Ross J. Kang

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Canadian mathematician in the Netherlands. Constantly in pursuit of nice distributions, not only in combinatorics and probability, but also more broadly.


Recent or upcoming highlights

Institutional history


Numberings are in order of manuscript submission date.

Manuscripts under review

  1. E. Davies and R. J. Kang.  The hard-core model in graph theory.  34 pp. [arxiv]
  2. J. Galliano and R. J. Kang.  Largest component in Boolean sublattices.  23 pp. [arxiv]
  3. K. Guo, R. J. Kang and G. Zwaneveld.  Spectral approaches for $d$-improper chromatic number.  27 pp. [arxiv]
  4. P. Buys, R. J. Kang and K. Ozeki.  Reconfiguration of independent transversals.  10 pp. [arxiv]
  5. R. J. Kang and M. Rosenfeld.  On Vizing's problem for triangle-free graphs.  11 pp. [arxiv]
  6. L. Duraj, R. J. Kang, H. La, J. Narboni, F. Pokrývka, C. Rambaud, A. Reinald.  The $\chi$-binding function of $d$-directional segment graphs.  11 pp. [arxiv]
  7. E. Davies, R. J. Kang, F. Pirot and J.-S. Sereni.  Global structure via local occupancy.  53 pp. [video, slides1, slides2, report, arxiv]

