New publications that are scheduled to appear this month:
- Wanyu Chen, Pengjie Ren, Fei Cai, Fei Sun, and Maarten de Rijke. Improving End-to-End Sequential Recommendations with Intent-aware Diversification. In CIKM 2020: 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, page 175–184. ACM, October 2020. Bibtex, PDF
@inproceedings{chen-2020-improving, author = {Chen, Wanyu and Ren, Pengjie and Cai, Fei and Sun, Fei and de Rijke, Maarten}, booktitle = {CIKM 2020: 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}, date-added = {2020-07-17 12:46:55 +0200}, date-modified = {2020-10-20 07:31:14 +0200}, month = {October}, pages = {175--184}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {Improving End-to-End Sequential Recommendations with Intent-aware Diversification}, year = {2020}}
- Xiangsheng Li, Maarten de Rijke, Yiqun Liu, Jiaxin Mao, Weizhi Ma, Min Zhang, and Shaoping Ma. Learning Better Representations for Neural Information Retrieval with Graph Information. In CIKM 2020: 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, page 795–804. ACM, October 2020. Bibtex, PDF
@inproceedings{li-2020-learning, author = {Li, Xiangsheng and de Rijke, Maarten and Liu, Yiqun and Mao, Jiaxin and Ma, Weizhi and Zhang, Min and Ma, Shaoping}, booktitle = {CIKM 2020: 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}, date-added = {2020-07-17 12:41:46 +0200}, date-modified = {2020-10-20 07:31:34 +0200}, month = {October}, pages = {795--804}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {Learning Better Representations for Neural Information Retrieval with Graph Information}, year = {2020}}
- Zhiqiang Pan, Fei Cai, Wanyu Chen, Honghui Chen, and Maarten de Rijke. Star Graph Neural Networks for Session-based Recommendation. In CIKM 2020: 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, page 1195–1204. ACM, October 2020. Bibtex, PDF
@inproceedings{pan-2020-star, author = {Pan, Zhiqiang and Cai, Fei and Chen, Wanyu and Chen, Honghui and de Rijke, Maarten}, booktitle = {CIKM 2020: 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}, date-added = {2020-07-17 12:44:13 +0200}, date-modified = {2020-10-20 07:31:54 +0200}, month = {October}, pages = {1195--1204}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {Star Graph Neural Networks for Session-based Recommendation}, year = {2020}}
- Ridho Reinanda, Edgar Meij, and Maarten de Rijke. Knowledge Graphs: An Information Retrieval Perspective. Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval, 14(4):289–444, October 2020. Bibtex, PDF
@article{reinanda-2020-knowledge, author = {Reinanda, Ridho and Meij, Edgar and de Rijke, Maarten}, date-added = {2018-07-20 09:10:39 +0000}, date-modified = {2020-10-16 22:32:43 +0200}, journal = {Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval}, month = {October}, number = {4}, pages = {289--444}, title = {Knowledge Graphs: An Information Retrieval Perspective}, volume = {14}, year = {2020}}
- Ali Vardasbi, Harrie Oosterhuis, and Maarten de Rijke. When Inverse Propensity Scoring does not Work: Affine Corrections for Unbiased Learning to Rank. In CIKM 2020: 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, page 1475–1484. ACM, October 2020. Bibtex, PDF
@inproceedings{vardasbi-2020-inverse, author = {Vardasbi, Ali and Oosterhuis, Harrie and de Rijke, Maarten}, booktitle = {CIKM 2020: 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}, date-added = {2020-07-17 12:38:45 +0200}, date-modified = {2020-10-20 07:32:14 +0200}, month = {October}, pages = {1475--1484}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {When Inverse Propensity Scoring does not Work: Affine Corrections for Unbiased Learning to Rank}, year = {2020}}