(), Feature::getTimeSee(), Feature::getTimeSense(), m_bPerformedKick, and m_features. Referenced by getFastestInSetTo(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), and predictNrCyclesToObject(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that the other team has made a free kick fault. This happens when a player kicks the ball twice after a free kick or a kick in. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1872 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_FREE_KICK_FAULT_LEFT, PM_FREE_KICK_FAULT_RIGHT, PM_ILLEGAL, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by Player::getDeadBallPosition(), and isDeadBallUs(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that we have made a free kick fault. This happens when a player kicks the ball twice after a free kick or a kick in. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1853 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_FREE_KICK_FAULT_LEFT, PM_FREE_KICK_FAULT_RIGHT, PM_ILLEGAL, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by isDeadBallThem(). |
This method checks whether the play mode indicates that the other team has a free kick. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1663 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_FREE_KICK_LEFT, PM_FREE_KICK_RIGHT, PM_ILLEGAL, PM_INDIRECT_FREE_KICK_LEFT, PM_INDIRECT_FREE_KICK_RIGHT, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by Player::deMeer5_goalie(), getStrategicPosition(), and isDeadBallThem(). |
This method checks whether the play mode indicates that we have a free kick. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1645 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_FREE_KICK_LEFT, PM_FREE_KICK_RIGHT, PM_ILLEGAL, PM_INDIRECT_FREE_KICK_LEFT, PM_INDIRECT_FREE_KICK_RIGHT, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by Player::deMeer5_goalie(), Player::getDeadBallPosition(), getStrategicPosition(), and isDeadBallUs(). |
Definition at line 2020 of file WorldModel.cpp. References ServerSettings::getFullStateLeft(), ServerSettings::getFullStateRight(), getSide(), SIDE_ILLEGAL, SIDE_LEFT, SIDE_RIGHT, SideT, and SS. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeMessage(), ActHandler::sendCommands(), and updateAll(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that the other team has a kick off. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1968 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_GOAL_KICK_LEFT, PM_GOAL_KICK_RIGHT, PM_ILLEGAL, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), getStrategicPosition(), and isDeadBallThem(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that we have a goal kick. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1953 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_GOAL_KICK_LEFT, PM_GOAL_KICK_RIGHT, PM_ILLEGAL, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), Player::getDeadBallPosition(), getStrategicPosition(), isDeadBallUs(), and predictCommandToInterceptBall(). |
This method returns whether the position 'pos' is inside the playfield. Definition at line 1435 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References PITCH_LENGTH, and PITCH_WIDTH. Referenced by BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), and predictCommandToInterceptBall(). |
This method returns whether the specified position lies in the own penalty area.
Definition at line 1057 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References SoccerTypes::getGlobalPositionFlag(), getSide(), getSidePenalty(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), isPenaltyThem(), isPenaltyUs(), OBJECT_FLAG_P_L_C, OBJECT_FLAG_P_R_C, ObjectT, PENALTY_AREA_WIDTH, and SIDE_LEFT. Referenced by BasicPlayer::defendGoalLine(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), isBallCatchable(), and isBallInOwnPenaltyArea(). |
This method returns whether the object 'o' is located in the set of player types 'ps'. Definition at line 1433 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayerType(), SoccerTypes::isPlayerTypeInSet(), ObjectT, and PlayerSetT. |
This method returns whether the specified position lies in the opponent penalty area.
Definition at line 1078 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References SoccerTypes::getGlobalPositionFlag(), getSide(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), OBJECT_FLAG_P_L_C, OBJECT_FLAG_P_R_C, ObjectT, PENALTY_AREA_WIDTH, and SIDE_LEFT. |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that the other team has a kick in. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1836 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_ILLEGAL, PM_KICK_IN_LEFT, PM_KICK_IN_RIGHT, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), and isDeadBallThem(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that we have a kick in. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1821 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_ILLEGAL, PM_KICK_IN_LEFT, PM_KICK_IN_RIGHT, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), Player::getDeadBallPosition(), and isDeadBallUs(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that the other team has a kick off. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1903 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_ILLEGAL, PM_KICK_OFF_LEFT, PM_KICK_OFF_RIGHT, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by isBeforeKickOff(), and isDeadBallThem(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that we have a kick off. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1887 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_ILLEGAL, PM_KICK_OFF_LEFT, PM_KICK_OFF_RIGHT, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by Player::deMeer5(), isBeforeKickOff(), and isDeadBallUs(). |
This method returns wheter the specified object type is a known player. A known player is a player of which we know for certain that the player number is correct. If a player is seen without a number and it cannot be mapped to a player, it is put on the first empty position in the player list and the status of known player is set to false.
Definition at line 1062 of file WorldModel.cpp. References PlayerObject::getIsKnownPlayer(), getObjectPtrFromType(), and ObjectT. Referenced by getOppGoalieType(), logObjectInformation(), processNewObjectInfo(), and setIsKnownPlayer(). |
This method returns whether the last received message was a see or not.
Definition at line 255 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getTimeLastSeeMessage(), and getTimeLastSenseMessage(). Referenced by updateAll(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that the other team stood offside. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1806 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_ILLEGAL, PM_OFFSIDE_LEFT, PM_OFFSIDE_RIGHT, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by Player::getDeadBallPosition(), and isDeadBallUs(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that we stood offside. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1791 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_ILLEGAL, PM_OFFSIDE_LEFT, PM_OFFSIDE_RIGHT, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by getStrategicPosition(), and isDeadBallThem(). |
This method checks whether the specified object stands onside. This is done by comparing the x coordinate of the object to the offside line.
Definition at line 1123 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getGlobalPosition(), getOffsideX(), VecPosition::getX(), and ObjectT. |
This method determines whether there stands an opponent in the global direction of the specified angle and in distance 'dDist'. An opponent is considered to stand in the global direction when the angle difference with the specified angle is smaller than 60 degrees.
Definition at line 1135 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References AngDeg, getAgentGlobalPosition(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getGlobalPosition(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, and ObjectT. |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that the other team takes a penalty. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 2005 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_ILLEGAL, PM_PENALTY_READY_LEFT, PM_PENALTY_READY_RIGHT, PM_PENALTY_SETUP_LEFT, PM_PENALTY_SETUP_RIGHT, PM_PENALTY_TAKEN_LEFT, PM_PENALTY_TAKEN_RIGHT, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), getPosOpponentGoal(), getPosOwnGoal(), BasicPlayer::interceptScoringAttempt(), isBallHeadingToGoal(), isInOwnPenaltyArea(), Player::mainLoop(), and Player::performPenalty(). |
This method checks whether the current play mode indicates that we have a penalty. When the specified PlayModeT equals PM_ILLEGAL (default), the current play mode is used.
Definition at line 1983 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getPlayMode(), getSide(), PlayModeT, PM_ILLEGAL, PM_PENALTY_READY_LEFT, PM_PENALTY_READY_RIGHT, PM_PENALTY_SETUP_LEFT, PM_PENALTY_SETUP_RIGHT, PM_PENALTY_TAKEN_LEFT, PM_PENALTY_TAKEN_RIGHT, SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), getPosOpponentGoal(), getPosOwnGoal(), BasicPlayer::interceptScoringAttempt(), isBallHeadingToGoal(), isInOwnPenaltyArea(), Player::mainLoop(), and Player::performPenalty(). |
This method checks whether a queued action is performed. The commands in QueuedCommands are the commands that are sent to the server by the ActHandler. The performedCommands array contains the commands that are performed in the last cycle (using the count information in the sense_body message). Using these two array it is possible to check whether a command is actually performed by the server. When there is an action that is sent to the server and not performed, this method returns false, true otherwise.
Definition at line 1627 of file WorldModel.cpp. References CMD_MAX_COMMANDS, getTimeLastSenseMessage(), performedCommands, queuedCommands, and SoccerCommand::time. Referenced by ActHandler::sendCommands(), and updateAll(). |
This method returns whether the time of the server stands still. This occurs during non play-on modes (kick_in, kick_off, etc.).
Definition at line 248 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getCurrentTime(), and Time::isStopped(). Referenced by updateAll(). |
This method returns a truth value that represents whether the object supplied as the first argument was seen in the last see message. If "touch" information was received, i.e. the object was very close to the agent but not in its view cone, false is also returned.
Definition at line 940 of file WorldModelHighLevel.cpp. References getObjectPtrFromType(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), Object::getTimeLastSeen(), and ObjectT. |
This method finsished the iteration. It should be called after iterateObjectNext has returned OBJECT_ILLEGAL indicating no more objects are available that satisfy the constraints.
