Our ICML 2014 paper “Relative upper confidence bound for the K-armed dueling bandit problem” by Masrour Zoghi, Shimon Whiteson, Remi Munos and Maarten de Rijke is available online now. This paper proposes a new method for the K-armed dueling bandit problem, a variation on the regular K-armed bandit problem that offers only relative feedback about pairs of…
Author: mdr
Universiteitsdag: De robot denkt met u mee
Op 24 mei neem ik tijdens de Universiteitsdag deel aan een debat over de rol van intelligente systemen in ons leven. Andere deelnemers zijn Pieter Adriaans en Ben Kröse. Datum: 24 mei 2014, 13:45-14:45, tijdens de Universiteitsdag in de Oudemanhuispoort. Zie http://alumni.uva.nl/agenda/content/evenementen/2014/05/universiteitsdag-2014.html
SIGIR 2014 paper on hierarchical multi-label classification of social text streams online
Our SIGIR 2014 paper on “Hierarchical multipliable classification of social text streams“ by Zhaochun Ren, Maria-Hendrike Peetz, Shangsong Liang, Willemijn van Dolen and Maarten de Rijke is available online now. Hierarchical multi-label classification assigns a document to multiple hierarchical classes. In this paper we focus on hierarchical multi-label classification of social text streams. Concept drift, complicated relations…
SIGIR 2014 paper on the use of fusion for diversification online
Our SIGIR 2014 paper “Fusion helps diversification” by Shangsong Liang, Zhaochun Ren and Maarten de Rijke is available online now. A popular strategy for search result diversification is to first retrieve a set of documents utilizing a standard retrieval method and then rerank the results. We adopt a different perspective on the problem, based on data…
SIGIR 2014 paper on microblog retrieval online
Our SIGIR 2014 paper “A syntax-aware re-ranker for microblog retrieval” by Aliaksei Severyn, Alessandro Moschitti, Manos Tsagkias, Richard Berendsen and Maarten de Rijke is online now. We tackle the problem of improving microblog retrieval algorithms by proposing a robust structural representation of (query, tweet) pairs. We employ these structures in a principled kernel learning framework that automatically…
Hoe werkt een zoekmachine?
Op 18 mei geef ik een Wakker Worden lezing bij NEMO. Het onderwerp is “Hoe werkt Google?” en er zijn twee momenten waarop de lezing wordt gegeven: 11.00u en 13.00u.
SIGIR 2014 paper on evaluating intuitiveness of vertical-aware click models online
Our SIGIR paper “Evaluating Intuitiveness of Vertical-Aware Click Models” by Aleksandr Chuklin, Ke Zhou, Anne Schuth, Floor Sietsma and Maarten de Rijke is available online now. Modeling user behavior on a search engine result page is important for understanding the users and supporting simulation experiments. As result pages become more complex, click models evolve as well in…
SIGIR 2014 paper on personalized document re-ranking online
Our SIGIR 2014 paper “Personalized Document Re-ranking Based on Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization” by Fei Cai, Shangsong Liang and Maarten de Rijke is available online now. A query considered in isolation provides limited information about the searcher’s interest. Previous work has considered various types of user behavior, e.g., clicks and dwell time, to obtain a better understanding…
SIGIR 2014 paper on email recipient recommendation online
Our SIGIR 2014 paper “Recipient Recommendation in Enterprises using Communication Graphs and Email Content” by David Graus, David van Dijk, Manos Tsagkias, Wouter Weerkamp and Maarten de Rijke is available online now. We address the task of recipient recommendation for emailing in enterprises. We propose an intuitive and elegant way of modeling the task of recipient recommendation,…
Twitter analyse in De Correspondent
De Correspondent heeft een interessant stuk over Twitter analyse, met een gedeelte waarin ik wat uitspraken doe over het gebruik van Twitter voor het doen van voorspellingen over offline gebeurtenissen.