Tom Koornwinder's research and overview papers
See also:
If you don't have access to any of my papers listed below which you would
like to see, please contact me, and I will send it to you.
T.H. Koornwinder and M. Mazzocco,
Automorphisms of the DAHA of type C1ˇC1
and non-symmetric Askey-Wilson functions,
arXiv:2407.17366v2 [math.CA],
19 November2024.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Charting the q-Askey scheme. III. Verde-Star scheme for q = 1,
pp. 107-123
in Orthogonal polynomials and special functions,
K. Castillo and A.J. Duràn (eds.), Coimbra Mathematical Texts, vol 3,
Springer-Verlag, 2024;
arXiv:2307.06668v2 [math.CA].
T.H. Koornwinder,
Dual addition formulas: the case of continuous
q-ultraspherical and q-Hermite polynomials,
Ramanujan J. 61 (2023),
arXiv:1803.09636v3 [math.CA].
T.H. Koornwinder,
Charting the q-Askey scheme. II. The q-Zhedanov scheme,
Indag. Math. (N.S.)
34 (2023), 317-337;
Indag. Math. (N.S.)
34 (2023), 1419-1420
(for mixed up citation numbers in the journal article);
More conveniently, consult the arXiv version
arXiv:2209.07995v3 [math.CA].
N. Hoshi, M. Katori, T.H. Koornwinder and M.J. Schlosser,
On an identity of Chaundy and Bullard. III. Basic and elliptic
[math.CO], 2023;
to appear in Contemp. Math. AMS.
N. Disveld, T.H. Koornwinder and J.V. Stokman,
A nonsymmetric version of Okounkov's BC-type interpolation Macdonald
Transformation Groups 26 (2021), 1261-1292;
arXiv:1808.01221v5 [math.QA];
see errata and a comment.
T. H. Koornwinder and J. V. Stokman,
General overview of multivariable special functions,
in: Encyclopedia of special functions: The Askey-Bateman project,
II: Multivariable special functions, Cambridge University Press,
2021, pp. 1-18;
See preliminary version.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Dual addition
formulas associated with dual product formulas,
Frontiers in Orthogonal Polynomials and q-Series,
World Scientific, 2018,
Ch. 19,
pp. 373-392;
[math.CA]; errata.
T. Koornwinder, A. Kostenko and G. Teschl,
Jacobi polynomials, Bernstein-type inequalities and dispersion estimates
for the discrete Laguerre operator,
Adv. Math. 333 (2018),
MR3818091; slightly extended version in
arXiv:1602.08626v3 [math.CA].
T.H. Koornwinder,
Quadratic transformations for orthogonal polynomials in one and two
variables, in:
Representation theory, Special Functions and Painlevé Equations,
Adv. Stud. Pure
Math., Vol. 76, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2018, pp. 418-447;
arXiv:1512.09294v2 [math.CA].
T.H. Koornwinder and M. Mazzocco,
Dualities in the q-Askey scheme and degenerate DAHA,
Studies Appl. Math.
141 (2018), 424-473;
[math.CA]; errata.
V.A. Pessers and T.H. Koornwinder,
Approximation systems,
arXiv:1205.6370v3 [math.CA],
19 October 2017.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Dual addition formula for continuous q-ultraspherical polynomials,
in: Proceedings
of the 16th Annual Conference SSFA, Vol. 16,
, 2017, pp. 1–29, SSFA;
arXiv:2102.12131v1 [math.CA]
(first part);
arXiv:1803.09636v3 [math.CA]
(second part).
L. Cagliero and T.H. Koornwinder,
Explicit matrix inverses for lower triangular matrices with entries
involving Jacobi polynomials,
J. Approx. Theory 193 (2015), 20-38;
arXiv:1301.4887v5 [math.CA];
see errata.
T.H. Koornwinder and S.A. Sauter,
The intersection of bivariate orthogonal polynomials
on triangle patches,
Math. Comp. 84 (2015), 1795-1812;
arXiv:1307.8429v3 [math.NA].
T.H. Koornwinder,
Okounkov's BC-type interpolation Macdonald polynomials and their q=1
Sém. Lothar. Combin. B72a (2015), 27 pp.;
arXiv:1408.5993v5 [math.CA].
