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Current postdocs
- Songgaojun Deng
Songgaojun works on time series analysis and forecasting
- Ruqing Zhang
Ruqing works on generative information retrieval and on robustness in the context of information retrieval
Former postdocs
- Dan Li
Dan Li worked on the use of noisy data for supervised information retrieval tasks.
- Pengjie Ren
Pengjie worked on conversational search. He is now a research professor at Shandong University.
- Ilya Markov
Ilya worked on heterogeneous search. He was originally funded by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation and then worked on the NWO-funded project MediaNow. He is now an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam.
- Julia Kiseleva
Julia worked on user modeling and conversational search. She now works at Microsoft AI.
- Christophe Van Gysel
Christophe worked on neural retrieval models. He now works at Apple.
- Xiaojuan Zhang
Xiaojuan worked on query suggestions and on mining user intent. She works at the Southwestern University Chongqing, China.
- Shangsong Liang
As a postdoc, Shangsong worked on algorithms for diversity and structured learning. He is now a postdoc at University College London.
- Manos Tsagkias
As a postdoc, Manos worked on predictive analysis for the EU/FP7 project LiMoSINe. He left to join a startup he co-founded, 904Labs.
- Floor Sietsma
Floor worked on online learning to rank. She left to found her own coaching company, Floor Sietsma Coaching.
- Jasmijn van Gorp
Jasmijn worked on a digital humanities project. She left to become a postdoc in the humanities department and is now an assistant professor at Utrecht University.
- Edgar Meij
As a postdoc, Edgar worked on semantic search for the EU/FP7 project LiMoSINe. He left and joined Yahoo Labs. He now works at Bloomberg LP.
- Wouter Weerkamp
As a postdoc, Wouter worked on social media analysis. He left to start his own company, 904Labs.
- Krisztian Balog
As a postdoc, Krisztian worked on semantic search. He left to join NTNU in Trondheim. He is now a full professor at the University of Stavanger.
- Valentin Jijkoun
As a postdoc, Valentin worked on sentiment analysis and entity normalization. He left to join Textkernel, where he is now a technical lead web mining.
- Balder ten Cate
Supported by a Veni grant Balder worked on the foundations of XML. He left to work at the University of California at Santa Cruz. He now works for Google.
- Martha Larson
Martha worked on multi-modal retrieval for the EU/FP6 project MultiMatch. She left to join Delft University of Technology. She’s now a full professor at Radboud University.
- Erik Tjong Kim Sang
Erik worked on question answering. He left to work at the University of Groningen and now works for the Meertens Institute (KNAW).
- David Ahn
David worked on temporal information extraction. He left to work for Powerset and now works for Google.
- Karin Mueller
Karin worked on question answering. She left to work at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
- Leif Azzopardi
Leif worked on expertise retrieval and on pseudo test collections. He left for the University of Glasgow. He now holds a Chancellor’s Fellowship at the University of Strathclyde.
- Massimo Franceschet
Massimo worked on the foundations of XML and on benchmarking XML. He left to join the University of Udine, where he is now a professor.
- Stefan Schlobach
Stefan worked on knowledge representation in the context of question answering. He left to join the VU University Amsterdam, where he is now an associate professor.
- Khalil Sima’an
As a postdoc in my team, Khalil worked on parsing technology. He is now a full professor at ILLC, University of Amsterdam.