Published or accepted journal articles

  1. S. Cambie, P. Haxell, R. J. Kang and R. Wdowinski.  A precise condition for independent transversals in bipartite covers.  SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 38(2): 1451-1461, 2024.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb 2023, Prague), 2023. [slides, abstract, arxiv, doi, ±]
  2. S. Cambie, W. Cames van Batenburg, E. Davies and R. J. Kang.  List packing number of bounded degree graphs.  Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 33(6): 807-828, 2024. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  3. S. Cambie, J. Haslegrave and R. J. Kang.  When removing an independent set is optimal for reducing the chromatic number.  European Journal of Combinatorics 115: 103781 (12 pp.), 2024. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  4. J. J. Wouters, A. Giotis, R. J. Kang, D. Schuricht, L. Fritz.  Lower bounds for Ramsey numbers as a statistical physics problem.  Journal of Statistical Mechanics 2022(3): 033211 (14 pp.), 2022. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  5. S. Cambie, W. Cames van Batenburg, E. Davies and R. J. Kang.  Packing list-colourings.  Random Structures and Algorithms 64(1): 62-93, 2024. [slides, arxiv, doi, ±]
  6. S. Cambie, W. Cames van Batenburg, R. de Joannis de Verclos and R. J. Kang.  Maximising line subgraphs of diameter at most $t$.  SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 36(2): 939-950, 2022.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb 2021, Barcelona), Trends in Mathematics 14: 331-338, 2021. [abstract, arxiv, doi, ±]
  7. S. Cambie and R. J. Kang.  Independent transversals in bipartite correspondence-covers.  Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 65(4): 882-894, 2022. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  8. E. Hurley, R. de Joannis de Verclos and R. J. Kang.  An improved procedure for colouring graphs of bounded local density.  Advances in Combinatorics 2022: 7 (33 pp.), 2022.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 2021 ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2021, Alexandria, USA): 135-148, 2021. [video, slides1, slides2, slides3, slides4, abstract, arxiv, doi, ±]
  9. N. Alon, S. Cambie and R. J. Kang.  Asymmetric list sizes in bipartite graphs.  Annals of Combinatorics 25: 913-933, 2021. [slides1, slides2, arxiv, doi, ±]
  10. E. Davies, R. J. Kang, F. Pirot and J.-S. Sereni.  An algorithmic framework for colouring locally sparse graphs.  To appear in Theory of Computing, 23 pp. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  11. R. J. Kang and T. Kelly.  Colourings, transversals and local sparsity.  Random Structures and Algorithms 61(1): 173-192, 2022.  [slides, arxiv, doi, ±]
  12. N. R. Aravind, S. Cambie, W. Cames van Batenburg, R. de Joannis de Verclos, R. J. Kang and V. Patel.  Structure and colour in triangle-free graphs.  Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 28(2): P2.47 (12 pp.), 2021. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  13. S. Cambie, R. de Joannis de Verclos and R. J. Kang.  Regular Turán numbers and some Gan-Loh-Sudakov-type problems.   Journal of Graph Theory 102(1): 67-85, 2023. [doi, arxiv, ±]
  14. W. Cames van Batenburg, R. de Joannis de Verclos, R. J. Kang and F. Pirot.  Strong chromatic index and Hadwiger number.  Journal of Graph Theory 100(3): 435-457, 2022. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  15. W. Cames van Batenburg, R. J. Kang and F. Pirot.  Strong cliques and forbidden cycles.  Indagationes Mathematicae 31(1): 64-82, 2020. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  16. E. Davies, R. de Joannis de Verclos, R. J. Kang and F. Pirot.  Occupancy fraction, fractional colouring, and triangle fraction.    Journal of Graph Theory 97(4): 557-468, 2021. [slides, arxiv, doi, ±]
  17. E. Davies, R. de Joannis de Verclos, R. J. Kang and F. Pirot.  Colouring triangle-free graphs with local list sizes.  Random Structures and Algorithms 57(3): 730-744, 2020. [slides1, slides2, arxiv, doi, ±]
  18. W. Cames van Batenburg, R. de Joannis de Verclos, R. J. Kang and F. Pirot.  Bipartite induced density in triangle-free graphs.  Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 27(2): P2.34 (17 pp.), 2020. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  19. S. Cambie, A. Girão and R. J. Kang.  VC dimension and a union theorem for set systems.  Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 26(3): P3.24 (7 pp.), 2019. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  20. R. J. Kang and W. van Loon.  Tree-like distance colouring for planar graphs of sufficient girth.  Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 26(1): P1.23 (15 pp.), 2019. [slides, arxiv, doi, ±]