T.H. Koornwinder,
Fractional integral and generalized Stieltjes transforms for
hypergeometric functions as transmutation operators,
(2015), 074, 22 pp.;
arXiv:1504.08144v3 [math.CA].
T.H. Koornwinder,
Additions to the formula lists in "Hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials
and their q-analogues" by Koekoek, Lesky and Swarttouw,
arXiv:1401.0815v2 [math.CA],
12 January 2015.
An update made 4 February 2022 is
available here (not yet on arXiv).
T.H. Koornwinder and M.J. Schlosser,
On an identity by Chaundy and Bullard. II. More history,
Indag. Math. (N.S.) 24 (2013), 174-180;
arXiv:1205.6362v2 [math.CA];
errata to the journal
further material.
M. Rösler, T. Koornwinder and M. Voit,
Limit transition between hypergeometric functions of type BC and type A,
Compositio Math. 149 (2013), 1381-1400;
arXiv:1207.0487v3 [math.CA].
T.H. Koornwinder,
Computer algebra in quantum field theory
(C. Schneider & J. Blümlein, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 2013,
pp. 145-170;
slightly corrected arXiv version
Orthogonal polynomials, a short survey,
arXiv:1303.2825v2 [math.CA],
November 2021.
E. Diekema and T.H. Koornwinder,
Generalizations of an integral for Legendre polynomials by Persson and
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 388 (2012), 125-135;
E. Diekema and T.H. Koornwinder,
Differentiation by integration using orthogonal polynomials, a survey,
J. Approx. Theory 164 (2012), 637-667;
arXiv:1102.5219v3 [math.CA];
errata to the journal version.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Askey-Wilson polynomial,
Scholarpedia 7 (2012), no.7, 7761.
T.H. Koornwinder and U. Onn,
LU factorizations,
q=0 limits, and p-adic interpretations
of some q-hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials,
Ramanujan J. 13 (2007), 365-387;
T.H. Koornwinder,
The structure relation for Askey-Wilson polynomials,
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 207 (2007), 214-226;
see correction and comment
(last modified 30 September 2021).
T.H. Koornwinder,
The relationship between Zhedanov's algebra AW(3) and the double affine
Hecke algebra in the rank one case,
3 (2007), 063, 15 pages;
arXiv:math/0612730v4 [math.QA], 7 Nov 2007;
related notebooks
(last modified 18 September 2015;
a comment;
see errata.
T.H. Koornwinder,
q-Special functions,
Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics,
J.-P. Françoise, G.L. Naber and S.T. Tsou (eds.),
Elsevier, Oxford, 2006, ISBN 978-0-1251-2666-3,
Vol. 4. pp. 105-116; slightly extended preprint version in
[math.CA], 6 Nov 2005.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Lowering and raising operators for some special orthogonal polynomials,
in Jack, Hall-Littlewood and Macdonald polynomials,
V.B. Kuznetsov and S. Sahi (eds.),
Contemporary Mathematics 417, American Mathematical Society, 2006,
pp. 227-238;
T. Koornwinder,
Proof of formula (4.15),
Appendix E to the paper:
S. de Haro and A.C. Petkou,
Instantons and conformal holography,
J. High Energy Phys. 12 (2006), paper 076;
T.H. Koornwinder and N. Touhami,
Fusion and exchange matrices for quantized sl(2) and associated
q-special functions,
arXiv:math.QA/0207159 v2, 2003.
T.H. Koornwinder and N. Touhami,
QDYBE: some explicit formulas for exchange matrix and related objects in
case of sl(2), q=1,
arXiv:math.QA/0007086, 2000.
G. Carnovale
and T.H. Koornwinder,
A q-analogue of convolution on the line,
Methods Appl. Anal. 7 (2000), 705-726;
arXiv:math.CA/9909025 v3.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Some details of proofs of theorems related to the quantum dynamical
Yang-Baxter equation,
Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 24 (2000), 793-806;
T.H. Koornwinder,
Identities of nonterminating series by Zeilberger's algorithm,
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 99 (1998), 449-461;
MR 2000j:33004;
T.H. Koornwinder, F.A. Bais and N.M. Muller,
Tensor product representations of the quantum double of a
compact group,
Comm. Math. Phys. 198 (1998), 157-186;
MR 2000b:81068;
arXiv:q-alg 9712042.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Special functions associated with root systems:
a first introduction for non-specialists,
pp. 10-24 in
Special functions and differential equations,
K. Srinivasa Rao, R. Jagannathan,
G. Vanden Berghe and J. Van der Jeugt (eds.),
Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 1998;
MR 99h:33056;
pdf of preprint, updated 1999.