Definition at line 676 of file WorldModel.cpp. Referenced by calculateAngleAgentWithPos(), calculateStateAgent2(), createInterceptFeatures(), drawCoordinationGraph(), getClosestInSetTo(), getClosestRelativeInSet(), getDirectionOfWidestAngle(), getFastestInSetTo(), getFurthestInSetTo(), getFurthestRelativeInSet(), getListCloseOpponents(), getNrInSetInCircle(), getNrInSetInCone(), getNrInSetInRectangle(), getSecondClosestInSetTo(), getSecondClosestRelativeInSet(), isOpponentAtAngle(), logCoordInfo(), logDrawInfo(), processNewObjectInfo(), removeGhosts(), updateAfterSeeMessage(), updateAfterSenseMessage(), and updateRelativeFromGlobal(). |
This method gets the next object in the iteration over an object set g. iterateObjectStart should have been called first. Only ObjectT with a confidence higher than dConf will be returned. When no more objects are available OBJECT_ILLEGAL is returned.
Definition at line 617 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getConfidence(), getOwnGoalieType(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), getTimeLastSeen(), SoccerTypes::isInSet(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_MAX_OBJECTS, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, OBJECT_SET_PLAYERS, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES_NO_GOALIE, OBJECT_TEAMMATE_1, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, and PS. Referenced by calculateAngleAgentWithPos(), calculateStateAgent2(), checkParticlesAgent(), createInterceptFeatures(), drawCoordinationGraph(), getClosestInSetTo(), getClosestRelativeInSet(), getDirectionOfWidestAngle(), getFastestInSetTo(), getFirstEmptySpotInSet(), getFurthestInSetTo(), getFurthestRelativeInSet(), getListCloseOpponents(), getNrInSetInCircle(), getNrInSetInCone(), getNrInSetInRectangle(), getSecondClosestInSetTo(), getSecondClosestRelativeInSet(), isOpponentAtAngle(), iterateObjectStart(), logCoordInfo(), logDrawInfo(), logObjectInformation(), processNewObjectInfo(), removeGhosts(), show(), updateAfterSeeMessage(), updateAfterSenseMessage(), and updateRelativeFromGlobal(). |
This method starts an iteration over an object set g. This method will return the first ObjectT in an ObjectSetT that has a confidence higher than dConf. After this call use the method iterateObjectNext with the same argument to get the other objects that belong to this set.
Definition at line 602 of file WorldModel.cpp. References iterateObjectNext(), ObjectSetT, and ObjectT. Referenced by calculateAngleAgentWithPos(), calculateStateAgent2(), checkParticlesAgent(), createInterceptFeatures(), drawCoordinationGraph(), getClosestInSetTo(), getClosestRelativeInSet(), getDirectionOfWidestAngle(), getFastestInSetTo(), getFirstEmptySpotInSet(), getFurthestInSetTo(), getFurthestRelativeInSet(), getListCloseOpponents(), getNrInSetInCircle(), getNrInSetInCone(), getNrInSetInRectangle(), getSecondClosestInSetTo(), getSecondClosestRelativeInSet(), isOpponentAtAngle(), logCoordInfo(), logDrawInfo(), logObjectInformation(), processNewObjectInfo(), removeGhosts(), show(), updateAfterSeeMessage(), updateAfterSenseMessage(), and updateRelativeFromGlobal(). |
Definition at line 2400 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getAgentIndex(), getCurrentCycle(), ServerSettings::getHalfTime(), ServerSettings::getSimulatorStep(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), m_colorPlayers, m_iMultX, m_iMultY, and SS. Referenced by coordinateWith(), BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), and updateAll(). |
This method logs drawing information to the log file LogDraw. The drawing information is written in the syntax that is understood by the soccer monitor. The contents of the created file can afterwards be read by an (adapted) logplayer to show the logged information. This method logs all the information about the coordination graphs.
Definition at line 2342 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), getCurrentCycle(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getGlobalPosition(), ServerSettings::getHalfTime(), SoccerTypes::getIndex(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), ServerSettings::getSimulatorStep(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), m_colorPlayers, m_iMultX, m_iMultY, MAX_MSG, OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, ObjectT, PS, and SS. Referenced by Player::mainLoop(). |
Definition at line 2437 of file WorldModel.cpp. References AngDeg, ServerSettings::getBallDecay(), getBallPos(), VecPosition::getDirection(), getGlobalVelocity(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), m_iMultX, m_iMultY, MAX_MSG, VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_BALL, POLAR, and SS. Referenced by Player::mainLoop(). |
This method logs drawing information to the log file LogDraw. The drawing information is written in the syntax that is understood by the soccer monitor. The contents of the created file can afterwards be read by an (adapted) logplayer to show the logged information. The information logged in this method is all the global position information of the players on the field.
Definition at line 2274 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getCurrentCycle(), getGlobalPosition(), ServerSettings::getHalfTime(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), getSide(), ServerSettings::getSimulatorStep(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), m_iMultX, m_iMultY, MAX_MSG, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, ObjectT, PS, SIDE_LEFT, and SS. Referenced by Player::mainLoop(). |
Definition at line 2418 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getAgentIndex(), getCurrentCycle(), ServerSettings::getHalfTime(), ServerSettings::getSimulatorStep(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), m_colorPlayers, m_iMultX, m_iMultY, and SS. Referenced by drawCoordinationGraph(), and updateAll(). |
This method logs all object information that is currently stored in the World Model. The output is formatted as follows. First the current time (cycle_nr,cycle_stopped) is printed, followed by the object information of the specified object 'obj'. The global x and global y position are first printed, followed by the global x and global y velocity. Finally the body and the neck angle are printed. Then the information of the ball "pos_x pos_y vel_x vel_y conf" is printed, followed by the information of all eleven teammates "nr pos_x pos_y vel_x vel_y conf" and the same information about the eleven opponents. Values that are currently not known are replaced by the value -10.0000. This method is normally used by a player to log every cycle all its information contained in the world model to a file. If the coach (with perfect information) does the same, these two files can be analyzed to calculate the error for the different values.
Definition at line 2190 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getConfidence(), getCurrentCycle(), getCurrentTime(), getGlobalBodyAngle(), getGlobalNeckAngle(), getGlobalPosition(), getGlobalVelocity(), SoccerTypes::getIndex(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), getRelativeDistance(), getTimeFromConfidence(), getTimeGlobalVelocity(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), isKnownPlayer(), SoccerTypes::isTeammate(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_PLAYERS, ObjectT, and PS. Referenced by BasicCoach::mainLoopNormal(), and updateAll(). |
This method maps the information in the array of unknown players (players of which we do not know the number and/or team) to the player information located in the WorldModel. This is done by comparing the predicted position of players we haven't seen this cycle and the information of players of which we do not have the number and/or teamname.If this difference in the distance is smaller than tolerated (see PlayerSettings::getPlayerDistTolerance()), this player information is updated with the specified information.
Definition at line 2426 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References getAgentGlobalNeckAngle(), getAgentGlobalPosition(), getAgentObjectType(), getConfidence(), getCurrentTime(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getFirstEmptySpotInSet(), getGlobalPosition(), getHeteroPlayerType(), SoccerTypes::getIndex(), getMaxTraveledDistance(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerDistTolerance(), getRelativeAngle(), Object::getRelativeDistance(), getRelativeDistance(), Time::getTime(), getTimeLastSeen(), Time::getTimeStopped(), Object::getType(), ServerSettings::getVisibleDistance(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), iNrUnknownPlayers, isConfidenceGood(), SoccerTypes::isKnownPlayer(), SoccerTypes::isOpponent(), SoccerTypes::isTeammate(), MAX_OPPONENTS, MAX_TEAMMATES, VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_OPPONENT_UNKNOWN, OBJECT_PLAYER_UNKNOWN, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, OBJECT_SET_PLAYERS, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, OBJECT_TEAMMATE_UNKNOWN, ObjectT, Opponents, POLAR, PS, PlayerObject::setHeteroPlayerType(), Object::setType(), show(), SS, Teammates, and UnknownPlayers. Referenced by updateAfterSeeMessage(). |
This method predicts the position of the agent after 'iCycles' when every cycle is dashed with 'iDashPower'. The method 'predictGlobalPosAfterNrCycles' is used to calculate this position.
Definition at line 311 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), and predictPosAfterNrCycles(). Referenced by BasicPlayer::freezeBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), BasicPlayer::interceptCloseGoalie(), BasicPlayer::kickBallCloseToBody(), BasicPlayer::kickTo(), BasicPlayer::moveToPos(), Player::sayBallStatus(), BasicPlayer::turnBackToPoint(), and BasicPlayer::turnBodyToPoint(). |
This method returns the global position of the agent after the specified command is performed. This method makes use of the method 'predictAgentInfoAfterCommand'
Definition at line 156 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References AngDeg, and predictAgentStateAfterCommand(). Referenced by Player::amIAgentToSaySomething(), BasicPlayer::collideWithBall(), BasicPlayer::holdBall(), and BasicPlayer::turnWithBallTo(). |
This method predicts the state of the agent after it performs a specific SoccerCommand. This method makes use of the method predictInfoAfterCommand. All arguments are initialized with the current values of the agent.
