Catching up with papers published since the last update, in July 2021: Gabriel Bénédict, Vincent Koops, Daan Odijk, and Maarten de Rijke. sigmoidF1: A Smooth F1 Score Surrogate Loss for Multilabel Classification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.10566, August 2021. Bibtex, PDF, URL @article{benedict-2021-sigmoidf1-arxiv, author = {B{\’e}n{\’e}dict, Gabriel and Koops, Vincent and Odijk, Daan and de Rijke, Maarten},…
Author: mdr
Materials for tutorial on conversational recommendation
Materials to accompany the RecSys 2021 tutorial on conversational recommendation presented by Chongming Gao, Wenqiang Lei and myself are available now: Slides: Chongming Gao, Wenqiang Lei, Maarten de Rijke. RecSys 2021 Tutorial on Conversational Recommendation: Formulation, Methods, and Evaluation, Fifteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2021). PDF Survey: Chongming Gao, Wenqiang Lei, Xiangnan He,…
Three Assistant Professorships in AI at the University of Amsterdam
Come and join us as an assistant professor in AI in Amsterdam. We have three vacancies with deadlines in the next couple of weeks: Assistant professor in medical machine vision and learning – deadline September 15, 2021. See Assistant professor in experimental methods for AI in logic and language – deadline September 16, 2021….
Fully funded PhD position
Want to pursue a PhD? Interested in developing machine learning methods for understanding and predicting diverse aspects (such as satisfaction and engagement) of online user behavior in the context of recommender systems? Please consider applying to a fully funded vacancy we have right now in the recently launched Mercury Machine Learning Lab, a collaboration between…
New publications
Catching up with the new publications for this month: Kenneth Goei, Mariya Hendriksen, and Maarten de Rijke. Tackling Attribute Fine-grainedness in Cross-modal Fashion Search with Multi-level Features. In SIGIR 2021 Workshop on eCommerce. ACM, July 2021. Bibtex, PDF @inproceedings{goei-2021-tackling, author = {Goei, Kenneth and Hendriksen, Mariya and de Rijke, Maarten}, booktitle = {SIGIR 2021 Workshop…
New publications
Catching up again with recent and upcoming publications: Ana Lucic, Madhulika Srikumar, Umang Bhatt, Alice Xiang, Ankur Taly, Q.~Vera Liao, and Maarten de Rijke. A Multistakeholder Approach Towards Evaluating AI Transparency Mechanisms. In ACM CHI Workshop on Operationalizing Human-Centered Perspectives in Explainable AI. ACM, May 2021. Bibtex, PDF @inproceedings{lucic-2021-multistakeholder, author = {Lucic, Ana and Srikumar,…
New publications
Catching up again with recent and upcoming publications: Qiannan Cheng, Zhaochun Ren, Yujie Lin, Pengjie Ren, Zhumin Chen, Xiangyuan Liu, and Maarten de Rijke. Long Short-Term Session Search with Joint Document Reranking and Next Query Prediction. In The Web Conference 2021. ACM, April 2021. Bibtex, PDF @inproceedings{cheng-2021-long, author = {Cheng, Qiannan and Ren, Zhaochun and…
New publications
Catching up with some new publications that appeared recently or are about to appear: Chongming Gao, Wenqiang Lei, Xiangnan He, Maarten de Rijke, and Tat-Seng Chua. Advances and Challenges in Conversational Recommender Systems: A Survey. arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.09459, January 2021. Bibtex, PDF, URL @article{gao-2021-advances-arxiv, author = {Gao, Chongming and Lei, Wenqiang and He, Xiangnan and…
Come and Join Us at the IRLab
Come and work with us at the IRLab at the University of Amsterdam. Vacancies for fully funded PhD students, a research engineer, and an assistant professor. We will shortly open a vacancy for an assistant professor at the intersection of machine learning and information retrieval. Come and build your own team. Stay tuned. We will…
New publications
New publications that are scheduled to appear this month: Wanyu Chen, Fei Cai, Honghui Chen, and Maarten de Rijke. Hierarchical Neural Query Suggestion with an Attention Mechanism. Information Processing & Management, 57(6):Article 102040, November 2020. Bibtex, PDF @article{chen-2020-hierarchical, author = {Chen, Wanyu and Cai, Fei and Chen, Honghui and de Rijke, Maarten}, date-added = {2018-10-07…