J.V. Stokman and T.H. Koornwinder,
On some limit cases of Askey-Wilson polynomials,
J. Approx. Theory 95 (1998), 310-330;
MR 99k:33052;
pdf of preprint.
J.V. Stokman and T.H. Koornwinder,
Limit transitions for BC type multivariable orthogonal polynomials,
Canad. J. Math. 49 (1997), 373-404;
MR 98g:33031;
pdf of preprint.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Special functions and q-commuting variables,
Special Functions, q-Series and Related Topics,
M.E.H. Ismail, D.R. Masson and M. Rahman (eds.),
Fields Institute Communications 14, American Mathematical Society, 1997,
pp. 131-166;
MR 99e:33024;
T.H. Koornwinder and A.L. Schwartz,
Product formulas and associated hypergroups for orthogonal polynomials
on the simplex and on a parabolic biangle,
Constr. Approx. 11 (1997), 537-567;
MR 99b:33024;
pdf of preprint.
T.H. Koornwinder and N.M. Muller,
The quantum double of a (locally) compact group,
J. Lie Theory 7 (1997), 101-120;
8 (1998), 187;
pdf of erratum.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Discrete hypergroups associated with compact quantum Gelfand pairs,
Applications of hypergroups and related measure algebras,
W.C. Connett, M.-O. Gebuhrer and A.L. Schwartz (eds.),
Mathematics 183, 1995, American Mathematical Society,
pp. 213-235;
arXiv:math/9403217v2 [math.QA].
T.H. Koornwinder,
polynomials of type BC, Jack polynomials, limit transitions and
Mathematical analysis, wavelets and signal processing,
M.E.H. Ismail e.a. (eds.),
Contemporary Mathematics 190, 1995, American Mathematical Society,
pp. 283-286;
T.H. Koornwinder and
V.B. Kuznetsov,
Gauss hypergeometric function and quadratic R-matrix algebras,
Algebra i Analiz
6 (1994), No.3, 161-184;
St. Petersburg Math. J. 6 (1995), No.3, 595-618;
MR 95i:33002;
M.S. Dijkhuizen and
T.H. Koornwinder,
Quantum homogeneous spaces, duality, and quantum 2-spheres,
Geom. Dedicata
52 (1994), 291-315;
MR 95i:16037;
pdf of preprint.
M.S. Dijkhuizen and T.H. Koornwinder,
CQG algebras: a direct algebraic approach to compact quantum groups,
Lett. Math. Phys. 32 (1994), 315-330;
T.H. Koornwinder,
Compact quantum groups and q-special functions,
in: Representations of Lie groups and quantum groups,
V. Baldoni and M.A. Picardello (eds.),
Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series 311,
Longman Scientific & Technical, 1994, pp. 46-128;
T.H. Koornwinder,
Special functions associated with root systems: recent progress,
in: From Universal Morphisms to Megabytes --- a Baayen Space Odyssey,
K.R. Apt, A. Schrijver and N.M. Temme (eds.),
CWI, Amsterdam, 1994, pp. 391-404;
T.H. Koornwinder,
Askey-Wilson polynomials as zonal spherical functions on the SU(2)
quantum group,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 24 (1993), 795-813;
MR 94k:33042;
pdf of preprint (updated and corrected on
August 5, 2005).
T.H. Koornwinder,
On Zeilberger's algorithm and its $q$-analogue,
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 48 (1993), 91-111;
MR 95b:33011;
pdf of slightly extended preprint version
On Zeilberger's algorithm and its q-analogue: a rigorous description,
updated January 2001.
Wavelets: an elementary treatment of theory and applications,
T.H. Koornwinder (ed.), World Scientific, 1993,
ISBN 981-02-1388-3 (hardcover), 981-02-2486-9 (pbk);
MR 94c:42001.
P.W. Hemker, T.H. Koornwinder and N.M. Temme,
Wavelets: mathematical preliminaries,
pp. 13-26;
MR 94h:42059;
pdf of scan.