Definition at line 110 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References AngDeg, getAgentGlobalBodyAngle(), getAgentGlobalNeckAngle(), getAgentGlobalPosition(), getAgentGlobalVelocity(), getAgentObjectType(), getAgentStamina(), and predictStateAfterCommand(). Referenced by BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), BasicPlayer::interceptCloseGoalie(), isCollisionAfterCommand(), predictAgentPosAfterCommand(), predictObjectStateAfterCommand(), and BasicPlayer::turnNeckToPoint(). |
Definition at line 224 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References AngDeg, CMD_KICK, SoccerCommand::commandType, SoccerCommand::dAngle, SoccerCommand::dPower, getActualKickPowerRate(), getAgentGlobalBodyAngle(), ServerSettings::getBallDecay(), ServerSettings::getBallSpeedMax(), getGlobalPosition(), getGlobalVelocity(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_BALL, POLAR, VecPosition::setMagnitude(), and SS. Referenced by Player::amIAgentToSaySomething(), BasicPlayer::freezeBall(), isCollisionAfterCommand(), BasicPlayer::kickTo(), Player::sayBallStatus(), and updateBallAfterKick(). |
This command returns the command for object 'obj' to intercept the ball. It needs the command 'socClose' as the command to intercept a close ball (may be CMD_ILLEGAL). 'iCycles' will be filled with the number of cycles to get to this ball position and 'posIntercept' will be filled with the final interception point. When posIn, velInn, angBody are equal to NULL, the agent information is used in the calculations. Definition at line 715 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References AngDeg, CMD_ILLEGAL, SoccerCommand::commandType, FEATURE_INTERCEPTION_POINT_BALL, FeatureT, getAgentObjectType(), getAgentStamina(), Feature::getCommand(), getCurrentCycle(), getCurrentTime(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getFeature(), getGlobalBodyAngle(), getGlobalNeckAngle(), getGlobalPosition(), getGlobalVelocity(), Feature::getInfo(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), getMaximalKickDist(), getPlayerSpeedMax(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerWhenToIntercept(), getTimeLastHearMessage(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), getTimeLastSenseMessage(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), isDeadBallUs(), isFeatureRelevant(), isGoalKickUs(), SoccerCommand::isIllegal(), isInField(), logCircle(), max(), min(), OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectT, predictCommandToMoveToPos(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), predictStateAfterCommand(), PS, setFeature(), VecPosition::setVecPosition(), UnknownDoubleValue, and UnknownIntValue. Referenced by BasicPlayer::intercept(). |
This method returns the command to move to a position, first it checks whether a turn is necessary. When this is the case, it performs the turn. Otherwise a dash command is generated to move in 'iCycles' cycles to the point 'posTo'. Definition at line 686 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References AngDeg, CMD_DASH, getAgentEffort(), getGlobalBodyAngle(), getGlobalPosition(), getGlobalVelocity(), getPowerForDash(), SoccerCommand::isIllegal(), ObjectT, and predictCommandTurnTowards(). Referenced by predictCommandToInterceptBall(), and predictNrCyclesToPoint(). |
This method returns the command for object 'obj' to turn towards a point 'posTo' on the field when it has 'iCycles' to reach that point. If the point is within 'dDistBack' behind the object it will try to dash backwards. In the case that 'bMoveBack' is true, it will always try to move backwards. When posIn, velIn and angBodyIn are equal to NULL, the current agent information is used. Definition at line 588 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References AngDeg, CMD_TURN, SoccerCommand::dAngle, getAngleForTurn(), VecPosition::getDirection(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), Line::getDistanceWithPoint(), getGlobalBodyAngle(), getGlobalNeckAngle(), getGlobalPosition(), getGlobalVelocity(), getInertiaMoment(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), getMaximalKickDist(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerWhenToTurnAngle(), Line::makeLineFromPositionAndAngle(), min(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), ObjectT, predictPosAfterNrCycles(), predictStateAfterTurn(), and PS. Referenced by predictCommandToMoveToPos(). |
This method predicts the final position of the agent when no commands are issued, but the agent just rolls out.
Definition at line 319 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References getAgentGlobalPosition(), getAgentGlobalVelocity(), VecPosition::getDirection(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), ServerSettings::getPlayerDecay(), Geometry::getSumInfGeomSeries(), POLAR, and SS. Referenced by BasicPlayer::directTowards(), and BasicPlayer::moveToPos(). |
This method check how many cycles are needed for object 'o' to travel a distance 'dDist' when it currently has a speed 'dSpeed'. Definition at line 331 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References EPSILON, getDashPowerRate(), getMaximalKickDist(), ServerSettings::getMaxPower(), getPlayerDecay(), ServerSettings::getPlayerSpeedMax(), max(), ObjectT, and SS. Referenced by predictNrCyclesToPoint(). |
This method returns the number of cycles it will take the object 'objFrom' to reach the object 'objTo' (usually respectively the player and the ball).
Definition at line 481 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References createInterceptFeatures(), EPSILON, FEATURE_INTERCEPT_CYCLES_ME, FeatureT, getAgentObjectType(), getBallPos(), getBallSpeed(), getCurrentCycle(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getFeature(), getGlobalPosition(), Feature::getInfo(), ServerSettings::getPlayerSpeedMax(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerWhenToIntercept(), isFeatureRelevant(), max(), OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectT, predictNrCyclesToPoint(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), PS, SS, and UnknownDoubleValue. |
This method gives an estimate for the number of cycles a player needs to reach a specific position. A position is reached when the player is located in the maximal kick distance of this position. When this is not the case a dash (or turn) is performed until the player is in the kickable distance.
Definition at line 371 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References AngDeg, CMD_DASH, CMD_TURN, SoccerCommand::commandType, SoccerCommand::dPower, getAgentGlobalBodyAngle(), getAgentGlobalPosition(), getAgentGlobalVelocity(), getAgentObjectType(), getCurrentCycle(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getGlobalBodyAngle(), getGlobalBodyAngleLastSee(), getGlobalPositionLastSee(), getGlobalVelocityLastSee(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), getMaximalKickDist(), SoccerTypes::getObjectStr(), Time::getTime(), getTimeChangeInformation(), getTimeGlobalPositionLastSee(), VecPosition::getX(), SoccerTypes::isOpponent(), max(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), ObjectT, POLAR, predictCommandToMoveToPos(), predictNrCyclesForDistance(), predictStateAfterCommand(), VecPosition::rotate(), and VecPosition::setVecPosition(). Referenced by createInterceptFeatures(), Player::executeStringCommand(), BasicPlayer::getEndSpeedForPass(), getFastestInSetTo(), and predictNrCyclesToObject(). |
This method predicts the state of the agent after it performs a specific SoccerCommand. This method makes use of the method predictInfoAfterCommand. All arguments are initialized with the current values of the agent.
Definition at line 135 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References AngDeg, getAgentObjectType(), getGlobalBodyAngle(), getGlobalNeckAngle(), getGlobalPosition(), getGlobalVelocity(), ObjectT, predictAgentStateAfterCommand(), and predictStateAfterCommand(). |
This method determines the global position of the object o after iCycles When the object is the ball, only the decay of the ball is taken into account. When the object is a player it is assumed that the player dashes with 'iDashPower' every cycle.
Definition at line 263 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References getAgentGlobalBodyAngle(), getAgentObjectType(), getAgentStamina(), ServerSettings::getBallDecay(), getCurrentTime(), VecPosition::getDirection(), getGlobalBodyAngle(), getGlobalPosition(), getGlobalVelocity(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), Geometry::getSumGeomSeries(), getTimeGlobalAngles(), SoccerTypes::isKnownPlayer(), OBJECT_BALL, ObjectT, POLAR, predictStateAfterDash(), and SS. Referenced by BasicPlayer::collideWithBall(), createInterceptFeatures(), BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), getFastestInSetTo(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), getStrategicPosition(), BasicPlayer::holdBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), BasicPlayer::interceptCloseGoalie(), isBallHeadingToGoal(), isCollisionAfterCommand(), predictAgentPos(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), predictCommandTurnTowards(), predictNrCyclesToObject(), BasicPlayer::turnBodyToObject(), BasicPlayer::turnNeckToObject(), BasicPlayer::turnWithBallTo(), and updateAll(). |
This method updates all the stamina variables using the calculations from the soccer manual. It is not really important since stamina is read from sense_body every cycle. That information is more up to date.
Definition at line 543 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References Stamina::getEffort(), ServerSettings::getEffortDec(), ServerSettings::getEffortDecThr(), ServerSettings::getEffortInc(), ServerSettings::getEffortIncThr(), ServerSettings::getEffortMin(), ServerSettings::getRecoverDec(), ServerSettings::getRecoverDecThr(), ServerSettings::getRecoverMin(), Stamina::getRecovery(), Stamina::getStamina(), ServerSettings::getStaminaIncMax(), ServerSettings::getStaminaMax(), Stamina::setEffort(), Stamina::setRecovery(), Stamina::setStamina(), and SS. Referenced by predictStateAfterDash(). |
This method predicts the state of an player after it performs a specific SoccerCommand. The current state of the agent is passed by giving the position, velocity and body and neck direction. These arguments are updated and after return of this method will contain the new values as if the command was performed.
