(75 word version) Maarten de Rijke is a Distinguished University Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Information Retrieval at the University of Amsterdam. His research is focused on designing and evaluating trustworthy technology to connect people to information, particularly search engines, recommender systems, and conversational assistants. He is also the scientific director of the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI), a national collaboration between academic, industrial, governmental, and societal stakeholders aimed at talent development, research, and impact in AI.
(350 word version) Maarten de Rijke is a Distinguished University Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Information Retrieval at the University of Amsterdam and the director of the national Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence. He holds MSc degrees in Philosophy and Mathematics (both cum laude), and a PhD in Theoretical Computer Science. He worked as a postdoc at CWI and as a Warwick Research Fellow at the University of Warwick before joining the University of Amsterdam in 1998, where he became Full Professor in 2004 and Distinguished University Professor in 2018.
At the University of Amsterdam, De Rijke is a member of the Information Retrieval Lab, Europe’s leading academic research group in information retrieval. His research focuses on the interface of information retrieval and artificial intelligence, particularly search engines, recommender systems, and conversational assistants.
He is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the SIGIR Academy, an ACM Fellow and an ELLIS Fellow.
De Rijke is the proud supervisor of close to 100 PhD students.
With an h-index of 94 De Rijke has published over 1100 papers, published or edited over a dozen books, is a former editor-in-chief of ACM Transactions on Information Systems, co-editor-in-chief of Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval and of Springer’s Information Retrieval book series, (associate) editor for various journals and book series, and a former coordinator of retrieval evaluation tracks at TREC, CLEF and INEX. He has been general (co)chair or program (co)chair for SIGIR, WSDM, WWW, CIKM, ECIR, ICTIR.
De Rijke has helped to generate over 200M Euro in project funding. He is a recipient of a Pioneer Personal Innovation grant, a Gravitation grant (with colleagues from around the Netherlands), a Long-Term Program grant, the Keith van Rijsbergen Award, Tony Kent Strix Award, the Bloomberg Data Science Research Award, the Criteo Faculty Research Award, the Google Faculty Research Award, the Microsoft PhD Research Fellowship Award, and the Yahoo Faculty and Research Engagement Program Award as well as a large number of NWO grants.
The retrieval technology developed by De Rijke and his team is being used by organizations around the Netherlands and beyond, and has given rise to various spin-off initiatives.