T.H. Koornwinder,
The continuous wavelet transform,
pp. 27-48;
MR 94i:42044.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Fast wavelet transform and Calderón-Zygmund operators,
pp. 161-182;
MR 94k:42051.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Uniform multi-parameter limit transitions in the Askey tableau,
arXiv:math.CA/9309213, 1993.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Askey-Wilson polynomials for root systems of type BC,
in: Hypergeometric functions on domains of positivity,
Jack polynomials, and applications,
D.St.P. Richards (ed.),
Contemp. Math. 138, Amer. Math. Soc., 1992, pp. 189-204;
MR 94e:33039;
pdf of preprint.
T.H. Koornwinder and R.F. Swarttouw,
On q-Analogues of the Fourier and Hankel transforms,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 333 (1992), 445-461;
arXiv:1208.2521v1 [math.CA]
(13 August 2012; contains corrections of Proposition 4.2 and
Proposition A.1).
E. Badertscher and T.H. Koornwinder,
Continuous Hahn polynomials of differential operator argument and
analysis on Riemannian symmetric spaces of constant curvature,
Canad. J. Math.
44 (1992), 750-773;
MR 94k:43011;
pdf of preprint.
T.H. Koornwinder,
The addition formula for little q-Legendre polynomials and the
SU(2) quantum group,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 22 (1991), 295-301;
MR 92f:33025.
W. Van Assche and T.H. Koornwinder,
Asymptotic behaviour for Wall polynomials and the addition formula for
little q-Legendre polynomials,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 22 (1991), 302-311;
MR 92f:33026.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Handling hypergeometric series in Maple,
in: Orthogonal polynomials and their applications,
C. Brezinski, L. Gori and A. Ronveaux (eds.),
IMACS Annals on Computing and Applied Mathematics 9, Baltzer, 1991,
pp. 73-80;
MR 95f:33006;
fulltext (pdf) with updated references.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Positive convolution structures associated with quantum groups,
in: Probability Measures on Groups X,
H. Heyer (ed.),
Plenum, 1991, pp. 249-268;
pdf of scan;
T.H. Koornwinder,
Jacobi functions as limit cases of q-ultraspherical polynomials,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 148 (1990), 44-54;
MR 91c:33033.
T.H. Koornwinder and G.G. Walter,
The finite continuous Jacobi transform and its inverse,
J. Approx. Theory 60 (1990), 83-100;
MR 91g:44003.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Orthogonal polynomials in connection with quantum groups,
in: Orthogonal polynomials: theory and practice,
P. Nevai (ed.),
NATO ASI Series C 294, Kluwer, 1990, pp. 257-292;
MR 92i:33018;
pdf of preprint.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Group theoretic interpretations of Askey's scheme of hypergeometric
orthogonal polynomials,
in Orthogonal polynomials and their applications,
Lecture Notes in Math. 1329, Springer-Verlag, 1988, pp. 46-72;
also at
CWI repository.
B. Hoogenboom and T.H. Koornwinder,
Fonctions d'entrelacement sur les groupes de Lie compacts et
polynômes orthogonaux de plusieurs variables,
in Séminaire d'Analyse Harmonique, Ecole d'été,
Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Département de
Mathématiques, 1988, pp. 78-93;
Report PM-R8601
(downloadable), CWI, Amsterdam, 1986.
T.H. Koornwinder,
A group theoretic interpretation of Wilson polynomials,
in Complex analysis and applications '85,
Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 1986,
pp. 335-355;
MR 89h:33019;
also preprint
Report PM-R8504 (downloadable), CWI, Amsterdam, 1985;
errata to the preprint version (pdf).
T.H. Koornwinder,
A group theoretic interpretation of the last part of de Branges' proof of
the Bieberbach conjecture,
Complex Variables Theory Appl. 6 (1986), 309-321;
pdf at CWI repository;
R. Askey, T.H. Koornwinder and M. Rahman,
An integral of products of ultraspherical functions and a q-extension,
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 33 (1986), 133-148;
T.H. Koornwinder,
Matrix elements of irreducible representations of SU(2) x SU(2)
and vector-valued orthogonal polynomials,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 16 (1985), 602-613;
MR 86j:22017.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Special orthogonal polynomial systems mapped onto each other by the
Fourier-Jacobi transform,
Polynômes orthogonaux et applications,
Lecture Notes in Math. 1171, Springer-Verlag, 1985, pp. 174-183;
also preprint
Report PM-R8501, CWI, Amsterdam, 1985.
