Interested in developing conversational systems that support scientific discovery? In question answering algorithms that are able to gather and synthesize complex answers in the task-based setting of a research platform? We have a fully funded PhD position in which you can develop neural models that can retrieve or generate answers from structured and unstructured resources…
Month: August 2020
New publications
Some new papers that are scheduled to appear this month: Zeynep Akata, Dan Balliet, Maarten de Rijke, Frank Dignum, Virginia Dignum, Guszti Eiben, Antske Fokkens, Davide Grossi, Koen Hindriks, Holger Hoos, Haley Hung, Catholijn Jonker, Christof Monz, Mark Neerincx, Frans Oliehoek, Henri Prakken, Stefan Schlobach, Linda van der Gaag, Frank van Harmelen, Herke van Hoof,…