\(\newcommand{\in}{\text{in}}\) \(\newcommand{\out}{\text{out}}\) \(\newcommand{\prt}{\partial}\) Bias Block
Fig. 6.4.16 Bias Block \(\v v = \v u + b\)
The forward pass of the bias block is simple:
The graph for this block is given in Fig. 6.4.16.
it simply adds a vector \(\v b\) to the input. Evidently this block passes the the derivative of \(\ell\) with respect to its output directly to its input:
and also to the parameter vector:
we leave the proofs as exercises for the reader (again the easiest way to do so is by considering all elements of the vectors).
The vectorized expressions are:
note that \(\v 1\v b\T\) constructs a matrix in which all the rows are
\(\v b\T\). And also note that Numpy is smart enough to broadcast this
correctly in case we write V = U + b
where V
is an
array of shape (m,n)
and b
is an array of shape
For the backpropagation pass we have:
For the derivative of \(\ell\) with respect to parameter vector \(\v b\) we have to sum all \(\prt\ell/\prt \v b = \prt\ell / \prt \v v\ls i\) for all examples in the batch:
where \(\v 1\) is a vector with all elements equal to 1. Note that in Numpy we can simply sum over all columns in array \(V\).