See errata and comments
(last modified 26 April 2021).
T.H. Koornwinder,
Orthogonal polynomials with weight function
Canad. Math. Bull. 27 (1984), 205-214;
See comments (last modified
24 July 2023).
T.H. Koornwinder and J.J. Lodder,
Generalised functions as linear functionals on generalized functions,
in: Anniversary volume on approximation theory and functional analysis
(Oberwolfach, 1983),
Internat. Schriftenreihe Numer. Math. 65,
Birkhäuser, Basel, 1984, pp. 151-163;
MR 87g:46067;
download pdf.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Jacobi functions and analysis on noncompact semisimple Lie groups,
Special functions: Group theoretical aspects and applications,
R.A. Askey, T.H. Koornwinder and W. Schempp (eds.),
Reidel, Dordrecht, 1984,
pp. 1-85;
pdf of scan (made by Claire-Marie Auger,
44.4 MB); see also
errata (last modified March 7, 2013).
T.H. Koornwinder,
Squares of Gegenbauer polynomials and Milin type inequalities,
Report PM-R8412, Centre for Math. and Computer Science, Amsterdam, 1984.
R. Brummelhuis and T.H. Koornwinder,
The generalized Abel transform for SL(2,C),
in Topics in modern harmonic analysis, Vol. I,
Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica Francesco Severi, Roma, 1983,
pp. 405-444;
MR 85i:22021;
download pdf.
P.C. Greiner and T.H. Koornwinder,
Variations on the Heisenberg spherical harmonics,
Report ZW 186/83, Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1983;
download pdf.
T.H. Koornwinder,
The representation theory of SL(2,R),
a non-infinitesimal approach,
Enseign. Math. (2) 38 (1982), 53-87;
MR 84e:22016.
T.H. Koornwinder,
A note on the multiplicity free reduction of certain orthogonal and unitary
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A 85 = Indag. Math. 44 (1982),
MR 84b:22024.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Krawtchouk polynomials, a unification of two different group theoretic
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 13 (1982), 1011-1023;
MR 84f:33022.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Real semisimple Lie algebras,
in The structure of real semisimple Lie groups,
T.H. Koornwinder (ed.),
MC Syllabus 49, Math. Centrum, Amsterdam, 1982, pp. 1-23;
MR 84h:22035.
T.H. Koornwinder,
A precise definition of separation of variables,
in Geometrical approaches to differential equations,
R. Martini (ed.),
Lecture Notes in Math. 810, Springer-Verlag, 1980, pp. 240-263;
T.H. Koornwinder,
The representation theory of SL(2,R), a global approach,
Report ZW 145/80, Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1980.
M. Flensted-Jensen and T.H. Koornwinder,
Jacobi functons: the addition formula and the positivity of the
dual convolution structure,
Ark. Mat. 17 (1979), 139-151;
download pdf.
M. Flensted-Jensen and T.H. Koornwinder,
Positive definite spherical functions on a non-compact rank one
symmetric space,
Analyse harmonique sur les groupes de Lie, II,
P. Eymard, J. Faraut, G. Schiffman and R. Takahashi (eds.),
Lecture Notes in Math. 739, Springer, 1979, pp. 249-282;
MR0560841; see also
T.H. Koornwinder,
Lie groups and Lie algebras,
in Representations of locally compact groups with applications,
T.H. Koornwinder (ed.),
MC Syllabus 38, Math. Centrum, Amsterdam, 1979, pp. 97-156;
MR 81k:22001.
T.H. Koornwinder,
General representation theory,
in Representations of locally compact groups with applications,
T.H. Koornwinder (ed.),
MC Syllabus 38, Math. Centrum, Amsterdam, 1979, pp. 243-279;
MR 81k:22001.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Representations of locally compact abelian groups,
in Representations of locally compact groups with applications,
T.H. Koornwinder (ed.),
MC Syllabus 38, Math. Centrum, Amsterdam, 1979, pp. 281-327;
MR 81k:22001.
