Our tutorial on “Click Models for Web Search and their Applications to IR”, with Aleksandr Chuklin and Ilya Markov has been accepted at WSDM 2016, in San Francisco. This will be an updated version of the tutorials we presented at SIGIR 2015, in Santiago, Chile, and at AINL-ISMW 2015 in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Category: Events
WSDM 2017 will be held in Cambridge, UK
Milad Shokouhi (Microsoft Research Cambridge) and I put in a bid to host WSDM 2017 in Cambridge, UK. It is official now: WSDM 2017 will be held in Cambridge, UK, in February 2017. Details on deadlines and committees will follow in due course.
CfP: 1st Workshop on User Modeling in Heterogeneous Search Environments (HetUM 2015) in conjunction with CIKM 2015
1st Workshop on User Modeling in Heterogeneous Search Environments (HetUM 2015) in conjunction with CIKM 2015 CALL FOR PAPERS https://sites.google.com/site/hetum2015/ 19 October 2015, Melbourne, Australia IMPORTANT DATES Regular paper submission: 19 June 2015 Special track for re-submissions of CIKM papers: 8 July 2015 Notification of acceptance: 23 July 2015 Camera ready: 7 August 2015 Workshop:…
SEA on Meetup
We’ve just created an “official” Meetup for SEA: Search Engines Amsterdam, with the idea of expanding the reach of the meetings. Join the Meetup group at http://www.meetup.com/SEA-Search-Engines-Amsterdam/ and RSVP to the SEA Meetup this Friday.
One week to go: AMS Data #1: Coffee and Data Science
A week from today, we’ll see the launch of a new Amsterdam Data Science event series: AMS Data: Coffee and Data Science. What is a better way to start your morning than with data and coffee? Amsterdam Data Science is organizing an event on September 25 (9:00 – 12:00pm) to bring the Amsterdam area data science…
Opening Academisch Jaar Ad de Jonge Centrum
Op 17 september open het Ad de Jong Centrum voor Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsstudies het academisch jaar met een openbaar hoorcollege over CONTRA SOCMINT. Zie hier voor de agenda.
Just under two weeks until the ECIR 2014 short paper deadline
Just under two weeks to go until the ECIR 2014 short paper deadline. Six pages LNCS style. Short Paper submissions offer researchers an opportunity to present significant work in progress or research that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format. Each short paper submission that is accepted for ECIR 2014 will be presented…