  21. Z. Dvořák, L. Esperet, R. J. Kang and K. Ozeki.  Single-conflict colouring.  Journal of Graph Theory 97(1): 148-160, 2021. [slides, arxiv, doi, ±]
  22. L. Esperet, R. J. Kang and S. Thomassé.  Separation choosability and dense bipartite induced subgraphs.  Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 28(5): 720-732, 2019. [slides, arxiv, doi, ±]
  23. R. J. Kang and F. Pirot.  Distance colouring without one cycle length.  Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 27(5): 794-807, 2018.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb 2017, Vienna), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 61: 695-701, 2017. [slides, abstract, arxiv, doi, ±]
  24. A. Girão and R. J. Kang.  A precolouring extension of Vizing's theorem.  Journal of Graph Theory 92(3): 255-260, 2019. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  25. R. J. Kang, V. Patel and G. Regts.  Discrepancy and large dense monochromatic subsets.  Journal of Combinatorics 10(1): 87-109, 2019.  [arxiv, doi, ±]
  26. W. Cames van Batenburg and R. J. Kang.  Squared chromatic number without claws or large cliques.  Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 62(1): 23-35, 2019.  [slides, arxiv, doi, ±]
  27. R. de Joannis de Verclos, R. J. Kang and L. Pastor.  Colouring squares of claw-free graphs.  Canadian Journal of Mathematics 71(1): 113-129, 2019.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb 2017, Vienna), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 61: 663-669, 2017. [slides, abstract, arxiv, doi, ±]
  28. W. Cames van Batenburg and R. J. Kang.  Packing graphs of bounded codegree.  Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 27(5): 725-740, 2018.  [arxiv, doi, ±]
  29. R. J. Kang and F. Pirot.  Colouring powers and girth.  SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 30(4): 1938-1949, 2016. [slides, arxiv, postprint, doi, ±]
  30. M. Bonamy and R. J. Kang.  List colouring with a bounded palette.  Journal of Graph Theory 84(1): 93-103, 2017. [slides, arxiv, doi, ±]
  31. R. J. Kang, E. Long, V. Patel and G. Regts.  On a Ramsey-type problem of Erdős and Pach.  Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 49(6), 991-999, 2017.  A preliminary version of this paper (with only three authors) appeared in Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb 2015, Bergen), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 49, 821-827, 2015. [slides, abstract, arxiv, doi, ±]
  32. R. J. Kang and G. Perarnau. Decomposition of bounded degree graphs into $C_4$-free subgraphs.  European Journal of Combinatorics 44: 99-105, 2015. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  33. K. Edwards, A. Girão, J. van den Heuvel, R. J. Kang, G. J. Puleo and J.-S. Sereni.  Extension from precoloured sets of edges.  Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 25(3): #R3.1 (28 pp.), 2018. [slides, arxiv, doi, ±]
  34. N. Broutin and R. J. Kang.  Bounded monochromatic components for random graphs.  Journal of Combinatorics 9(3): 411-446, 2018. [slides, arxiv, doi, ±]
  35. R. J. Kang, T. Müller and D. B. West.  On r-dynamic colouring of grids.  Discrete Applied Mathematics 186: 286-290, 2015. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  36. R. J. Kang, J. Pach, V. Patel and G. Regts.  A precise threshold for quasi-Ramsey numbers.  SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 29(3): 1670-1682, 2015. [slides, arxiv, postprint, doi, ±]
  37. R. J. Kang and T. Müller.  Arrangements of pseudocircles and circles.  Discrete and Computational Geometry 51(4): 896-925, 2014.  A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb 2013, Pisa), Publications of the Scuola Normale Superiore (CRM Series) 16: 179-183, 2013. [video, slides, abstract, preprint, doi, ±]
  38. A. P. Dove, J. R. Griggs, R. J. Kang and J.-S. Sereni.  Supersaturation in the Boolean lattice.  Integers 14A: #A4 (7 pp), 2014.  The Dick de Bruijn memorial volume. [arxiv, volume, ±]
  39. S. Griffiths, R. J. Kang, R. I. Oliveira and V. Patel.  Tight inequalities among set hitting times in Markov chains.  Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 142(9): 3285-3298, 2014. [slides, arxiv, doi, ±]
  40. T. Kaiser and R. J. Kang.  The distance-t chromatic index of graphs.  Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 23(1): 90-101, 2014. [slides, arxiv, doi, ±]
  41. N. Fountoulakis, R. J. Kang, and C. McDiarmid.  Largest sparse subgraphs of random graphs.  European Journal of Combinatorics 35: 232-244, 2014.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb 2011, Budapest), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 38: 349-354, 2011. [slides, abstract, arxiv, doi, ±]