Definition at line 66 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References AngDeg, CMD_CATCH, CMD_DASH, CMD_ILLEGAL, CMD_KICK, CMD_MOVE, CMD_TACKLE, CMD_TURN, CMD_TURNNECK, SoccerCommand::commandType, SoccerCommand::dAngle, SoccerCommand::dPower, SoccerCommand::dX, SoccerCommand::dY, VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), ObjectT, predictStateAfterDash(), predictStateAfterTurn(), VecPosition::setMagnitude(), and VecPosition::setVecPosition(). Referenced by predictAgentStateAfterCommand(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), predictNrCyclesToPoint(), predictObjectStateAfterCommand(), and updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(). |
This method determines the state of a player after a dash command is performed. The current state of the player is specified by the passed arguments. After this method returns, all arguments are updated.
Definition at line 173 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References getDashPowerRate(), Stamina::getEffort(), getEffortMax(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), getPlayerDecay(), ServerSettings::getPlayerSpeedMax(), VecPosition::getVecPositionFromPolar(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), ObjectT, predictStaminaAfterDash(), VecPosition::setMagnitude(), and SS. Referenced by BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptCloseGoalie(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), predictStateAfterCommand(), predictStateAfterTurn(), and updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(). |
This method determines the state of a player after a turn command is performed. The global position is updated with the velocity and the velocity is updated. Then the actual turn angle is calculated taken the inertia into account. This actual turn angle is used to update both the global body and global neck direction.
Definition at line 209 of file WorldModelPredict.cpp. References AngDeg, getActualTurnAngle(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), ObjectT, and predictStateAfterDash(). Referenced by BasicPlayer::directTowards(), BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), predictCommandTurnTowards(), and predictStateAfterCommand(). |
This method sets the catch cycle time for the goalie. This is the cycle time that the ball is catched by the goalie. This information is said by the referee by indicating the side that catched the ball. This method checks whether our side catched the ball. If this is the case, the time is set and the goalie cannot catch the ball for a certain cycles (see ServerSettings).
Definition at line 596 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References Ball, getCurrentTime(), REFC_GOALIE_CATCH_BALL_LEFT, REFC_GOALIE_CATCH_BALL_RIGHT, RefereeMessageT, DynamicObject::setGlobalVelocity(), SIDE_LEFT, SIDE_RIGHT, sideSide, and timeLastCatch. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeHearMessage(). |
Definition at line 844 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, getAgentObjectType(), getMaxRangeUnknownPlayer(), SoccerTypes::getObjectFromStr(), getSide(), getTeamName(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), Parse::gotoFirstOccurenceOf(), SoccerTypes::isKnownPlayer(), SoccerTypes::isOpponent(), SoccerTypes::isPlayer(), SoccerTypes::isTeammate(), MAX_MSG, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_OPPONENT_1, OBJECT_OPPONENT_11, OBJECT_OPPONENT_UNKNOWN, OBJECT_TEAMMATE_1, OBJECT_TEAMMATE_11, OBJECT_TEAMMATE_UNKNOWN, ObjectT, Parse::parseFirstDouble(), Parse::parseFirstInt(), processNewObjectInfo(), SIDE_LEFT, strLastSeeMessage, UnknownAngleValue, and UnknownDoubleValue. Referenced by updateAfterSeeMessage(). |
Definition at line 1110 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, CMD_ATTENTIONTO, CMD_CATCH, CMD_CHANGEVIEW, CMD_DASH, CMD_KICK, CMD_MOVE, CMD_POINTTO, CMD_SAY, CMD_TACKLE, CMD_TURN, CMD_TURNNECK, SoccerTypes::getTeammateObjectFromIndex(), SoccerTypes::getViewAngleFromStr(), SoccerTypes::getViewQualityFromStr(), Parse::gotoFirstOccurenceOf(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), Parse::parseFirstDouble(), Parse::parseFirstInt(), POLAR, processNewAgentInfo(), setNrOfCommands(), setObjectFocus(), strLastSenseMessage, ViewAngleT, and ViewQualityT. Referenced by updateAfterSenseMessage(). |
This method is called when new visual information about the agent is received. It updates the information of the AgentObject stored in the WorldModel.
Definition at line 121 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References agentObject, AngDeg, getAgentGlobalPosition(), AgentObject::getStamina(), POLAR, AgentObject::setArmExpires(), AgentObject::setArmMovable(), AgentObject::setBodyAngleRelToNeck(), Stamina::setEffort(), AgentObject::setGlobalArmPosition(), AgentObject::setSpeedRelToNeck(), AgentObject::setStamina(), Stamina::setStamina(), AgentObject::setTackleExpires(), AgentObject::setViewAngle(), AgentObject::setViewQuality(), VA_ILLEGAL, ViewAngleT, ViewQualityT, and VQ_ILLEGAL. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeFullStateMessage(), and processLastSenseMessage(). |
This methods fills the heterogeneous player array (stored as 'pt') with the specified information. This information is directly parsed from the player_type message received from the server. This method is therefore only called from the SenseHandler. The information in this array can later be used (by the coach) to determine the best heterogeneous player for a specific position on the field and to update the parameters in the ServerSettings when the player type of the agent is changed.
Definition at line 563 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References HeteroPlayerSettings::dDashPowerRate, HeteroPlayerSettings::dEffortMax, HeteroPlayerSettings::dEffortMin, HeteroPlayerSettings::dExtraStamina, HeteroPlayerSettings::dInertiaMoment, HeteroPlayerSettings::dKickableMargin, HeteroPlayerSettings::dKickRand, HeteroPlayerSettings::dMaximalKickDist, HeteroPlayerSettings::dPlayerDecay, HeteroPlayerSettings::dPlayerSize, HeteroPlayerSettings::dPlayerSpeedMax, HeteroPlayerSettings::dStaminaIncMax, ServerSettings::getBallSize(), pt, and SS. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzePlayerTypeMessage(). |
This method is called when new visual information about other objects on the field is received. It updates the information of the Object that corresponds to the ObjectT that is supplied as the first argument. If some of the arguments are not received with the visual information, they are passed with the value 'UnknownDoubleValue'. Note that the objects are only updated with the (relative) information passed as arguments. To make sure all global information in the objects is synchronized with the relative information, the method updateAll() has to be called after all (relative) object information is updated.
Definition at line 170 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, Flags, getAgentObjectType(), getCurrentTime(), SoccerTypes::getIndex(), getMaxTraveledDistance(), getObjectPtrFromType(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerDistTolerance(), Object::getRelativePosition(), getRelativePosition(), ServerSettings::getTackleCycles(), iNrUnknownPlayers, SoccerTypes::isBall(), SoccerTypes::isFlag(), isKnownPlayer(), SoccerTypes::isKnownPlayer(), SoccerTypes::isLine(), SoccerTypes::isOpponent(), SoccerTypes::isPlayer(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), Lines, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, PS, DynamicObject::setRelativeAngleChange(), DynamicObject::setRelativeDistanceChange(), Object::setRelativePosition(), Object::setTimeLastSeen(), Object::setType(), SS, UnknownAngleValue, UnknownDoubleValue, and UnknownPlayers. Referenced by processLastSeeMessage(). |
This method is called when new information about an object is heard. But only when the player who said the message was completely sure about the object type (it would not give information about a player it does not know the player number of, then it would call processUnsureHearInfo). It updates the information of the specified object only when the confidence is higher than the information already available in the WorldModel.
Definition at line 453 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), Object::getConfidence(), getCurrentTime(), PlayerObject::getIsKnownPlayer(), getObjectPtrFromType(), getTimeFromConfidence(), SoccerTypes::isBall(), SoccerTypes::isKnownPlayer(), ObjectT, processUnsureHearInfo(), Object::setGlobalPosition(), DynamicObject::setGlobalVelocity(), PlayerObject::setIsGoalie(), PlayerObject::setIsKnownPlayer(), setTimeLastHearMessage(), Object::setTimeLastSeen(), and updateObjectRelativeFromGlobal(). Referenced by processPlayerMessage(), and processUnsureHearInfo(). |
This method is called when new information about the ball is heard. It updates the information of the ball only when the confidence is higher than the information already available in the WorldModel.
Definition at line 423 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References Ball, Object::getConfidence(), getConfidence(), getCurrentTime(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getGlobalVelocity(), Time::getTime(), getTimeFromConfidence(), getTimeLastSeen(), OBJECT_BALL, Object::setGlobalPosition(), DynamicObject::setGlobalVelocity(), setTimeLastHearMessage(), Object::setTimeLastSeen(), and updateObjectRelativeFromGlobal(). Referenced by processPlayerMessage(). |
This method processes a communication message from a teammate. Definition at line 310 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References ServerSettings::getBallDecay(), getCurrentCycle(), getCurrentTime(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getGlobalVelocity(), SoccerTypes::getOpponentObjectFromIndex(), getRelativeDistance(), Time::getTime(), getTimeChangeInformation(), getTimeLastSeen(), ServerSettings::getVisibleDistance(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), m_dCommOffsideX, m_iCycleInMsg, m_strPlayerMsg, m_timeCommOffsideX, MAX_MSG, OBJECT_BALL, ObjectT, Parse::parseFirstInt(), processPerfectHearInfo(), processPerfectHearInfoBall(), and SS. Referenced by updateAll(). |
This method sets the performed commands by the agent object. Using this information, the future world states can be calculated when an update is performed. In this method a timestamp of the current time cycle is added to the commands structure for later usage. This method is called by the ActHandler when it has sent these commands to the server.
