Good news. Three full papers were accepted at the 25th Word Wide Web Conference: Alexey Borisov, Pavel Serdyukov and Maarten de Rijke: Using Metafeatures to Increase the Effectiveness of Latent Semantic Models in Web Search Alexey Borisov, Ilya Markov, Maarten de Rijke and Pavel Serdyukov: A Distributed Representation Approach to Modeling User Browsing Behavior in…
Author: mdr
NIPS workshop paper on sources of variability in large-scale machine learning experiments online
Our contribution to the NIPS LearningSys 2015 Workshop on Machine Leaning Systems by Damien Lefortier, Anthony Truchet and Maarten de Rijke is available online now: Damien Lefortier, Anthony Truchet, and Maarten de Rijke. Sources of variability in large-scale machine learning systems. In NIPS LearningSys 2015 Workshop on Machine Learning Systems, December 2015. Bibtex, PDF @inproceedings{lefortier-sources-2015,…
NIPS paper on Copeland Dueling Bandits online
Our NIPS 2015 paper “Copeland Dueling Bandits” by Masrour Zoghi, Zohar Karnin, Shimon Whiteson and Maarten de Rijke is available online now: Masrour Zoghi, Shimon Whiteson, Zohar Karnin, and Maarten de Rijke. Copeland dueling bandits. In NIPS 2015, page 307–315, December 2015. Bibtex, PDF @inproceedings{zoghi-copeland-2015, author = {Zoghi, Masrour and Whiteson, Shimon and Karnin, Zohar…
Tutorial on Click Models for Web Search and their Applications accepted at WSDM 2016
Our tutorial on “Click Models for Web Search and their Applications to IR”, with Aleksandr Chuklin and Ilya Markov has been accepted at WSDM 2016, in San Francisco. This will be an updated version of the tutorials we presented at SIGIR 2015, in Santiago, Chile, and at AINL-ISMW 2015 in St. Petersburg, Russia.
WSDM 2016 paper on Multileave Gradient Descent for Fast Online Learning to Rank online
One of our WSDM 2016 papers is online now: Anne Schuth, Harrie Oosterhuis, Shimon Whiteson, and Maarten de Rijke. Multileave gradient descent for fast online learning to rank. In WSDM 2016: The 9th International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, page 457–466. ACM, February 2016. Bibtex, PDF @inproceedings{schuth-multileave-2016, author = {Schuth, Anne and Oosterhuis,…
NWO grant: Searching research data
Good news from NWO today. Frank van Harmelen (VUA), Sally Wyatt (KNAW), Andrea Scharnhorst (KNAW), Paul Groth (Elsevier), Anita de Waard (Elsevier) and I obtained an NWO Creative Industries grant to work on search technology for research data sets. The project will fund three PhD students and combine search with knowledge representation and user studies…
Daan Odijk wins CIKM 2015 best student paper award
Congratulations to my PhD student Daan Odijk for winning the CIKM 2015 best student paper award for his paper “Struggling and Success in Web Search’. This full paper is the result of Daan’s internship at Microsoft Research in Redmond in 2014. In this joint paper by Daan Odijk, Ryen White, Ahmed Hassan Awadallah and Susan…
CIKM 2015 papers online
Two contributions to CIKM 2015 are online now: Tom Kenter and Maarten de Rijke. Short text similarity with word embeddings. In CIKM 2015: 24th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM, October 2015. Bibtex, PDF @inproceedings{kenter-short-2015, author = {Kenter, Tom and de Rijke, Maarten}, booktitle = {CIKM 2015: 24th ACM Conference on Information and…
Survey on Click Models for Web Search online
I’m very happy that Aleksandr Chuklin, Ilya Markov and I have finished our survey on click models for web search: Aleksandr Chuklin, Ilya Markov, and Maarten de Rijke. Click Models for Web Search. Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services. Morgan & Claypool Publishers, August 2015. Bibtex, DOI, URL @book{chuklin-click-2015, Author = {Chuklin, Aleksandr…
CLEF 2015 paper online
Our CLEF 2015 paper on evaluating click models for web search is online now: Artem Grotov, Aleksandr Chuklin, Ilya Markov, Luka Stout, Finde Xumara, and Maarten de Rijke. A comparative study of click models for web search. In CLEF 2015. Springer, September 2015. Bibtex, PDF @inproceedings{grotov-comparative-2015, author = {Grotov, Artem and Chuklin, Aleksandr and Markov,…