  42. R. J. Kang, C. McDiarmid, B. Reed and A. Scott.  For most graphs H, most H-free graphs have a linear homogeneous set.  Random Structures and Algorithms 45(3): 343-361, 2014. [slides, preprint, doi, ±]
  43. M. Bordewich and R. J. Kang.  Subset Glauber dynamics on graphs, hypergraphs and matroids of bounded tree-width.  Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 21(4): #P4.19 (26 pp.), 2014.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 38th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2011, Zürich), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6755: 533-544, 2011. [slides, abstract, arxiv, doi, ±]
  44. R. J. Kang.  Improper choosability and Property B.  Journal of Graph Theory 73(3): 342-353, 2013. [slides, arxiv, doi, ±]
  45. R. J. Kang and T. Müller.  Sphere and dot product representations of graphs.  Discrete and Computational Geometry 47(3): 548-568, 2012.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SOCG 2011, Paris): 308-314, 2011. [abstractdoi, abstractpdf, doi, ±]
  46. R. J. Kang and P. Manggala.  Distance edge-colourings and matchings.  Discrete Applied Mathematics 160(16-17): 2435-2439, 2012.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb 2009, Bordeaux), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 34: 301-306, 2009. [slides, abstract, doi, ±]
  47. R. J. Kang, L. Lovász, T. Müller and E. R. Scheinerman.  Dot product representations of planar graphs.  Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 18(1): #P216 (14 pp.), 2011.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD 2010, Konstanz), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6502: 287-292, 2011. [abstract, doi, ±]
  48. R. J. Kang, M. Mnich, T. Müller.  Induced matchings in subcubic planar graphs.  SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 26(3): 1383-1411, 2012.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 18th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2010, Liverpool), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6347: 112-122, 2010. [slides, abstract, postprint, doi, ±]
  49. R. J. Kang, J.-S. Sereni, and M. Stehlík.  Every plane graph of maximum degree 8 has an edge-face 9-colouring.  SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 25(2): 514-533, 2011. [arxiv, postprint, doi, ±]
  50. L. Addario-Berry, S. Griffiths, and R. J. Kang.  Invasion percolation on the Poisson-weighted infinite tree.  Annals of Applied Probability 22(3): 931-970, 2012. [arxiv, pdf, doi, ±]
  51. N. Fountoulakis, R. J. Kang, and C. McDiarmid.  The t-stability number of a random graph.  Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 17(1): #R59 (29 pp.), 2010. [arxiv, doi, ±]
  52. R. J. Kang and T. Müller.  Frugal, acyclic and star colourings of graphs.  Discrete Applied Mathematics 159(16): 1806-1814, 2011.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 8th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW 2009, Paris): 60-63. [slides, abstract, report, postprint, doi, ±]
  53. R. J. Kang and C. McDiarmid.  The t-improper chromatic number of random graphs.  Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 19: 87-98, 2010.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb 2007, Seville), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 29: 411-417, 2007. [slides, abstract, arxiv, doi, ±]
  54. L. Addario-Berry, L. Esperet, R. J. Kang, C. McDiarmid, and A. Pinlou.  Acyclic improper colourings of graphs with bounded maximum degree.  Discrete Mathematics 310(2): 223-229, 2010.  Note: Special issue devoted to the 21st British Combinatorial Conference (BCC 2007, Reading). [report, postprint, doi, ±]
  55. F. Havet, R. J. Kang, and J.-S. Sereni.  Improper colouring of unit disk graphs.  Networks 54(3): 150-164, 2009.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium on Graph Theory (ICGT 2005, Hyères), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 22: 123-128, 2005. [slides, abstract, report, doi, ±]
  56. L. Addario-Berry, R. J. Kang, and T. Müller.  Acyclic dominating partitions.  Journal of Graph Theory 64(4): 292-311, 2010.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb 2007, Seville), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 29: 419-425, 2007. [slides, abstract, report, postprint, doi, ±]
  57. F. Havet, R. J. Kang, T. Müller, and J.-S. Sereni.  Circular choosability.  Journal of Graph Theory 61(4): 241-270, 2009. [slides, report, doi, ±]
  58. R. J. Kang, T. Müller, and J.-S. Sereni.  Improper colouring of (random) unit disk graphs.  Discrete Mathematics 308(8): 1438-1454, 2008.  A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb 2005, Berlin), Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science AE: 193-198, 2005. [slides, abstract, report, doi, ±]