Definition at line 613 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References CMD_MAX_COMMANDS, SoccerCommand::commandType, getCurrentTime(), queuedCommands, and SoccerCommand::time. Referenced by ActHandler::sendCommands(). |
Definition at line 396 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References bNewInfo, cond_newInfo, ServerSettings::getSynchMode(), m_bRecvThink, mutex_newInfo, and SS. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeMessage(), and Player::mainLoop(). |
This method is called when new visual information about objects on the field is received from the see_global message (only the coach receives these messages). This method updates the information of the Object that corresponds to the ObjectT that is supplied as the first argument.
Definition at line 75 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, getObjectPtrFromType(), SoccerTypes::isBall(), SoccerTypes::isPlayer(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectT, PlayerObject::setGlobalBodyAngle(), PlayerObject::setGlobalNeckAngle(), Object::setGlobalPosition(), Object::setGlobalPositionLastSee(), DynamicObject::setGlobalVelocity(), PlayerObject::setIsKnownPlayer(), DynamicObject::setTimeChangeInformation(), and Object::setTimeLastSeen(). Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeFullStateMessage(), SenseHandler::analyzeHearMessage(), and SenseHandler::analyzeSeeGlobalMessage(). |
This method is called when new information about an object is heard. But only when the player who said the message was not sure about the object type. It is tried to map the given information to an object already in the WorldModel. If we cannot find such a player, we add the player info at the position of the first player who we don't have information about. The information of the specified object is only updated when the confidence is higher than the information already available in the WorldModel.
Definition at line 498 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References getAgentGlobalPosition(), getAgentObjectType(), getClosestInSetTo(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getFirstEmptySpotInSet(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerDistTolerance(), SoccerTypes::isKnownPlayer(), SoccerTypes::isOpponent(), SoccerTypes::isTeammate(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_OPPONENT_UNKNOWN, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, OBJECT_TEAMMATE_UNKNOWN, ObjectT, processPerfectHearInfo(), PS, and setIsKnownPlayer(). Referenced by processPerfectHearInfo(). |
This method removes ghosts from the WorldModel. Ghosts are objects that should have been seen in the last see message but aren't. Currently only the ball is removed from the WorldMOdel. Definition at line 2653 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References agentObject, AngDeg, Ball, getAgentGlobalNeckAngle(), getAgentGlobalPosition(), getClosestInSetTo(), getCurrentTime(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getGlobalBodyAngle(), getGlobalPosition(), SoccerTypes::getHalfViewAngleValue(), SoccerTypes::getIndex(), getMaxTraveledDistance(), getObjectPtrFromType(), getOppGoalieType(), getRelativeAngle(), getRelativeDistance(), Time::getTime(), getTimeGlobalAngles(), Object::getTimeGlobalPosition(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), getTimeLastSeen(), AgentObject::getViewAngle(), ServerSettings::getVisibleDistance(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, ObjectT, POLAR, Object::setGlobalPosition(), setTimeLastSeen(), Object::setTimeLastSeen(), SS, and updateObjectRelativeFromGlobal(). Referenced by updateAfterSeeMessage(). |
This method resamples the particles that represent the global position of the agent. 'iLength' denotes the number of particles contained in 'posArray' and 'iLeft' the points that do do not have to be resampled. A particle is resampled by taking a random particle from the first part of the array.
Definition at line 1838 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References iNrParticlesAgent, and particlesPosAgent. Referenced by calculateStateAgent(). |
This method resamples all particles that represent the global position and global velocity of the ball. This is by copying existing legal particles at random. Since noise will be added to each particle, they will blur each time the particles are updated. The first 'iLeft' particles are legal particles and copied to the position at the end of the array.
Definition at line 3004 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. |
This methods resets all the object information stored in the worldmodel. This means that the last see time of these objects are set to UnknownTime.
Definition at line 2635 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References agentObject, Ball, Flags, Lines, MAX_FLAGS, MAX_LINES, MAX_OPPONENTS, MAX_TEAMMATES, Opponents, Object::setTimeLastSeen(), and Teammates. |
This method sets the ObjectType of the agent. This is an objectT between OBJECT_TEAMMATE_1 and OBJECT_TEAMMATE_11
Definition at line 698 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, ObjectT, and Object::setType(). Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeInitMessage(). |
This method sets the view angle of the agent.
Definition at line 771 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, AgentObject::setViewAngle(), and ViewAngleT. Referenced by updateAll(). |
This method sets the view quality of the agent.
Definition at line 789 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, AgentObject::setViewQuality(), and ViewQualityT. Referenced by updateAll(). |
Definition at line 1730 of file WorldModel.cpp. References m_changeViewCommand. |
This method sets the status of the ball. The status of the ball corresponds to the server time returned by getTimeCheckBall. This method is only useful for the coach, since only he can sent a check_ball message.
Definition at line 541 of file WorldModel.cpp. References BallStatusT, and bsCheckBall. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeCheckBall(). |
This method sets the string that we want communicate. It can be set during the creation of the action. When the ActHandler sends its actions, it sends this string to the server.
Definition at line 587 of file WorldModel.cpp. References m_strCommunicate, and MAX_SAY_MSG. Referenced by Player::mainLoop(), and ActHandler::sendCommands(). |
This method updates the feature 'type' with the information stored in 'feature'.
Definition at line 2522 of file WorldModel.cpp. References FeatureT, and m_features. Referenced by createInterceptFeatures(), getFastestInSetTo(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), and predictCommandToInterceptBall(). |
This method sets the heterogeneous player type of the object that is passed as the first argument.
Definition at line 1413 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), getObjectPtrFromType(), ObjectT, PlayerObject::setHeteroPlayerType(), and updateSSToHeteroPlayerType(). Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeChangePlayerTypeMessage(). |
This method sets the value of the specified object to a known player or not. A known player is a player of which the exact team name and player number are known. If the player number is not known, information about the object is stored at an empty position in the player array and the value of isKnownPlayer is set to 'false'.
Definition at line 1393 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getObjectPtrFromType(), isKnownPlayer(), ObjectT, and PlayerObject::setIsKnownPlayer(). Referenced by processUnsureHearInfo(). |
This method sets the number of commands c that were performed by the agent. This is supplied in the sense_body message and can be used to check whether an action is actually performed by the soccer server, since the corresponding counter should be one higher than the previous sense_body message. When this is the case the corresponding index of the PerformedCommands array is set to true.
Definition at line 500 of file WorldModel.cpp. References CommandT, iCommandCounters, and performedCommands. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeFullStateMessage(), and processLastSenseMessage(). |
This methods sets the object type of the object that is currently listened to. This information is gathered from a sense message. When this agent says a message, we will definitely hear it. Definition at line 576 of file WorldModel.cpp. References m_objFocus, and ObjectT. Referenced by processLastSenseMessage(). |
This method sets the player number of the agent. This value is available in the conformation message sent by the soccerserver after the initialization.
Definition at line 394 of file WorldModel.cpp. References iPlayerNumber. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeInitMessage(). |
This method sets the play mode of the agent in this worldmodel
Definition at line 448 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getSide(), getTimeLastSenseMessage(), playMode, PlayModeT, PM_GOAL_KICK_LEFT, PM_GOAL_KICK_RIGHT, setTimeLastCatch(), SIDE_LEFT, and SIDE_RIGHT. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeFullStateMessage(), SenseHandler::analyzeHearMessage(), SenseHandler::analyzeInitMessage(), and WorldModel(). |
This method sets the side of the agent
Definition at line 411 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getSide(), m_iMultX, m_iMultY, SIDE_LEFT, sideSide, and SideT. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeInitMessage(), and WorldModel(). |
This method sets the side the penalty kick is taken. Definition at line 1748 of file WorldModel.cpp. References m_sidePenalty, and SideT. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeHearMessage(). |
This method inserts a substituted opponent player in the set of substituted opponent players. This can then be detected by the coach, who then can figure out to which new type this opponent player is changed. Definition at line 1534 of file WorldModel.cpp. References m_setSubstitutedOpp, and ObjectT. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeChangePlayerTypeMessage(). |
This method sets the teamname of the agent. The maximum team name is MAX_TEAM_NAME_LENGTH as defined in Soccertypes.h.
Definition at line 430 of file WorldModel.cpp. References strTeamName. Referenced by BasicCoach::BasicCoach(), and Player::Player(). |
This method sets the time the ball was checked for the last time (coach only).
Definition at line 522 of file WorldModel.cpp. References timeCheckBall. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeCheckBall(). |
This method sets the time of the last catch cycle. This information is received by the SenseHandler when the referee has sent this message. After a catch, the goalie is not allowed to catch the ball for catch_ban_cycles (defined in ServerSettings).
