New publications that are scheduled to appear this month: Wanyu Chen, Pengjie Ren, Fei Cai, Fei Sun, and Maarten de Rijke. Improving End-to-End Sequential Recommendations with Intent-aware Diversification. In CIKM 2020: 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, page 175–184. ACM, October 2020. Bibtex, PDF @inproceedings{chen-2020-improving, author = {Chen, Wanyu and Ren, Pengjie…
Category: Uncategorized
Schiet nou toch eens op. De tijd dringt
Vandaag presenteerde de EU haar “white paper” over AI in Europa. Samenvatting van mijn commentaar: Zet veel duidelijker en veel ambitieuzer in op AI-talent — daar staat of valt alles mee. Waarom geeft de EU de hoop over consumentendata op? Is consumentendata nou niet precies waar je het vertrouwen wint of verliest? Beleidsmakers zijn voor…
Aan de slag!
Morgen, 8 oktober, presenteert VNO-NCW een `Nationale AI Coalitie’. Het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven steekt de komende zeven jaar ruim €1 mrd in kunstmatige intelligentie (AI). Van de overheid wordt ook een flinke bijdrage gevraagd. Het Financieele Dagblad besteedt aandacht aan de verwachte aankondigingen van deze week. Genoeg gepraat. Genoeg gepolderd. Aan de slag.
UAI 2019 paper on safe online learning to re-rank via implicit click feedback online
BubbleRank: Safe Online Learning to Re-Rank via Implicit Click Feedback by Chang Li, Branislav Kveton, Tor Lattimore, Ilya Markov, Maarten de Rijke, Csaba Szepesvari, and Masrour Zoghi is online now at this location. In the paper we study the problem of safe on-line learning to re-rank, where user feedback is used to improve the quality of…
Using process mining for understanding the structure of interaction processes
Svitlana Vakulenko explains how we have recently used process mining techniques to understand the structure of interaction processes, which will in turn help us to improve information-seeking dialogue systems. We extract a new model of information-seeking dialogues, QRFA, for Query, Request, Feedback, Answer. The QRFA model better reflects conversation flows observed in real information-seeking conversations…
Investeer in kennisbasis AI of word een toeschouwer
In een opiniestuk voor NRC Handelsblad en NRC Next beargumenteer ik dat artificiële intelligentie ons leven hoe dan ook zal veranderen en dat Nederland voor de keuze staat om vol mee te doen in de ontwikkeling van AI en het spel mee te bepalen, of om de bank te blijven zitten. Wie niet actief meedoet,…
Learning to answer questions by taking broader contexts into account
Mostafa Dehghani has posted an explanation of our recent work on TraCRNet (“tracker net”) to learn how to answer questions from multiple, possible long documents. TraCRNet uses the universal transformer and is able to go beyond understanding a set of input documents separately and combine their information in multiple steps. TraCRNet is highly parallellizable and…
FACTS-IR Workshop @ SIGIR 2019
SIGIR 2019 will host a workshop to explore challenges in responsible information retrieval system development and deployment. The focus will be on determining actionable research agendas on five key dimensions of responsible information retrieval: fairness, accountability, confidentiality, transparency, and safety. Rather than just a mini-conference, this workshop will be an event during which participants will…
How to optimize ranking systems by directly interacting with users
Harrie Oosterhuis has written an accessible summary of our recent work on pairwise differentiable gradient descent (PDGD), an online learning to rank method that he published at CIKM 2018, with a follow-up paper to come at ECIR 2019 in April. With the introduction of the PDGD algorithm, ranking systems can now be optimized from user…
WWW 2019 paper on evaluation metrics for web image search online
Grid-based Evaluation Metrics for Web Image Search by Xiaohui Xie, Jiaxin Mao, Yiqun Liu, Maarten de Rijke, Yunqiu Shao, Zixin Ye, Min Zhang, and Shaoping Ma is online now at this location. Compared to general web search engines, web image search engines display results in a different way. In web image search, results are typically placed…