Book chapter

  • R. J. Kang and C. McDiarmid.  Colouring random graphs.  In R. J. Wilson and L. W. Beineke (Eds.), Topics in Chromatic Graph Theory, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications 156: 199-229, 2015. [preprint, doi, ±]

Abstract in peer-reviewed conference proceedings (besides those above with journal versions)


  • R. J. Kang.  Improper colourings of graphs.  DPhil thesis, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Division, University of Oxford, 134 pp., 2008. [ora]
  • R. J. Kang.  On improper colouring of unit disk graphs.  Transfer thesis, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Division, University of Oxford, 44 pp., 2005. [pdf]

Other publications

  • L. Beunk, N. Wen, S. van Helvert, B. Bekker, L. Ran, R. J. Kang, T. Paulat, S. Syga, A. Deutsch, P. Friedl, K. Wolf. Cell jamming in a collagen-based interface assay: tuning by collagen density and proteolysis. Journal of Cell Science 136(23): jcs260207 (10 pp.), 2023. [biorxiv, doi]
  • J. Briët, D. Holmes, and R. J. Kang. Steps towards openness and fairness in scientific publishing. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (5) 23(1): 53-55, 2022. [rr, naw]
  • R. J. Kang.  Mathematical (online) meetings reimagined?  EMS Magazine 120: 43-44, 2021. [rr, doi]
  • R. J. Kang.  Parties a smidgen smaller.  Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (5) 21(4): 232-235, 2020. [rr, naw]
  • R. J. Kang.  Letter, 'Doet de Radboud Universiteit genoeg voor diversiteit?'  In Vox (Radboud University magazine), July 2020.  [nederlands, english]
  • R. J. Kang.  The latest designs.  Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (5) 15(3): 167-168, 2014. [rr, naw]

Editorial work

As of April 2017: support of Fair Open Access principles. See also this, this, this, this and, last but not least, this.
As of April 2019: requests to review manuscripts not yet on a public preprint repository are likely to be refused.
As of October 2021: all manuscripts will include the line "For the purpose of open access, a CC BY public copyright licence is applied to any Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) arising from this submission."



Current or upcoming teaching

Previous teaching±




Upcoming and recent meetings

PhaseCAP 2026 (Amsterdam), DDoC 2024 (Amsterdam), YEP 2024 (Eindhoven), AES Colouring (online), EuroComb 2023 (Prague), AMS Special "RPCGT" (online), DDoC 2023 (Utrecht), SODA 2023 (Florence), DMV 2022 (Berlin), Reedfest 2022 (Oxford), AMS Special "EEPCGT" (Denver/online), DDoC 2022 (Eindhoven).

A (new) diamond open access journal in graph theory

Innovations in Graph Theory

A remote collaborative research network

A Sparse (Graphs) Coalition

Co-organised meetings

Less recent meetings

Carousel (Nijmegen), "Café" (online), EuroComb 2021 (Barcelona/online), EAAPF (online), ECRM (online), SODA 2021 (Alexandria/online), SSR (Nijmegen), BGW 2019 (Bordeaux), BCC 2019 (Birmingham), STRUCO 2019 (Paris), STAR RGs 2019 (Groningen), C&C 2018 (Nový Smokovec), ICGT 2018 (Lyon), SoG (Nijmegen), STAR RGs 2018 (Nijmegen), Topological Graph Theory 29 (Yokohama), Randomness and Graphs (Eindhoven), EuroComb 2017 (Vienna), Dagstuhl Probabilistic Algorithms (Saarbrücken), STAR RGs 2017 (Utrecht), BIRS RGGs and Complex Networks (Banff), Graphs and Matroids 2016 (Eindhoven), Probabilistic Combinatorics (Oxford), SWI 2016 (Nijmegen), Afternoon (Utrecht), Logic and RGs 2015 (Leiden), Connections in DM 2015 (Vancouver), CanaDAM 2015 (Saskatoon), STAR RGs 2015 (Nijmegen), SWI 2015 (Utrecht), UCW 2014 (Utrecht), Graphs and Matroids 2014 (Princeton), ICGT 2014 (Grenoble), ZJNU Graphs 2014 (Jinhua), New Frontiers in RGGs 2014 (Leiden), Bellairs 2014 (Barbados), SAM Probability and Graphs 2014 (Eindhoven), BWAG 2013 (Bertinoro), UGW 2013 (Utrecht), EuroComb 2013 (Pisa), RS&A 2013 (Poznań), MCW 2013 (Prague), LMS Symposium 2013 (Durham), Erdős 100 (Budapest), SGT 2013 (Oléron), QMUL-LSE Combinatorics 2013 (London), Bellairs 2013, SWI 2013 (Leiden), DIAMANT 2012 (Doorn), KolKom 2012 (Berlin), STAR RGs 2012 (Utrecht), Graphs and Matroids 2012 (Maastricht), SMS 2012 (Montreal), Perspectives in DM 2012 (Barcelona), Bellairs 2012, IMPA Pos-Doc 2012 (Rio), EuroComb 2011 (Budapest), Fields Graph Homomorphisms 2011 (Toronto), ICALP 2011 (Zürich), SOCG 2011 (Paris), CanaDAM 2011 (Victoria), DIMAP WCGT 2011 (Warwick), CMS 2010 (Vancouver), ACiD 2010 (Durham), ESA 2010 (Liverpool), PIMS Probability Summer School 2010 (Seattle), Bellairs 2010, StatComb 2009 (Paris), EuroComb 2009 (Bordeaux), CIME Complex Networks Summer School 2009 (Verres), CTW 2009 (Paris), CanaDAM 2009 (Montréal), CARP 2009 (Montréal), Bellairs 2009, RIMS Winter School on Graphs and Algorithms 2008 (Kyoto), MCW 2008 (Prague), Bellairs 2008, ADONET-CIRM School on Graphs and Algorithms 2007 (Levico Terme), EuroComb 2007 (Seville), BCC 2007 (Reading), CGGT 2007 (Kyoto), CRM AC Analytic and Probabilistic Combinatorics 2007 (Barcelona), COMBSTRU 2006b (Barcelona), Horizons of Combinatorics 2006 (Budapest/Balatonalmádi), SIAM DM 2006 (Victoria), COMBSTRU 2006a (Prague), CMS Winter Meeting 2005 (Victoria), ICGT 2005 (Hyères), EuroComb 2005 (Berlin), COMBSTRU 2005 (Oxford), PCC 2005 (Oxford), SODA 2005 (Vancouver), PCC 2004 (London), CUMC 2003.