Definition at line 191 of file WorldModel.cpp. References timeLastCatch. Referenced by setPlayMode(). |
This method sets the time of the last hear message.
Definition at line 376 of file WorldModel.cpp. References timeLastHearMessage. Referenced by processPerfectHearInfo(), and processPerfectHearInfoBall(). |
This method sets the time of the last received referee message. This information is received by the SenseHandler.
Definition at line 208 of file WorldModel.cpp. References timeLastRefMessage. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeHearMessage(). |
This method sets the time of the last see_global message.
Definition at line 271 of file WorldModel.cpp. References setTimeLastSeeMessage(), and updateRelativeFromGlobal(). Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeFullStateMessage(), and SenseHandler::analyzeSeeGlobalMessage(). |
This method sets the time of the last see message. It also sends a condition signal to indicate that variable bNewInfo has changed. When main thread is stopped in waitForNewInformation, it is unblocked.
Definition at line 300 of file WorldModel.cpp. References bNewInfo, cond_newInfo, ServerSettings::getSynchMode(), mutex_newInfo, SS, and timeLastRecvSeeMessage. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeSeeMessage(), and setTimeLastSeeGlobalMessage(). |
This method sets the time the object 'o' has last been seen.
Definition at line 1403 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getObjectPtrFromType(), ObjectT, and Object::setTimeLastSeen(). Referenced by removeGhosts(). |
This method sets the time of the last sense message. It also send a condition signal to indicate that variable bNewInfo has changed. When main thread is stopped in waitForNewInformation, it is unblocked.
Definition at line 345 of file WorldModel.cpp. References bNewInfo, cond_newInfo, ServerSettings::getSynchMode(), mutex_newInfo, SS, and timeLastRecvSenseMessage. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeFullStateMessage(), and SenseHandler::analyzeSenseMessage(). |
This method prints the information about the Object o to the output stream os.
Definition at line 2096 of file WorldModel.cpp. References getObjectPtrFromType(), getTeamName(), SoccerTypes::isPlayer(), SoccerTypes::isTeammate(), ObjectT, Object::show(), and PlayerObject::show(). |
This method prints all the objects and information contained in the object set 'set' to specified outputstream.
Definition at line 2071 of file WorldModel.cpp. References iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, ObjectSetT, ObjectT, and show(). |
This method prints all the objects and information of the agent to the specified outputstream. Only the information of the objects that are seen recently are printed.
Definition at line 2037 of file WorldModel.cpp. References agentObject, Ball, CMD_DASH, CMD_KICK, CMD_SAY, CMD_TURN, CMD_TURNNECK, DEFAULT_OPPONENT_NAME, getCurrentTime(), getNrOfCommands(), SoccerTypes::getPlayModeStr(), getSide(), SoccerTypes::getSideStr(), getTeamName(), Time::getTime(), Object::getTimeLastSeen(), isConfidenceGood(), MAX_OPPONENTS, MAX_TEAMMATES, Opponents, playMode, AgentObject::show(), PlayerObject::show(), BallObject::show(), and Teammates. Referenced by Player::executeStringCommand(), mapUnknownPlayers(), show(), updateAfterSeeMessage(), and updateAll(). |
This method prints the queued commands - commands that are sent by the ActHandler to the server - to the specified output stream.
Definition at line 2084 of file WorldModel.cpp. References CMD_ILLEGAL, CMD_MAX_COMMANDS, SoccerCommand::commandType, queuedCommands, and SoccerCommand::show(). Referenced by Player::executeStringCommand(). |
This method stores a message communicated by an other player in the world model. It is not processed yet. This is done by the updateAll method.
Definition at line 300 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References getCurrentTime(), m_iCycleInMsg, m_iMessageSender, m_strPlayerMsg, and m_timePlayerMsg. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzePlayerMessage(). |
This method subtracts one from the goal difference. Call this method when you're team has conceided a goal
Definition at line 477 of file WorldModel.cpp. References iGoalDiff. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeHearMessage(). |
This method is called to update the WorldModel after a see message. The update methods for the agent, all teammates, all opponents and the ball are called. But only when the last see message of these objects equals the time of the last received see message.
Definition at line 987 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), getCurrentTime(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), Time::getTime(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), getTimeLastSeen(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), mapUnknownPlayers(), OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_PLAYERS, ObjectT, processLastSeeMessage(), PS, removeGhosts(), show(), updateAgentObjectAfterSee(), updateDynamicObjectAfterSee(), and updateObjectRelativeFromGlobal(). Referenced by updateAll(). |
This method is called to update the WorldModel after a sense message. The current information for the agent, all teammates, all opponents and the ball are calculated using the associated methods. This is done by updating the objects till the time of the information matches the current time of the sense message. After all global positions are determined, the relative information is updated using the new global information using the method determineRelativeFromGlobal().
Definition at line 1179 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References Ball, getAgentObjectType(), getCurrentTime(), SoccerTypes::getIndex(), getObjectPtrFromType(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), getStrategicPosition(), getTimeGlobalPosition(), getTimeLastSenseMessage(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), isBeforeKickOff(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_PLAYERS, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, ObjectT, processLastSenseMessage(), PS, Object::setGlobalPosition(), Object::setGlobalPositionLastSee(), DynamicObject::setGlobalVelocity(), Object::setTimeLastSeen(), updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(), and updateObjectRelativeFromGlobal(). Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeMessage(), and updateAll(). |
This method updates the agent and ball information after a sense message. This is done using the current known information and the action that is performed in the last server cycle as indicated by the attribute 'PerformedCommands'
Definition at line 1239 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References agentObject, AngDeg, CMD_DASH, CMD_KICK, CMD_MAX_COMMANDS, CMD_MOVE, CMD_TACKLE, CMD_TURN, CMD_TURNNECK, SoccerCommand::commandType, EPSILON, getAgentGlobalBodyAngle(), getAgentGlobalNeckAngle(), getAgentGlobalPosition(), getAgentGlobalVelocity(), getAgentObjectType(), getAgentStamina(), getBallPos(), ServerSettings::getBallSize(), getClosestInSetTo(), getCurrentTime(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), ServerSettings::getMaximalKickDist(), ServerSettings::getPlayerDecay(), ServerSettings::getPlayerSize(), AgentObject::getSpeedRelToNeck(), Time::getTime(), ServerSettings::getVisibleDistance(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), initParticlesAgent(), m_bPerformedKick, m_bWasCollision, m_timeLastCollision, OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_SET_PLAYERS, performedCommands, predictStateAfterCommand(), predictStateAfterDash(), queuedCommands, VecPosition::rotate(), AgentObject::setGlobalNeckAngle(), Object::setGlobalPosition(), DynamicObject::setGlobalVelocity(), VecPosition::setMagnitude(), VecPosition::setVecPosition(), sign(), SS, SoccerCommand::time, updateBallAfterKick(), updateBallForCollision(), updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(), updateParticlesAgent(), and Time::updateTime(). Referenced by updateAfterSenseMessage(). |
This method updates an agent after a see message. The global position and the global neck angle are calculated using the visual information using the method calculateStateAgent.
Definition at line 1037 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References agentObject, AngDeg, calculateStateAgent(), Object::getGlobalPosition(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), AgentObject::setGlobalNeckAngle(), Object::setGlobalPosition(), Object::setGlobalPositionLastSee(), DynamicObject::setGlobalVelocity(), AgentObject::setPositionDifference(), and Object::setTimeLastSeen(). Referenced by updateAfterSeeMessage(). |
This is called to update the WorldModel. It determines the the last message (see or sense) and updates the worlmodel accordingly. When see information is received ("perfect" information) all objects are updated with this received information. After sense message the information of the object is calculated for the new cycle using the last visual information.
Definition at line 638 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References agentObject, drawCoordinationGraph(), getAgentObjectType(), getChangeViewCommand(), getCurrentCycle(), getCurrentTime(), Timing::getElapsedTime(), getFastestInSetTo(), PlayerSettings::getFractionWaitSeeEnd(), getGlobalPosition(), getNrInSetInRectangle(), getOffsideX(), getPlayerNumber(), getRelativeDistance(), Object::getTimeGlobalPosition(), getTimeLastRecvSeeMessage(), getTimeLastRecvSenseMessage(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), getTimeLastSenseMessage(), ServerSettings::getVisibleDistance(), iNrHoles, iNrOpponentsSeen, iNrTeammatesSeen, isFullStateOn(), SoccerCommand::isIllegal(), isLastMessageSee(), isQueuedActionPerformed(), isTimeStopped(), logCircle(), logLine(), logObjectInformation(), m_timePlayerMsg, OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, OBJECT_SET_PLAYERS, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES, OBJECT_SET_TEAMMATES_NO_GOALIE, ObjectT, PITCH_WIDTH, predictPosAfterNrCycles(), processPlayerMessage(), PS, Timing::restartTime(), setAgentViewAngle(), setAgentViewQuality(), PlayerSettings::setFractionWaitSeeEnd(), show(), SS, strLastSeeMessage, strLastSenseMessage, timeLastRecvSeeMessage, timeLastRecvSenseMessage, timeLastSeeMessage, timeLastSenseMessage, updateAfterSeeMessage(), updateAfterSenseMessage(), updateRelativeFromGlobal(), SoccerCommand::va, and SoccerCommand::vq. Referenced by Player::mainLoop(). |
This methods updates the ball after a kick command. First it is checked whether the ball is indeed in the kickable range. If this is the case the accelaration of the ball is calculated and added to the current velocity. With this information the new global position of the ball is set.
