Op 17 september open het Ad de Jong Centrum voor Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsstudies het academisch jaar met een openbaar hoorcollege over CONTRA SOCMINT. Zie hier voor de agenda.
Author: mdr
DSRC Is Now Amsterdam Data Science
The Data Science Research Center is now Amsterdam Data Science. This name change is to better reflect the goals of the center to act as a focal point for data science within Amsterdam encompassing not just research but also education and innovation. With this switch comes a new home at http://amsterdamdatascience.nl
IIiX 2014 short paper on social bookmarking online
Our IIiX 2014 short paper on “A social bookmarking system to support cluster-driven archival arrangement” by Marc Bron, Shenghui Wang, Titia van der Werf and Maarten de Rijke is available online now. Cultural heritage materials are increasingly being made available through standard search facilities. However, it is challenging to automatically organize these materials in a way…
ACM SIGIR Workshop on Gathering Efficient Assessments of Relevance (GEAR) paper online
With some delays, because of the holidays and traveling, but the short paper that Aleksandr Chuklin and I published at the ACM SIGIR Workshop on Gathering Efficient Assessments of Relevance (GEAR) is online. It’s called “The anatomy of relevance: topical, snippet and perceived relevance in search result evaluation. And you can find it here. Currently, the…
CLARIAH 12M Euro Grant
NWO has awarded 12M Euro to CLARIAH, a project to build a digital infrastructure for software, data, enrichment, search and analytics in the humanities. Frank van Harmelen, Cees Snoek and myself are the computer scientists that are part of the core team of the project. See http://clariah.nl/, http://bit.ly/TERNC0, http://bit.ly/1mWtnje for more details.
KDD 2014 paper on personalized search result diversification online
Our KDD 2014 paper “Personalized search result diversification via structure learning” by Shangsong Liang, Zhaochun Ren and Maarten de Rijke is available online now. This paper is concerned with the problem of personalized diversification of search results, with the goal of enhancing the performance of both plain diversification and plain personalization algorithms. In previous work, the problem…
Coling 2014 paper on temporal evidence classification online
Our Coling 2014 paper “Prior-informed distant supervision for temporal evidence classification” by Ridho Reinanda and Maarten de Rijke is available online now. Temporal evidence classification, i.e., finding associations between temporal expressions and relations expressed in text, is an important part of temporal relation extraction. To capture the variations found in this setting, we employ a distant supervision…
ECAI 2014 paper on detecting the reputation polarity of microblog posts online
Our ECAI paper “Detecting the reputation polarity of microblog posts” by Cristina Garbacea, Manos Tsagkias and Maarten de Rijke is available online now. We address the task of detecting the reputation polarity of social media updates, that is, deciding whether the content of an update has positive or negative implications for the reputation of a given entity….
ICML 2014 paper on K-armed dueling bandit problem online
Our ICML 2014 paper “Relative upper confidence bound for the K-armed dueling bandit problem” by Masrour Zoghi, Shimon Whiteson, Remi Munos and Maarten de Rijke is available online now. This paper proposes a new method for the K-armed dueling bandit problem, a variation on the regular K-armed bandit problem that offers only relative feedback about pairs of…
Universiteitsdag: De robot denkt met u mee
Op 24 mei neem ik tijdens de Universiteitsdag deel aan een debat over de rol van intelligente systemen in ons leven. Andere deelnemers zijn Pieter Adriaans en Ben Kröse. Datum: 24 mei 2014, 13:45-14:45, tijdens de Universiteitsdag in de Oudemanhuispoort. Zie http://alumni.uva.nl/agenda/content/evenementen/2014/05/universiteitsdag-2014.html