On November 24, 2024 our daughter Emma passed away at the age of 27. She had suffered from epilepsy for over 12 years. We have set up a collection box in her memory. Please give generously to help advance research into epilepsy and to help provide support to epilepsy patients and their loved ones. We would greatly appreciate it if you would make a donation at https://epilepsie.digicollect.nl/maarten-de-rijke and share the link. Thank you!
Update (December 11, 2024)
- In just a week since we opened this appeal, over 200 people have donated over 8000 euro. Thank you so much for your generosity and support for this cause! Many of you contributed anonymously, so we are not able to thank you individually, but thank you so much for your donations. We really appreciate them.
Update (December 8, 2024)
- Our online condolence book for Emma: https://www.uitvaartverzorgingmyosotis.nl/condoleance/24699
Update (December 6, 2024)
- An in memoriam for Emma published by Leiden University, where she was a student enrolled in the MA Asian Studies program: In Memoriam: Emma de Rijke