Definition at line 1424 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References Ball, getCurrentTime(), ServerSettings::getMaximalKickDist(), getRelativeDistance(), OBJECT_BALL, predictBallInfoAfterCommand(), Object::setGlobalPosition(), DynamicObject::setGlobalVelocity(), SS, and updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(). Referenced by updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(). |
This method checks updates the ball information when it overlaps with a player. If this is the case the player and the ball are moved to a position where they do not overlap any more. Both velocities are multiplied with 0.1
Definition at line 1541 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, Ball, getCurrentTime(), getGlobalPosition(), getGlobalVelocity(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), OBJECT_BALL, POLAR, Object::setGlobalPosition(), and DynamicObject::setGlobalVelocity(). Referenced by updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(). |
This method updates a dynamic object after a see message. The global position and the velocity are calculated using the visual information. For the ball the method 'calculateStateBall' is called, for players the method 'calculateStatePlayer' is called.
Definition at line 1064 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, Ball, calculateStateBall(), calculateStatePlayer(), getAgentGlobalNeckAngle(), getObjectPtrFromType(), PlayerObject::getRelativeBodyAngle(), PlayerObject::getRelativeNeckAngle(), getTimeLastSeeMessage(), PlayerObject::getTimeRelativeAngles(), SoccerTypes::isKnownPlayer(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), OBJECT_BALL, ObjectT, PlayerObject::setGlobalBodyAngle(), PlayerObject::setGlobalBodyAngleLastSee(), PlayerObject::setGlobalNeckAngle(), Object::setGlobalPosition(), Object::setGlobalPositionLastSee(), DynamicObject::setGlobalVelocity(), and DynamicObject::setGlobalVelocityLastSee(). Referenced by updateAfterSeeMessage(). |
This methods updates a dynamic object for 'iCycles' cycle. This is done by updating the global position with the velocity vector. After this the velocity vector is decreased with the associated decay.
Definition at line 1457 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, ServerSettings::getBallDecay(), getBallPos(), getClosestInSetTo(), getCurrentTime(), VecPosition::getDistanceTo(), getFastestInSetTo(), getGlobalPosition(), getGlobalVelocity(), getMaximalKickDist(), getObjectPtrFromType(), getOppGoalieType(), ServerSettings::getPlayerDecay(), getPlayMode(), VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), SoccerTypes::isBall(), isDeadBallThem(), isDeadBallUs(), SoccerTypes::isOpponent(), SoccerTypes::isTeammate(), OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_OPPONENTS, OBJECT_TEAMMATE_1, ObjectT, PENALTY_X, PM_PLAY_ON, POLAR, Object::setGlobalPosition(), DynamicObject::setGlobalVelocity(), VecPosition::setVecPosition(), and SS. Referenced by updateAfterSenseMessage(), updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), and updateBallAfterKick(). |
This method updates the relative information for one object using the global information of this object and the global information of the agent.
Definition at line 1592 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References getAgentGlobalNeckAngle(), getAgentGlobalPosition(), Object::getGlobalPosition(), getObjectPtrFromType(), Object::getTimeGlobalPosition(), VecPosition::globalToRelative(), ObjectT, and Object::setRelativePosition(). Referenced by processPerfectHearInfo(), processPerfectHearInfoBall(), removeGhosts(), updateAfterSeeMessage(), updateAfterSenseMessage(), and updateRelativeFromGlobal(). |
This method updates all the particles that represent the global position of the agent.The velocity 'vel' is added to each particle to move to the next location. When the last boolean argument is true, the velocity is simple added. If this value equals true the previously added velocity is subtracted before the specified velocity 'vel' is added. This for instance occurs when a better velocity estimate (after a see message) is determined with which the particles should be updated.
Definition at line 1792 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References VecPosition::getX(), VecPosition::getY(), iNrParticlesAgent, particlesPosAgent, VecPosition::setX(), and VecPosition::setY(). Referenced by calculateStateAgent(), and updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(). |
This method updates all particles that represent the global position and global velocity of the ball to the next cycle. This is done using the same formula as the soccer server.
Definition at line 2967 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References AngDeg, EPSILON, getActualKickPowerRate(), getAgentGlobalBodyAngle(), ServerSettings::getBallDecay(), ServerSettings::getBallRand(), ServerSettings::getBallSpeedMax(), VecPosition::getMagnitude(), VecPosition::normalizeAngle(), POLAR, VecPosition::setMagnitude(), and SS. |
This method uses the global position of the agent and the global position of all objects to update their relative information. When the new global position of the objects is updated after a sense message, their relative information is not up to date.
Definition at line 1563 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References getAgentObjectType(), PlayerSettings::getPlayerConfThr(), isConfidenceGood(), iterateObjectDone(), iterateObjectNext(), iterateObjectStart(), OBJECT_BALL, OBJECT_ILLEGAL, OBJECT_SET_PLAYERS, ObjectT, PS, and updateObjectRelativeFromGlobal(). Referenced by setTimeLastSeeGlobalMessage(), and updateAll(). |
This method updates the ServerSettings of this agent using the player type information of the heterogeneous player at index 'iIndex'. This method is usually called when the player type of the agent is changed by the coach. It updates its parameters, such that all calculations to determine the next action are based on the correct parameters.
Definition at line 2615 of file WorldModelUpdate.cpp. References pt, ServerSettings::setDashPowerRate(), ServerSettings::setEffortMax(), ServerSettings::setEffortMin(), ServerSettings::setExtraStamina(), ServerSettings::setInertiaMoment(), ServerSettings::setKickableMargin(), ServerSettings::setKickRand(), ServerSettings::setPlayerDecay(), ServerSettings::setPlayerSize(), ServerSettings::setPlayerSpeedMax(), ServerSettings::setStaminaIncMax(), and SS. Referenced by setHeteroPlayerType(). |
This method blocks till new information has arrived. Information is either a sense_body message or a see message. If there isn't received information from the server for longer than 3 seconds, server is assumed dead and false is returned.
