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Ruqing Zhang worked on generative information retrieval and on robustness in the context of information retrieval. After her time at the IRLab she moved to the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.
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Dan Li worked on the use of noisy data for supervised information retrieval tasks. After IRLab, she moved to Elsevier, in Amsterdam.
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Pengjie Ren worked on conversational search. He is now a research professor at Shandong University in Qingdao.
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Christophe Van Gysel worked on neural retrieval models. He moved to Apple in Boston.
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Julia Kiseleva worked on user modeling and conversational search. After IRLab, she moved on to work at Microsoft AI in Seattle.
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Xiaojuan Zhang worked on query suggestions and on mining user intent. She works at the Southwestern University Chongqing, China.
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Ilya Markov worked on heterogeneous search. He was originally funded by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation and then worked on the NWO-funded project MediaNow. After that, he became an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam.
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Shangsong Liang worked on algorithms for diversity and structured learning. His next position was as a postdoc at University College London.
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Manos Tsagkias worked on predictive analysis for the EU/FP7 project LiMoSINe. He left to join a startup he co-founded, 904Labs.
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Floor Sietsma worked on online learning to rank. She left to found her own coaching company, Floor Sietsma Coaching.
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Jasmijn van Gorp worked on a digital humanities project. She left to become a postdoc in the humanities department and is now an assistant professor at Utrecht University.
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Edgar Meij worked on semantic search for the EU/FP7 project LiMoSINe. He left and joined Yahoo Labs and then Bloomberg LP in London.
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Wouter Weerkamp worked on social media analysis. He left to start his own company, 904Labs.
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Krisztian Balog worked on semantic search. He left to join NTNU in Trondheim. He is now a full professor at the University of Stavanger.
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Valentin Jijkoun worked on sentiment analysis and entity normalization. He left to join Textkernel, as a technical lead web mining.
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Balder ten Cate was supported by a Veni grant and worked on the foundations of XML. He left to work at the University of California at Santa Cruz. He is now an associate professor at ILLC, University of Amsterdam.
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Martha Larson worked on multi-modal retrieval for the EU/FP6 project MultiMatch. She left to join Delft University of Technology. She’s now a full professor at Radboud University.
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Erik Tjong Kim Sang worked on question answering. He left to work at the University of Groningen and now works for the Meertens Institute (KNAW).
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David Ahn worked on temporal information extraction. He left to work for Powerset and now works for Google.
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Karin Mueller worked on question answering. She left to work at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
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Leif Azzopardi worked on expertise retrieval and on pseudo test collections. He left for the University of Glasgow.
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Massimo Franceschet worked on the foundations of XML and on benchmarking XML. He left to join the University of Udine, where he is now a professor.
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Stefan Schlobach worked on knowledge representation in the context of question answering. He left to join the VU University Amsterdam, where he is now an associate professor.
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Khalil Sima’an worked on parsing technology. He is now a full professor at ILLC, University of Amsterdam.