T.H. Koornwinder and H.A. van der Meer,
Induced representations of locally compact groups,
in Representations of locally compact groups with applications,
T.H. Koornwinder (ed.),
MC Syllabus 38, Math. Centrum, 1979, pp. 329-376;
MR 81k:22001.
T.H. Koornwinder and I.G. Sprinkhuizen,
Generalized power series expansions for a class of orthogonal
polynomials in two variables,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 9 (1978), 457-483;
MR 58 #12170.
T.H. Koornwinder and I. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper,
Hypergeometric functions of 2x2 matrix argument are expressible in terms
of Appell's function F4,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 70 (1978), 39-42;
MR 57 #12926.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Positivity proofs for linearization and connection coefficients
of orthogonal polynomials satisfying an addition formula,
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 18 (1978), 101-114;
R. Askey, M.E.H. Ismail and T.H. Koornwinder,
Weighted permutation problems and Laguerre polynomials,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 25 (1978), 226-241;
MR 80b:33004.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Yet another proof of the addition formula for Jacobi polynomials,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 61 (1977), 136-141;
MR 56 #16020.
T.H. Koornwinder,
The addition formula for Laguerre polynomials,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 8 (1977), 535-540;
MR 56 #12357.
T. Koornwinder,
and spherical functions on Grassmann manifolds of rank two and two-variable
analogues of Jacobi polynomials,
in Constructive theory of functions of several variables,
W. Schempp and K. Zeller (eds.),
Lecture Notes in Math. 571, Springer-Verlag, 1977, pp. 141-154;
T.H. Koornwinder,
A note on the absolute bound for systems of lines,
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A 79 = Indag. Math. 38 (1976), 152-153;
MR 53 #7977.
T.H. Koornwinder,
The topological degree of a mapping,
in Nonlinear analysis, Vol. I,
N.M. Temme (ed.),
MC Syllabus 26.1, Math. Centrum, Amsterdam, 1976, pp. 7-39;
MR 58 #12531a.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Examination of stability by means of Lyapunov functions,
in Nonlinear diffusion problems,
O. Diekmann and N.M. Temme (eds.),
MC Syllabus 28, Amsterdam, 1976, pp. 136-164.
T. Koornwinder,
A new proof of a Paley-Wiener type theorem for the Jacobi transform,
Ark. Mat. 13 (1975), 145-159;
; see errata.
T. Koornwinder,
Two-variable analogues of the classical orthogonal polynomials,
in: Theory and application of special functions,
R.A. Askey (ed.), Academic Press, 1975, pp. 435-495;
pdf of scan.
T. Koornwinder,
Jacobi polynomials, III. An analytic proof of the addition formula,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 6 (1975), 533-543;
download pdf.
T.H. Koornwinder,
New proof of the positivity of generalized translation for Jacobi
series, part 3 of
Three notes on classical orthogonal polynomials,
report TW 150/75,
Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1975.
T. Koornwinder,
Jacobi polynomials, II. An analytic proof of the product formula,
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
5 (1974), 125-137;
MR0385198; download pdf.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Orthogonal polynomials in two variables which are eigenfunctions of two
algebraically independent partial differential operators, I, II,
Indag. Math. 36 (1974), 48-58, 59-66;
download journal article:
part I,
part II;
MR0340673, MR0340674.
T.H. Koornwinder,
Orthogonal polynomials in two variables which are eigenfunctions of two
algebraically independent partial differential operators, III, IV,
Indag. Math. 36 (1974), 357-369, 370-381;
download journal article:
part III,
part IV;
MR0357905, MR0357906,
see errata
(last modified 14 September 2018).
T.H. Koornwinder, The addition formula for Jacobi polynomials and the
theory of orthogonal polynomials in two variables, a survey,
Report TW 145/74,
Math. Centrum, Amsterdam, 1974.
T.H. Koornwinder,
The addition formula for Jacobi polynomials I. Summary of results,
Indag. Math. 34 (1972), 188-191;
T.H. Koornwinder,
The addition formula for Jacobi polynomials II. The Laplace type integral
and the product formula,
Report TW 133/72, Math. Centrum, Amsterdam, 1972.
T.H. Koornwinder,
The addition formula for Jacobi polynomials III.
Completion of the proof,
Report TW 135/72, Math. Centrum, Amsterdam, 1972,
to Tom Koornwinder's home page