Louigi Addario-Berry, Noga Alon, N. R. Aravind, Marthe Bonamy, Pjotr Buys, Stijn Cambie, Magnus Bordewich, Jop Briët, Nicolas Broutin, Wouter Cames van Batenburg, Ewan Davies, Andrew P. Dove, Lech Duraj, Zdeněk Dvořák, Katherine Edwards, Louis Esperet, Nikolaos Fountoulakis, Lars Fritz, Julian Galliano, Aris Giotis, António Girão, Nicolas Grelier, Simon Griffiths, Jerrold R. Griggs, Krystal Guo, John Haslegrave, Penny Haxell, Frédéric Havet, Jan van den Heuvel, David Holmes, Eoin Hurley, Rémi de Joannis de Verclos, Tomáš Kaiser, Hoang La, Eoin Long, Willem van Loon, László Lovász, Putra Manggala, Colin McDiarmid, Matthias Mnich, Tobias Müller, Jonathan Narboni, Roberto I. Oliveira, Kenta Ozeki, János Pach, Lucas Pastor, Viresh Patel, Guillem Perarnau, Alexandre Pinlou, François Pirot, Filip Pokrývka, Gregory J. Puleo, Clément Rambaud, Bruce Reed, Guus Regts, Amadeus Reinald, Matthieu Rosenfeld Edward R. Scheinerman, Dirk Schuricht, Alexander Scott, Jean-Sébastien Sereni, Matej Stehlík, Stéphan Thomassé, Ronen Wdowinski, Douglas B. West, Juriaan Wouters, Gabriëlle Zwaneveld.

Past research visitors from abroad (since 2012)

N. R. Aravind, Marthe Bonamy, Stijn Cambie, Ewan Davies, Katherine Edwards, Louis Esperet, Nikolaos Fountoulakis, Simon Griffiths, António Girão, Jerrold R. Griggs, Ararat Harutyunyan, Penny Haxell, Jan van den Heuvel, Felix Joos, Tom Kelly, Andrew King, David Mikšaník, Mike Molloy, Jonathan Narboni, Lucas Pastor, Viresh Patel, François Pirot, Guillem Perarnau, Xavier Perez, Matthieu Rosenfeld, Jean-Sébastien Sereni, Jan Volec.

Durham Bannermakers

Erdős–Sabbath number at most 5 [±]


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