Definition at line 2119 of file WorldModel.cpp. References bNewInfo, cond_newInfo, PlayerSettings::getServerTimeOut(), mutex_newInfo, and PS. Referenced by Player::mainLoop(), and BasicCoach::mainLoopNormal(). |
information of the agent itself Definition at line 152 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by calculateStateAgent(), calculateStateAgent2(), calculateStateAgent3(), calculateStateBall(), calculateStatePlayer(), getAgentArmExpires(), getAgentArmMovable(), getAgentArmPosition(), getAgentBodyAngleRelToNeck(), getAgentEffort(), getAgentGlobalBodyAngle(), getAgentGlobalNeckAngle(), getAgentGlobalPosition(), getAgentGlobalVelocity(), getAgentObjectType(), getAgentSpeed(), getAgentStamina(), getAgentViewAngle(), getAgentViewQuality(), getObjectPtrFromType(), getTackleExpires(), processNewAgentInfo(), removeGhosts(), resetTimeObjects(), setAgentObjectType(), setAgentViewAngle(), setAgentViewQuality(), show(), updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), updateAgentObjectAfterSee(), updateAll(), and WorldModel(). |
information of the ball Definition at line 151 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), checkParticlesBall(), getBallDirection(), getBallSpeed(), getObjectPtrFromType(), initParticlesBall(), processCatchedBall(), processPerfectHearInfoBall(), removeGhosts(), resetTimeObjects(), show(), updateAfterSenseMessage(), updateBallAfterKick(), updateBallForCollision(), updateDynamicObjectAfterSee(), and WorldModel(). |
indicates new info from server Definition at line 134 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by processRecvThink(), setTimeLastSeeMessage(), setTimeLastSenseMessage(), waitForNewInformation(), and WorldModel(). |
state of the ball Definition at line 194 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getCheckBallStatus(), setCheckBallStatus(), and WorldModel(). |
cond variable for bNewInfo Definition at line 202 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by processRecvThink(), setTimeLastSeeMessage(), setTimeLastSenseMessage(), waitForNewInformation(), and WorldModel(). |
Definition at line 177 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by WorldModel(). |
particles to store ball velocity Definition at line 176 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by WorldModel(). |
all flag information Definition at line 161 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getObjectPtrFromType(), processNewObjectInfo(), resetTimeObjects(), and WorldModel(). |
Reference to formation used Definition at line 124 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getClosestPlayerInFormationTo(), getPlayerType(), getStrategicPosition(), and WorldModel(). |
counters for all performed commands Definition at line 186 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getNrOfCommands(), setNrOfCommands(), and WorldModel(). |
goal difference Definition at line 145 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by addOneToGoalDiff(), getGoalDiff(), subtractOneFromGoalDiff(), and WorldModel(). |
nr of holes recorded Definition at line 241 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by Player::mainLoop(), updateAll(), and WorldModel(). |
total nr of opponents seen Definition at line 242 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by Player::mainLoop(), updateAll(), and WorldModel(). |
nr of particles used to store agent position Definition at line 166 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by checkParticlesAgent(), initParticlesAgent(), resampleParticlesAgent(), and updateParticlesAgent(). |
Definition at line 168 of file WorldModel.h. |
total nr of teammates seen Definition at line 243 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by Player::mainLoop(), updateAll(), and WorldModel(). |
number of unknown players Definition at line 158 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by mapUnknownPlayers(), processNewObjectInfo(), and WorldModel(). |
player number in soccerserver Definition at line 140 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getPlayerNumber(), and setPlayerNumber(). |
all line information Definition at line 162 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getObjectPtrFromType(), processNewObjectInfo(), resetTimeObjects(), and WorldModel(). |
Indicates whether ball was kicked Definition at line 224 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), isFeatureRelevant(), and updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(). |
think received in sync. mode Definition at line 204 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getRecvThink(), processRecvThink(), and WorldModel(). |
Indicates whether it is collision Definition at line 237 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), and updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(). |
last sent change_view command Definition at line 230 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getChangeViewCommand(), and setChangeViewCommand(). |
color information with which each player should draw its relevant info Definition at line 876 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by logCircle(), logCoordInfo(), logLine(), and WorldModel(). |
communicated offside line Definition at line 217 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getOffsideX(), and processPlayerMessage(). |
features applied to cur. cycle. Definition at line 221 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getFeature(), isFeatureRelevant(), setFeature(), and WorldModel(). |
cycle contained in message Definition at line 208 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by processPlayerMessage(), and storePlayerMessage(). |
player who send message Definition at line 210 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by storePlayerMessage(). |
This variable denotes with which value the x coordinates of the draw information should be multiplied in order to convert the coordinates to the coordinate system of the monitor Definition at line 878 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by logCircle(), logCoordInfo(), logDrawBallInfo(), logDrawInfo(), logLine(), and setSide(). |
This variable denotes with which value the y coordinates of the draw information should be multiplied in order to convert the coordinates to the coordinate system of the monitor Definition at line 883 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by logCircle(), logCoordInfo(), logDrawBallInfo(), logDrawInfo(), logLine(), and setSide(). |
object to which is focused. Definition at line 214 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getObjectFocus(), and setObjectFocus(). |
Set of substituted opp players. Definition at line 227 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getSubstitutedOpp(), and setSubstitutedOpp(). |
Definition at line 233 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getSidePenalty(), setSidePenalty(), and WorldModel(). |
string for communicating Definition at line 211 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getCommunicationString(), and setCommunicationString(). |
message communicated by player Definition at line 207 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by processPlayerMessage(), and storePlayerMessage(). |
time Communicated offside line Definition at line 218 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getOffsideX(), and processPlayerMessage(). |
Last collision time Definition at line 238 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by calculateStateBall(), and updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(). |
time corresponding to player msg Definition at line 209 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by storePlayerMessage(), and updateAll(). |
mutex to protect bNewInfo Definition at line 201 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by processRecvThink(), setTimeLastSeeMessage(), setTimeLastSenseMessage(), waitForNewInformation(), WorldModel(), and ~WorldModel(). |
information of all opponents Definition at line 154 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getLastOpponentDefender(), getObjectPtrFromType(), getOppGoalieType(), mapUnknownPlayers(), resetTimeObjects(), show(), and WorldModel(). |
particles to store agent position Definition at line 170 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by calculateStateAgent(), checkParticlesAgent(), initParticlesAgent(), resampleParticlesAgent(), and updateParticlesAgent(). |
Definition at line 172 of file WorldModel.h. |
particles to store ball position Definition at line 174 of file WorldModel.h. |
commands performed in last cycle, index is CommandT Definition at line 183 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by isQueuedActionPerformed(), setNrOfCommands(), updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), and WorldModel(). |
current play mode in the game Definition at line 144 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getPlayMode(), setPlayMode(), and show(). |
Reference to all client params Definition at line 122 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by createInterceptFeatures(), getClosestInSetTo(), getDirectionOfWidestAngle(), getFastestInSetTo(), getFirstEmptySpotInSet(), getFurthestInSetTo(), getNrInSetInCircle(), getNrInSetInCone(), getNrInSetInRectangle(), getSecondClosestInSetTo(), getStrategicPosition(), isConfidenceGood(), isConfidenceVeryGood(), iterateObjectNext(), logCoordInfo(), logDrawInfo(), logObjectInformation(), mapUnknownPlayers(), predictCommandToInterceptBall(), predictCommandTurnTowards(), predictNrCyclesToObject(), processNewObjectInfo(), processUnsureHearInfo(), updateAfterSeeMessage(), updateAfterSenseMessage(), updateAll(), updateRelativeFromGlobal(), waitForNewInformation(), and WorldModel(). |
info hetero player types Definition at line 123 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getEffectiveMaxSpeed(), getInfoHeteroPlayer(), processNewHeteroPlayer(), and updateSSToHeteroPlayerType(). |
all performed commands, set by ActHandler Definition at line 181 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by isQueuedActionPerformed(), processQueuedCommands(), showQueuedCommands(), updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), and WorldModel(). |
side where the agent started Definition at line 141 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getRelAngleOpponentGoal(), getSide(), processCatchedBall(), and setSide(). |
Reference to all server params Definition at line 121 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by calculateStateAgent(), calculateStateAgent2(), calculateStateBall(), calculateStatePlayer(), checkParticlesAgent(), createInterceptFeatures(), getActualKickPowerRate(), getAgentTiredNess(), getAngleForTurn(), getEffectiveMaxSpeed(), getEndSpeedFromFirstSpeed(), getFastestInSetTo(), getFirstSpeedFromDist(), getFirstSpeedFromEndSpeed(), getGlobalPosition(), getKickSpeedToTravel(), getMaxTraveledDistance(), getOppGoalieType(), getOwnGoalieType(), getPosOpponentGoal(), getPosOwnGoal(), getPowerForDash(), getProbTackleSucceeds(), getTackleExpires(), initParticlesAgent(), isBallCatchable(), isBallHeadingToGoal(), isBallKickable(), isBeforeGoal(), isCollisionAfterCommand(), isFullStateOn(), logCircle(), logCoordInfo(), logDrawBallInfo(), logDrawInfo(), logLine(), mapUnknownPlayers(), predictBallInfoAfterCommand(), predictFinalAgentPos(), predictNrCyclesForDistance(), predictNrCyclesToObject(), predictPosAfterNrCycles(), predictStaminaAfterDash(), predictStateAfterDash(), processNewHeteroPlayer(), processNewObjectInfo(), processPlayerMessage(), processRecvThink(), removeGhosts(), setTimeLastSeeMessage(), setTimeLastSenseMessage(), updateAgentAndBallAfterSense(), updateAll(), updateBallAfterKick(), updateDynamicObjectForNextCycle(), updateParticlesBall(), updateSSToHeteroPlayerType(), and WorldModel(). |
Last hear message Definition at line 248 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeHearMessage(). |
Last see message Definition at line 246 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeFullStateMessage(), SenseHandler::analyzeSeeGlobalMessage(), SenseHandler::analyzeSeeMessage(), BasicPlayer::defendGoalLine(), processLastSeeMessage(), and updateAll(). |
Last sense_body message Definition at line 247 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by SenseHandler::analyzeSenseMessage(), processLastSenseMessage(), and updateAll(). |
Team name Definition at line 139 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getTeamName(), setTeamName(), and WorldModel(). |
information of all teammates Definition at line 153 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getObjectPtrFromType(), getOwnGoalieType(), mapUnknownPlayers(), resetTimeObjects(), show(), and WorldModel(). |
time bsCheckBall applies to Definition at line 193 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getTimeCheckBall(), and setTimeCheckBall(). |
time of last catch by goalie Definition at line 135 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getTimeSinceLastCatch(), processCatchedBall(), and setTimeLastCatch(). |
server time of last hear msg Definition at line 133 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getTimeLastHearMessage(), and setTimeLastHearMessage(). |
server time received see msg Definition at line 130 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getTimeLastRecvSeeMessage(), setTimeLastSeeMessage(), and updateAll(). |
server time received sense msg Definition at line 132 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getTimeLastRecvSenseMessage(), setTimeLastSenseMessage(), and updateAll(). |
time of last referee message Definition at line 136 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getTimeLastRefereeMessage(), and setTimeLastRefereeMessage(). |
server time of last see msg Definition at line 129 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getTimeLastSeeMessage(), and updateAll(). |
server time of last sense msg Definition at line 131 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by getTimeLastSenseMessage(), getTimeSinceLastCatch(), updateAll(), and WorldModel(). |
info unknown players are stored here til mapped to known player Definition at line 156 of file WorldModel.h. Referenced by mapUnknownPlayers(), processNewObjectInfo(), and WorldModel(). |